


Chanyeol dreamed of a dark dungeon buried deep beneath the ground. He wandered down along the narrow hallways, finding no signs that someone had once visited or lived there.  As he delved deeper and deeper into the tunnel it became darker and darker.

He turned a few corners and began to hear distant whispers drifting around the next corner. The whispers grew louder and louder as he walked a few more metres ahead. There at the end of the passage stood an entryway with a wooden door. There was no door handle and no signs showing how anybody was able to enter or exit through it.

Chanyeol walked up and knocked on the door a few times. He waited a few minutes but no one answered, it was probably empty. Suddenly somebody tapped him on his shoulder; he swiftly turned around prepared to attack only to realize that it was Luhan.

“What are you doing here?” Chanyeol asked with a puzzled look on his face. He hadn’t seen Luhan for quite some time now, and now he chooses to show up in his dreams instead of talking face-to-face.

“I heard you spoke to Sehun” Luhan replied back his voice was passive and he had a grim look plastered on his face. “Don’t believe a word that anybody says, somebody’s lying but I’m not sure who”. The grim look turned to one of concern.

“What do you mean someone’s lying?”

“I mean that I’ve talked to everyone of our so-called friends and surprisingly each gave me a different story about Lily’s situation. Apart from Lay” a saddened look came upon Luhan’s face. “He simply told me to piss off; well I don’t blame him, it’s been years since we talked”.

“You mean you talked to everybody?” Luhan simply nodded in response. There was a reason as to why their group of friends had split up but that was a story to tell another day.

“To put it simply I even talked to Kai” A surprised look appeared on Chanyeol’s face. None of them had managed to talk to Kai for years. He had been the first to leave the group.

“What exactly did you ask him? And what did he say?”

“Let’s just say that the conversation ended with me almost getting killed. This dear friend; is why I only wish to talk to you people in your dreams. I value my life and it would be good if I could stay alive for a couple more millennia”.

Chanyeol’s eyes grew wider with each part of surprising news that Luhan had to tell him. His friend had changed so much, but in a good way.

“No surprise there. Kai has changed so much, what happened to him anyways?” a curious look appeared on Chanyeol’s face. None of them knew what exactly had happened to Kai. One day he had just lost his temper and stormed away to sulk and he never came back.

“Let’s just say it’s not something he likes to share with anybody; for good reasons too”.

“So you do know what happened back then. Goddammit Luhan, I swear if I could hit you right now” a playful grin spread across Chanyeol’s face as he attempted to mock punch Luhan on the shoulder. Instead his hand passed straight through the other guys arm. “Why are you here anyway?”

“To tell you what’s been happening; the usual status update. By the way; I heard that Sehun payed you a visit recently. How is my little brother doing?” a concerned look flashed across his face as soon as he mentioned Sehun’s name. They may not have talked for years but Sehun would always be his little brother.

“Well he seems fine, still pissed at you though. He told me if I ever saw you to tell you ‘you’re a ’” at those words a small laugh came from Luhan. He was happy that his brother hadn’t changed; he was still the young boy that he had once known.

“Anyway the reason that I truly came here was to tell you that Lily just may have been kidnapped.”

“How do you know about Lily?”

“A little birdie told me” a grin flashed across his face. However it was gonna within seconds.

“Well where is she then? I know that she’s been taken by Kai but where?”

“Chanyeol you see that door behind you. If you can find it in real life you’ll find Lily” with those last words Luhan vanished into thin air. Chanyeol really hated it whenever he did that, Luhan could at least have the decency to say goodbye.

All of a sudden his sight began to get blurry and he felt as if he was falling. Falling deep into a dark pit.



Lay continued on through the forest; it was bright and blooming. However he sensed a darkness looming over it, something just didn’t feel right.

No animals were in sight, only yesterday they had all been there acting out their normal lives. Everyday Lay would check on all the animals to make sure that none of them were harmed or in need. Since he was able to communicate/talk with them, overtime he had managed to craft a bond with them. That bond ran deep; to him they were his second family.

His first family was his group of friends; they had always taken good care of him. Chanyeol, Chen, Sehun, Luhan, Kris, Kai and him had all been such good friends; until that one day came. No, Lay refused to let himself re-think the events of that day, it had left a deep scar in him and he had promised himself that he wouldn’t worry over it ever again.

As they say what’s in the past is the past. You can’t change it no matter what, even if you were to change it there would surely be consequences.   What’s to come in the future is for fate to decide, however fate may also be influenced by one’s decisions.

Lay continued on walking not spotting an animal in sight; he was beginning to get really worried. Where had they all disappeared to? What had caused them to disappear? Surely there was a reasonable explanation for this, Lay just couldn’t think of one at the moment.

“Robin! Greg! Luke! Nichkhun! Where are you?” Lay waited for an answer but it never came.
The forest was completely silent, not a sound could be heard. There was only a slight sound of trickling water from the stream nearby but apart from that nothing.

There was definitely something wrong going on, hopefully he would be able to solve it soon. Lay feared the worst happening, which was that all of his friends had left him behind; just as his old friends once did.


Heyy guys thanks for reading :)
Sorry I haven't update lately but summer holidays are coming up soon. So I should be able to update more frequently.
Feel free to comment and subscribe! :)


http://31.media.tumblr.com/545eedf24d589e1b27e7ae8c6bd646b2/tumblr_mx6dq6q8881qg1bxbo1_r3_500.gif OMG LUHAN THAT FACE>



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I will update soon this week finally assignments will be done on wed.


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Chapter 6: Wow Jenn. I was excited for an update since I thought you had time...guess not haha. Get better soon!
so far I can't understand what's happening. It's a good sign because as a literature students I tend to over analyse things. Keep it up. Can't wait :)
New reader hereee~~
I'm so excited to read this fic

kyaaaaa >_<
SeoKyung #4
Chapter 2: i think this story is really interesting.. Fighting for the exam and i'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 1: Daebak o.o pls update soon ^^