Author's note

Be the Light - 빛이되어줘

Ello peoples. Its been a while, literally almost a year. I was going through this story again and I was thinking about starting it back up. My life has been a little better recently so I have the motivation to update this again. I'm reviewing and finishing chapter 6 so it may be up within the next week. Hopefully you will still like it. 


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Please update this soon I freaking love this story..I think Daniel is such a cute character and can't wait to see who he ends up with.
Chapter 9: Omg you update so does that me we will get to read more. I can't wait i hope i can use this wifi again and see another update soon ....great chapter btw^^
Chapter 5: Oh this so hurts I just found this story and your going to discontinue it after leaving it on a cliffy...that so hurts I hope you change your mind about it because I would really like to know what happens next...It's a great story.
arandomperson #4
Chapter 7: Aww this fic has been enjoyable and funny but hey your the author
Chapter 7: It's okay, I understand. Hopefully you'll come back soon! Good luck on your future! :)
You're very talented. Well done
Chapter 3: How could this only have a little bit of subscribers?! This is SO GOOD! I normally don't read Big Bang but this caught my eye and I am glad I read it. I hope you update soon~!