Chapter 6

Be the Light - 빛이되어줘

Finally updated with an actual chapter after like a year. I hope you enjoy this. ^-^


"W-wh-what? B-but everything you've done...was fake...? Everything I've done for you has been for nothing!?" My voice slowly raised as I went on. "Am I that easy to you?! You think you can play with my heart because you are famous and I'm not?!"

"Daniel, that-" Seunghyun starts, but I cut him off.

"No! I don't want to hear it, Seunghyun. I'm done." I walk out of the room, not listening to him calling after me to stop and listen to him. I walk over to Jiyong and plop onto his lap, trying not to let the tears flow down my cheeks.

Jiyong, seeing that I was in pain, just hugged me and tried to soothe me. I feel people standing around Jiyong and me. I look up to see Taeyang, Daesung, and Seungri surrounding me and Jiyong with sympathy on their faces.

"It will be okay. You have us," I hear Seungri say. I couldn't pay attention to what everyone else was saying because all I could focus on was Seunghyun standing away from our group with an unreadable expression. He just turns around and walks into a different part of the plane.

I begin to feel the effects of crying and being stressed. I lay me head on Jiyong's shoulder and close my eyes. "Are you tired?" I nod. "Do you want to sleep?" I nod again. Jiyong then proceeds to pick me up and take me back to the room. He gently laid me on the bed.

"Thank you," I whispered. He turned around to leave. I quickly grab his hand before he can get too far away. He turns around and I pull him closer.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Jiyong asks.

"Yes," I whisper.

"Okay, I'll stay. Good night, Daniel. I'll wake you up when we get to the airport," he says, climbing into the bad with me. I lay my head onto his chest and fall asleep listening to his heart beat.

I wake up some time later to people talking. Groaning, I roll over to meet something hard. I move my hand around to find out what I'm laying on. I blindly evaluated the warm hard object beside me. I noticed that the talking had stopped and the surface I was exploring was vibrating. I open my eyes to see that my head was resting on someone's chest and my hand was in a place it shouldn't be.

The person below me started talking, "Are you and your hand comfortable?" My eyes widen when I recognized the voice. I jolt off Taeyang's body. In the process of trying to find a new place to put my hands, they end up on Jiyong's body. I yank my hands back close to my body.

"Why am I surrounded by two shirtless men? Either I'm still dreaming or you two are weird," I say, staring at the two singers in front of me. I remember Jiyong staying with me as I slept, I just don't know when Taeyang came into the bed.

Jiyong spoke first, "Well, you already know why I'm here. I got hot after you fell asleep so I took my shirt off. Youngbae came in here a while after you fell asleep. He always has his shirt off so you shouldn't really be surprised. He wanted to talk because everyone else was doing their own thing." Taeyang nods to confirm.

"How long have I been asleep?" I say as I glance at the clock on the bedside table... I don't remember what time I fell asleep so I can't calculate the hours I've been asleep.

"You were out for a while. You must have been worn out from everything that has happened this week, plus today has been very stressful," Taeyang replies.

"So you two have been talking the whole time?"

"No, we fell asleep about an hour or two after you. That's why you woke up on Youngbae's chest. When we laid down, you snuggled against him," Jiyong explains.

"Oh, that makes sense.  What were you talking about, if you don't mind me asking?" I ask, wondering if they were talking about me.

“It was nothing really. Just discussing things we need to do when we get back. Oh, just so you know, we are almost there so we have to get up,” Youngbae answers. I nod and get up, the boys following in my suit. Jiyong finds his shirt and puts it on while Youngbae just stays shirtless. We walk out of the room to sit next to Seungri and Daesung.

I don’t feel like sitting in a chair so I decided to sit on Jiyong again. He groans as I plop onto his lap. I giggle at the noise and hug him in return for hurting him while everyone else laughs with me. We sit around talking about random stuff trying to pass the time. When it was time to land, Jiyong held onto me tightly as we descended.

We gathered all of our things and exited the plane when it landed. I stuck to Jiyong’s side as we went through the airport. Luckily, we arrived when it was dark so we could easily sneak around so fans didn’t spot us. We got into the van that was waiting out front and drive to the destination.

I turn to Jiyong and ask, “Where are we going?”

“I believe we are heading to our dorms. You will be staying there with us for the time being. If you pass the audition, which I know you will, you can get your own apartment if you want,” he says. I nod at what he says and then think of another question.

“Where will I sleep?”

“Um, I guess you can decide where you want to sleep, just make sure that if you want to sleep in someone’s room you ask them.”

“Can I sleep with you, Hyung? I don’t want to sleep with anyone else,” I ask him, putting on my puppy dog eyes. He smiles and nods, making me hug him. I catch Seunghyun looking at us over Jiyong’s shoulder. Seeing him just makes my smile fall. I bury my head in Jiyong’s shoulder, not wanting to see Seunghyun anymore. Jiyong just pulls me closer to him like he knows what is on my mind.

We soon arrive at the dorms and we all get out, grabbing our luggage before going inside. Jiyong and I say goodnight to everyone before he takes me to his room. He grabs some clothes for us to change into before kicking our luggage to a corner. Handing me my clothes, he then starts to strip, motioning for me to do the same when he sees me just staring at him. I slowly remove my clothes to put on my sleeping clothes.

“Which side do you want to sleep on? My bed is a decent size so we don’t have to worry about anything going on,” he says, standing next to the huge bed.

“You call that decent? Your bed is like twice the size of mine back home,” I say.

“Ok, decent was an understatement. Which side of this huge bed do you want?”

“It doesn’t matter to me. Just beware that I do tend to hug and cuddle people when I sleep so don’t get weirded out if you wake up to me doing that to you.”

“Ok, thanks for the warning. I guess it doesn’t matter which side then. You go ahead and lay down, I have some things I need to take care of first.” He walks into the bathroom attached to his room. I grab my phone, charger, and laptop out of my bag and plug my phone in. Signing into my laptop, I see that Jae Hwa messaged me on Skype. It was just a long message that said how much she missed me and that she and Rin will try to visit soon. When I’m finished sending a response, I put my laptop to sleep and place it on the bedside table with my phone.

Jiyong comes out of the bathroom about 10 minutes later, his face bare of any makeup. He smiles at me as he plugs in his phone to charge and turns off the lights. He climbs into the bed and under the covers. I turn towards him and poke his face.

“Goodnight Jiyong hyung,” I say.

“Goodnight Daniel.” He pulls me closer to him. Though I was surprised, I snuggle closer to his warmth, seeking comfort in it. That night I dreamed of Jiyong. I think I might be falling for him.

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Please update this soon I freaking love this story..I think Daniel is such a cute character and can't wait to see who he ends up with.
Chapter 9: Omg you update so does that me we will get to read more. I can't wait i hope i can use this wifi again and see another update soon ....great chapter btw^^
Chapter 5: Oh this so hurts I just found this story and your going to discontinue it after leaving it on a cliffy...that so hurts I hope you change your mind about it because I would really like to know what happens next...It's a great story.
arandomperson #4
Chapter 7: Aww this fic has been enjoyable and funny but hey your the author
Chapter 7: It's okay, I understand. Hopefully you'll come back soon! Good luck on your future! :)
You're very talented. Well done
Chapter 3: How could this only have a little bit of subscribers?! This is SO GOOD! I normally don't read Big Bang but this caught my eye and I am glad I read it. I hope you update soon~!