


The sun was rising and fast. Lily could see the hazy glare of the sun rays parting over the horizon in the distance.  Even though the sun didn’t affect her as much as it did newborn vampires, she still preferred to avoid it and its rays. Only the vampires that had lived for at least a century was able to walk around in broad daylight without fear of getting burnt.

She still hadn’t found a new place to stay, however she had finally made it out of the park which seemed like its sidewalk had stretched on for hours. Tall city buildings surrounded her; each was built magnificently as they all had their own central design and no two were the same. Lights, so many lights shone upon each building, it was a breathtaking sight. Then in the centre of it all stood the Eiffel tower, which was towering over all other buildings and just below it was a river bank. The towers lights reflected into the water which made the water begin to sparkle. Lily had finally made it back home to Paris.

She stopped at the river bank and stared up at the Eiffel tower. Memories of her playing with her parents came flooding back to her mind. She had loved going up to the top of the tower and taking in the view of the whole city.

“Ughh I should just sleep here” a slight sigh esaped her lips. She was completely exhausted, that one man last night had barely had any blood in him.  She needed more, but she would be able to last maybe one to two more days at the most until the cravings became insatiable.

She found a small hole along the wall that she just managed to squeeze into. It was damp and there was a grotesque smell coming from within it, but at least it would protect her from the sunlight.



Lily had managed only a few hours of sleep. She could clearly tell that the sun was still up even though she hadn’t opened her eyes yet. Her hair was a mess, it looked and felt like a birds nest. She hadn’t brushed it for ages. Her clothes were now stained with muddy water that had washed into the hole from the river bank and her pink dress was left looking not- so pink anymore.

She turned and tried to fall asleep again. Much to her annoyance though she ly to open her eyes and find a guy prodding her with a stick.

“Umm . . . what are you doing?” She questioned. Why was this guy poking her with a stick?

“Checking to see if you’re still alive” he responded. Lily got this strange feeling from him. He wasn’t any normal human; he scent wasn’t the same as a human.
Humans smelt like food; however this guy was different, he didn’t smell anything like food meaning that he wasn’t a human.

“Who are you?”

“Well I shouldn’t be giving my name to strange little kids who sleep in holes.” A frown appeared onto his face, he too was beginning to grow curious of Lily.

 “My name’s Lily” She really wanted to get at least some information out of him. Maybe then she would be able to figure out who he was. Or at least what he was.

“Fine then, I’m Chanyeol” he stepped back allowing for Lily to get out of the hole. Once she had crawled she realised just how good looking he was. He was really tall, so much taller than her that he kind of reminded her of a giraffe. The good thing was because he was so tall he provided enough shade to protect her from the sun’s rays.

He bent down so that he could get a better look at what she looked like. Up close Lily realized just how cute he was. He had that childish face but he was still as muscular as a man should be.

“So why is there a little girl like you sleeping alone in a hole?” He questioned.

Instead of answering Lily took a few steps back away from Chanyeol. She knew that she shouldn’t become too close to strangers, especially ones that she had just met. Tears began to spring into her eyes, she could try running away but he would probably just follow her.

Lily turned around and began running in the opposite direction. She turned back only to see Chanyeol chasing after her. Luckily clouds had passed over the sun leaving only a few rays to be seen parting through the clouds. Little enough that she wouldn’t have to fear getting burnt.

“Hey wait, I was just asking” he tried calling out to her. Lily knew that she shouldn’t stop and should just continue on running. So she continued on but after awhile her legs began to feel like jelly. She knew that her legs wouldn’t be able to take her further, so she stopped and turned back only to find that Chanyeol was nowhere in sight. Maybe he had given up chasing her half-way down the river bank.

She turned and stared down at her wrecked shoes. She would need to buy new ones soon, and then all of a sudden the little sunlight that was coming through the clouds disappeared. Lily stared up only to see Chanyeol towering over her once again. She didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t run any further she was completely exhausted, the only option that she had was to sit there and listen to what he had to say.

“Would you like to come with me so I can buy you something to eat” A smile immediately appeared on Lily’s face as she heard food. “But do you mind that I have to meet a friend as well, but don’t worry he’s as nice as me” a cheeky grin appeared on his face.

Lily got up as he began to lead her out of the river bank to find a place to eat. They later stopped outside of a small café titled ‘Cafés Verlet’. It was well known for its various pastries and styles of coffee. There were small flower pots arranged outside of the café that ranged from a variety of different colours. There were also two flowerpots hanging from the ceiling on either side of the doorway. The café was painted a soft brown colour and it had white painted windows.

As they approached the café there was only one guy sitting outside on one of the tables. Chanyeol walked over to the guy dragging Lily along with him.

“Lily this is Chen, and Chen this is Lily” As Chanyeol introduced them to each other Lily instantly hid behind Chanyeol’s back. She was always really shy, especially around strangers.

“Don’t worry I told you he’s friendly like me” The cheeky grin appeared once again on Chanyeol’s face.

“Hi it’s nice to meet you I’m Chen” Chen said.

“Wait here with Chen while I go and buy you something sweet to eat” Chanyeol said as he walked off and entered into the café leaving Lily alone with Chen standing there awkwardly. She could tell that he was the same as Chanyeol. He too didn’t smell like a human.

Chen noticed the frown on her face as she continued to stare at him trying to figure out what he was.

“If you’re really that curious Chanyeol and I are both pure-blood vampires” a surprised look appeared on Lily’s face. What were pure-bloods and did he just answer her question when she hadn’t even said anything aloud yet?

“Yes, and just so you know I can read minds” Well that explained everything for her. “It seems you don’t know much about our society. Care for me to explain?” Chen asked keeping an expressionless face. Lily didn’t know what to think of him.

He seemed so cold towards her, not the type of person that she would usually talk to. She wished that Chanyeol would come back out soon, she felt really uncomfortable with Chen and he didn’t seem overly fond of her. In fact, he kind of scared her with his expressionless face and the way that he continued to stare at her.

She couldn’t tell what he was thinking but she walked over to the seat in front of him and sat down. Chen took that as a yes and so he began to explain to her about the vampire society.

“Firstly pure-bloods simply mean that we are born as vampires, we were never turned. Chanyeol and I have 4 other friends that are also pure-bloods, one of them was even born into nobility. You may see him sometime soon. Also some vampires are luckily enough to be born with an ability or two. Take me for example I can read minds, and that’s pretty much all there is to it” he said as he finished his explanation.

All that Lily could think of at the moment was food; she was so hungry that she had barely heard anything of what Chen had said to her. All that she heard were they him and Chanyeol were both pure-bloods and they had 4 other friends. The rest hadn’t fully sunk in.

Chanyeol came running out of the café only to drop the two plates of cakes that he was carrying. As he reached their table he went into a deep conversation with Chen; however Lily only heard parts of it.

“He’s here. . . . . . . “

“. . . . . . No you’re joking. . . “

“. . . . We have . . . . . to. .  . “

“But.  . . . Fine then. . . . . . . “

“. . . . . But what about. . .  “

 “Kai wants her” was the only thing that Lily heard properly before she heard a high-pitched ringing sound and blanked out.


Sorry guys not gonna be able to update for awhile. But I'll try to update a few.
This week is exam week. Yay omg no, and like wow I haven't studied.
So I am now going to go and study my off but I will still try to write.

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I will update soon this week finally assignments will be done on wed.


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Chapter 6: Wow Jenn. I was excited for an update since I thought you had time...guess not haha. Get better soon!
so far I can't understand what's happening. It's a good sign because as a literature students I tend to over analyse things. Keep it up. Can't wait :)
New reader hereee~~
I'm so excited to read this fic

kyaaaaa >_<
SeoKyung #4
Chapter 2: i think this story is really interesting.. Fighting for the exam and i'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 1: Daebak o.o pls update soon ^^