Chapter 3

Be the Light - 빛이되어줘

When I get home, there are five unknown pairs of shoes in the shoe rack. I talk my shoes off and place them on the rack. I walk in the living room to only see Jae Hwa. “I thought you said there were people here to see me.” She looked at me with a weird face.

“Go put your stuff in your room and then we will talk.” I walk to my room with a confused expression. I walk to my desk, oblivious to the five pairs of eyes on me. I jump when I hear someone clearing their throat. I turn around and freeze at the sight in front of me. All I see is Big Bang sitting on my bed. I must be dreaming. “Jae Hwa! Get your demon in here!” I yell, GD and Taeyang start laughing.

“I see you found our guests,” she says walking into my room.

I ask her quietly, “Why are they here?”

“Um, yeah, about that…I already knew what company you were going to go for so I told them that and they asked for a favorite group and I knew that too so I told them that too. I didn’t know they were going to come here!!” I just stare at them.

“I guess that’s my sign to start talking,” G-Dragon said, his accent very thick which was very adorable. “We chose to come here because we were interested in you. You danced all the choreography perfectly. And your voice was amazing even when dancing. When we found out that you wanted to audition for YG, we jumped at the opportunity to come here. Nice room by the way. We kind of signed your Big Bang posters. TOP signed all of the ones of him also, which is a lot by the way.” I look at my walls and see all my posters signed. I blush remembering all the pictures I have of TOP. A deep voice interrupted my thoughts.

“I’m guessing I’m your bias?” I look back at him to see him staring at the one picture I was hoping he didn’t see. My not-very-well-hidden pictures of him with hearts around it. I blush even more when he looks to me with an unreadable look in his eyes.

“Okay, so now that we know everything about that, can you explain why you are here?” Jae Hwa said, breaking me out of my trance.

TOP spoke up, his English making me want to fangirl, “YG wanted us to come to make sure everything is set up for Daniel to come to Korea. What all do you have to do?” He says, eyes never leaving mine.

“Um, the only thing I have to do is pack. I have everything else prepared. May I ask where are you guys staying?”

“We’re not really sure. We just got here. Our stuff is in the van.”

“You could stay here. We have 2 extra rooms you can use,” Jae Hwa suddenly says. I stare as her thinking, ‘Is this demon trying to kill me?!’ “And since Daniel has a big enough bed, he can share with TOP. The rest of you can decide on who sleeps whom. Any questions?” I stand up and grab her, dragging her out of the room. We walk to her room and lock the door.

“Are you trying to kill me?!”

“No…I just want you two to get to know each other before you go to Korea. By the way, the walls are soundproof. Hint hint.” I just stare at her, mouth open. “Did you seriously just suggest I do THAT with the CHOI SEUNGHYUN?!!! Are you crazy?!” I grab her shoulders and shake her.

“Did you just notice that? I’ve known you for years and you haven’t noticed?”

“I knew that you were but how could you suggest that I do that with HIM! I mean I know…I do fantasize but wae!?” she just looks at me with a blank look and just walks out of the room. ‘This demon…’ I walk to my room to see only Seunghyun. “Where are the others?”

“They went to get our luggage. Jae Hwa went muttering something with an evil look,” he said looking at me.

“That’s normal. Why didn’t you go with them?”

“I’m their hyung plus I wanted to talk to you. “

“Okay.” He pats the spot next to him, signaling for me to sit down next to him. I walk over hesitantly.

“So, tell me a little about yourself,” he says turning slightly to face me.

“Um, well my full name is Daniel Park. I was born and raised here in New York. I like singing, dancing, and drawing. I live here with my best friend because I got kicked out by my parents.”

“If it’s not too personal, can I ask why?”

“I told them I was gay. They didn’t want anything to do with me. I haven’t talked to them in 3 years,” I say while looking down. There was a long silence afterwards making my mind run wild with thoughts about him hating me. I closed my eyes, afraid to see the look of disgust that I know will be there.

I hear him get up and walk in front of me. I sit there waiting for him to leave the room and never speak to me again. All of a sudden, I feel something warm and soft on my lips and hands on my face. Surprised, I open my eyes to see his face right in front of mine. I just sit there with my eyes wide open (like what happens in almost every if not all stereotypical dramas).

After a couple more seconds, he pulls away, leaving his hands on my face. I stare at him, dumbfounded. “W-w-why did you just k-kiss me?”

“You shall find out later in life. Now, shall we join the group in the living room?” he asks, pulling me with him to where the others are. Confused, I allow him to drag me. We enter the living room to see everyone sitting on the couched talking. Jae Hwa looks over to us and stares at me.

“What have you done to Daniel?”

“I’ve done nothing to him.”

“Yeah right, your tone says otherwise. Now talk,” she says, her piercing gaze on TOP.

“Noona, can I tell you later please?” I say after I snap out of my trance. She looks at me with a look that says ‘Tell me later or no kimchi.’ “Don’t take my kimchi away!” I say, dropping to my knees in front of her. There was a beat of silence before everybody, excluding me, started laughing. I sit there with my head bowed, blushing.

“I’m gonna guess that you really like kimchi?” Taeyang says between fits of laughter. I just sat there, not responding so Jae Hwa did for me, “He does. When I want something I just have to threaten him with kimchi.” They all look at me again.

I suddenly feel something heavy on my lap. I look down to see a light tan ball of wrinkles on my lap. “OMO! It’s a Gaho doppelganger!” After I said that, something tackles me so I’m lying on the ground. I look up/down to see another Chinese Sharpei on my stomach/chest area.

“Gaho, Jolie, get off of him,” G-Dragon says to his dogs. They just look at him and sat there. He sits on the edge of the couch and as soon as his touched the cushion, the dogs jumped off of me and flew at him. Gaho was attacking his face with kisses while Jolie was jumping beside him, trying to get some attention. We all sat there laughing while he got some puppy love.

After a couple of minutes, the dogs got tired and hoped off of him. “I feel weird now. There is so much slobber!” He says, trying to wipe the slobber off of his face and neck.

“They love you so much they wanted to kiss you,” Daesung said, chuckling.

“That reminds me, what should we call you by, your stage names or your real names?” I ask. The boys look at each other, silently communicating. After about a minute of them staring at each other, GD spoke up, “I guess you can call me by either, it doesn’t really bother me.” He looks at Taeyang next to talk.

“I’m used to being called Taeyang but I’ll respond to either.” Next up was Seungri, “I go by my stage name because there are two of us Seunghyuns.” Daesung pointed to TOP. “I go by Seunghyun,” He says.

“Okay, now that we know everyone’s preference in names, I guess we should introduce ourselves, shouldn’t we?” Annyeonghaseyo, Lee Jae Hwa-imnida!” She says bowing.

“Though you probably already know who I am…Annyeonghaseyo, Park Daniel-imnida,” I say, also bowing. After all the introductions, we figured out the sleeping situations. Taeyang was rooming with Jae Hwa, Daesung and Seungri are together, Jiyong gets a room to himself, and Seunghyun is rooming with me.

When that was all sorted out, there were some small conversations until it was time for dinner. After a dinner that sadly had no kimchi, we all went to our rooms and got ready for bed. “Good night, Daniel,” Seunghyun said.

“Good night, Seunghyun,” I reply, trying not to think of how close he is to me. I fell asleep thinking about the fact that Seunghyun is laying right next to me.

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Please update this soon I freaking love this story..I think Daniel is such a cute character and can't wait to see who he ends up with.
Chapter 9: Omg you update so does that me we will get to read more. I can't wait i hope i can use this wifi again and see another update soon ....great chapter btw^^
Chapter 5: Oh this so hurts I just found this story and your going to discontinue it after leaving it on a cliffy...that so hurts I hope you change your mind about it because I would really like to know what happens next...It's a great story.
arandomperson #4
Chapter 7: Aww this fic has been enjoyable and funny but hey your the author
Chapter 7: It's okay, I understand. Hopefully you'll come back soon! Good luck on your future! :)
You're very talented. Well done
Chapter 3: How could this only have a little bit of subscribers?! This is SO GOOD! I normally don't read Big Bang but this caught my eye and I am glad I read it. I hope you update soon~!