Chapter 1

Be the Light - 빛이되어줘

The Choi Seunghyun is standing right in front of me. It feels like everything around me has stopped. He slowly leans in. Our lips meet in a loving kiss. My heart stopped. He breaks away, taking my hand in his. He looks me in the eye and says, “Daniel, there is something I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while now…I-“–BAM!

I jolt awake as I hit the floor. I look up to see my best friend/roommate standing on the other side of my bed. “What the heck was that for?!”

“Sorry, Daniel, I had to wake you up somehow,” she said, shrugging.

“Why, you witch!? TOP was just about to tell me something and you had to push me off the bed!! I hate you, Jae Hwa!”

“Sooo…if you hate me that probably means you don’t want the breakfast I made then. I guess I will have to eat it myself.” She turns around to leave but I lunge at her.

“I love you! Please feed me your wonderful food!!” I say, holding onto her leg for dear life.

“Fine, just let go of my leg. Also, I can’t come to dance practice later. I’m going out with Rin.” I let go of her leg.

“Okay…I’m not really doing anything but going over the choreography we learned. Now let’s go eat!” I say bouncing out of my room.

After breakfast, Jae Hwa left to go on her ‘date’ with Rin and I walked to the dance studio. When I get in, I warm up a little. Walking over to the stereo, I press play. The beat to Sherlock bleared through the speakers. I got into position while Minho was saying ‘SHINee’s back.’ I start singing Jonghyun’s parts. After Sherlock played, Wedding Dress came on. Running through the same thing, I breeze through Paradise, Loving U, and Genie.

I collapsed on the ground at the end, out of breathe. I see something moving in the corner of my eye but and too lazy to get up to check. After practicing some more, I grab my stuff and leave. It was a little after eleven a.m., so I went to a little café down the street. I get a strawberry-banana smoothie and a muffin. I pick a seat by the window that overlooks the busy streets of New York. I put my earbuds in, listening to Henry’s ‘Trap’, thinking about my life.

I am an Asian obsessed guy, living with his friend, hoping to make it to Korea. I was kicked out of my house when I told my parents I was gay. I have been living with Jae Hwa for 3 years, since I was 15. Since I left the house, I’ve been dancing and singing constantly, building up the skills I need to make it to Korea.

I was broken out of my thoughts by phone vibrating, notifying me that I have a message. I open the message from Jae Hwa: Come home…I’m lonely. (I have kimchi). I looked at the time and noticed that I’ve been sitting here for 2 hours. I throw away my trash and all but ran home to get some kimchi.

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Please update this soon I freaking love this story..I think Daniel is such a cute character and can't wait to see who he ends up with.
Chapter 9: Omg you update so does that me we will get to read more. I can't wait i hope i can use this wifi again and see another update soon ....great chapter btw^^
Chapter 5: Oh this so hurts I just found this story and your going to discontinue it after leaving it on a cliffy...that so hurts I hope you change your mind about it because I would really like to know what happens next...It's a great story.
arandomperson #4
Chapter 7: Aww this fic has been enjoyable and funny but hey your the author
Chapter 7: It's okay, I understand. Hopefully you'll come back soon! Good luck on your future! :)
You're very talented. Well done
Chapter 3: How could this only have a little bit of subscribers?! This is SO GOOD! I normally don't read Big Bang but this caught my eye and I am glad I read it. I hope you update soon~!