Chapter 2

Be the Light - 빛이되어줘

~Two Weeks Later~

I am sleeping like usual, dreaming about TOP, when I am rudely awakened by a very high pitched squeal. My door flies open, revealing the short, pink-haired demon that interrupted my beauty sleep. I sit up, glaring at her as she comes bouncing to my bed. “DanielDanielDanielDaniel! Guess what?!”

“What?! What is so important that you had to wake me up?!”

“Before I tell you anything, let’s eat breakfast,” she says calmly, walking out of my room. I just stare at the spot where she had been standing. ‘Such a weird creature…’ I think as I get out of bed. I walk to my closet and pick out my outfit for today. I take a quick shower and walk out to the living room. I sit down at the coffee table that stands for our eating table. Jae Hwa is sitting in her spot on the floor, bouncing like a kid on a sugar rush. “Okay…so why did you wake me up and why are you acting like a kid on sugar?” I ask, getting some kimchi for my rice.

“There are 2 things. Which do you want first, the good news or the even greater news?”

“Good news.”

“You know how Rin and I have been going out a lot?”


“She finally asked me out!!” she says, squealing.

“Wow, that’s awesome!! I would get up and hug you but I’m eating.”

“That’s just the good news. Don’t stab me with your chopsticks when I tell you.”

“Why will I have to stab you?” I ask cautiously.

“Umm…Yeah about that…you remember the day I went on a date with Rin and you were practicing by yourself? Yeah, we were recording you dancing and singing and we kind of,” She mumbled under her breath.

“Can you repeat the last thing?”

“We kind of…sent it in for a contest,” she said looking down at her empty rice bowl. It took me a moment to process what she had said.

“And…?” I ask, knowing there was more.

“You won…” I stare at her trying to process the two words.


“You won. The contest was for a chance to audition for any company. I know you have been trying to get to Korea. I just wanted to help. Please don’t hate me!” I cut her off by jumping over the table, avoiding the delicious food of course, glomping her.

“Thank you sooooo much!”

“You’re not mad at me?”

“I am, you were recording me but I get to go to Korea. You have no idea how happy I am!” I say sitting back down and grabbing more kimchi. “When do I leave?”

“You leave in a week. I know you have all the things like your passport and visa. All you have to do is pack.” I nod.

After breakfast, I got to my room and grab my phone and wallet. I walk outside and walk to a nearby park. I find a spot under a tree near a pond and sit. Looking out to the pond, I think about what just happened. I won a contest and get to audition for any company I want. Which one should I join? One of the top 3? One of the other ones? I want to go with my original label but I don’t know it I will fit in. While contemplating my options, my eyes slowly get heavier. I fall into a light sleep.

I wake up after about an hour, feeling my phone vibrate. I open the message:

There are some people here for you.

~Pink Demon

I get up and walk home.

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Please update this soon I freaking love this story..I think Daniel is such a cute character and can't wait to see who he ends up with.
Chapter 9: Omg you update so does that me we will get to read more. I can't wait i hope i can use this wifi again and see another update soon ....great chapter btw^^
Chapter 5: Oh this so hurts I just found this story and your going to discontinue it after leaving it on a cliffy...that so hurts I hope you change your mind about it because I would really like to know what happens next...It's a great story.
arandomperson #4
Chapter 7: Aww this fic has been enjoyable and funny but hey your the author
Chapter 7: It's okay, I understand. Hopefully you'll come back soon! Good luck on your future! :)
You're very talented. Well done
Chapter 3: How could this only have a little bit of subscribers?! This is SO GOOD! I normally don't read Big Bang but this caught my eye and I am glad I read it. I hope you update soon~!