Part Five

Fresh Tears and Alcohol Kisses
        Her breathing calmed and her tears slowed, the serene beating of his heart soon matched her own. His lips pressed against her forehead tenderly, the shock of her low temperature reminded him that he was cold and that the rain was not letting up. How on earth did he manage to forget?
        After a short moment of internal war, he murmured, "Babe... You'll catch a cold." He'd decided that her health was more important than his selfish feelings.
        She felt him beginning to pull away and her heart jumped, her arms clinging to him tighter than before, simply on impulse. She missed him and she didn't want to let him go, not now she had him back again after so long. No, letting him go would be a death wish.
        A soft chuckle echoed through his chest and she glanced up, only to be met with the weary eyes of her beloved. He shook his head at her, the corner of his lips hitched up in his trademark smirk. "I'm not letting you get ill, Scout," he mumbled and gently pulled her off him, reaching down beside her feet for her umbrella. He lifted it and poured the rain out of it onto the street before holding it over their heads, a few drops dripping into their hair still, but protecting them from the fierce downpour.
        He made her take hold of the umbrella, but they never broke eye contact. He couldn't help but smile - lately, she'd grown a bit of a gob, so seeing her so quiet humoured him. It wasn't everyday she was rendered speechless.
        He pressed one final, chaste kiss to her lips and stepped back out of the shelter of the umbrella into the rain, his grin still present. "Go home. Have some hot chocolate and a bath or something."
        Though she was worried he'd catch a cold, too, she complied, "Only if you go straight home, too." He looked down and shrugged, his crooked smile and playful eyes telling her that he would.
        She smiled at him one last time, imprinting his image into her mind. Though he looked like a drowned cat, he was the happiest drowned cat in history.
        A soft, "Goodnight, Jiyong," and she her heel, smiling to herself as she walked away.
        "Goodnight, Scout."
        'I still love you.'

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Chapter 5: I loved this. I really want to know their back story and their future. I mean, what happens to the new boyfriend now? What happened between them that made them break apart when they still obviously love each other? I want to know!!!
-jeiraz #2
Chapter 5: Wait, okay- so are they even back together or what
What about scout's new boyfriend
Omf I need a sequel ;;;;;;;
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 5: so they ended up back together? that's great~ ^^
Sema07 #4
Chapter 4: Perfect chapter !keep on this way. Don't neglect the dialogue between the characters and it will be more than perfect i am looking forward the next chapter
I love love love your writing style, and the storyline and the mystery. You've clearly put a lot of thought into your chapters and it shows, this is exactly what I've been looking for in an angst story so please keep it up!
-jeiraz #6
Chapter 2: sigh. i'm really pitying jiyong here, considering i feel the way he does.
god, i really love the way you write c:
differentdream #7
Chapter 1: nice :) i like it
JiYong_JaGi #8
is this a one shot or chapters story? seems interesting~ i hope it's not sad ending though~ hehe~ waiting for your update~ ^^
-jeiraz #9
Chapter 1: You're really talented. :)