


Chanyeol and Chen emerged from their deep conversation only to see that Lily had disappeared.

“Where is she?” Chanyeol was completely shocked. She wouldn’t have run away, especially in her current situation.

“Obviously she’s not here” Chen replied. He may have acted as if he didn’t care but on the inside, he too was really worried. “I’ll search around the east-side of town.”

“I’ll search the west-side then” Chanyeol couldn’t comprehend what had happened to her. There were so many possibilities.
They split off in opposite directions hoping that one of them would find her and soon.


Chen continued on running, passing through many streets and stalls where people continued to carry on with their daily business. He tried reading people’s minds hoping he would catch wind of hers’ but there were just too many people thinking things at the same time. It was impossible to find her in the crowd of thoughts.

The sun had already begun to set and the street lamps and buildings were already becoming alight. Within another hour or two it would be completely dark and the moon will have risen.


Chanyeol knew that if Lily had run away she wouldn’t have gotten that far. She may have been fast due to her vampirism but since she was only a half-blood he was much faster.

“LILY!” He shouted out. The thought of her being kidnapped popped into his mind. He became even more frantic in finding her. Where had she gone?

He thought back to what had just happened to him in the café.


[In the café]

“I’ll take one of those and one of those” Chanyeol said to the woman at the counter as he pointed to two cakes; one strawberry and one chocolate.

“They’ll be ready in a moment, please take a seat while you wait” the woman replied back. Chanyeol went and sat down at a single table and chair located in one of the corners.

The inside of the café was as beautiful on the inside as it was on the out. The walls were also painted a chocolate brown, with flowerpots arranged around the small room. Chanyeol turned back only to see a grinning Sehun sitting in the seat in front of him. There were a few other people seated around the café but they were too distracted in their own conversations to notice that he had appeared from nowhere.

“Well I take it that you’re still lurking around in the shadows?” Chanyeol questioned him.

“Why wouldn’t I. Since I can control them I may as well use them for something” Sehun answered back. The grin hadn’t left his face, but he hadn’t taken his eyes off of Chanyeol yet.

“So why are you here?” Chanyeol knew that Sehun only came and talked to him whenever he had information on something important, or something to about.

“I thought you may be interested to know something about that favourite person of yours.” At those words Chanyeol’s eyes widened.

“No, what does he want this time?” Chanyeol couldn’t bare the thought of that guy wanting something else that he had. He had already taken so many things away from him.

Sehun began playing with the napkins that had been placed on the table. “Yes well along with my continuous lurking, I happened to find out where he’s been hiding for all these years; and I heard a very interesting conversation.”

Chanyeol stood up and slammed his hands down onto the table, the bang echoed through the small room. Everyone turned their heads to the table that they were sitting at. Chanyeol and Sehun smiled apologetically around the café and Chanyeol sat back down.

“Tell me . . . where he is” there was a hint of anger in Chanyeol’s voice. He was usually really good at hiding his emotions but he couldn’t hold them in anymore.

“Hmmm no thanks” a darkened look came across Chanyeol’s face. “But I will tell you this, you know that little girl that’s with you right now. Isn’t her name Lily? Well yes anyway Kai wants her” Chanyeol completely froze. Why would he want Lily; she was only 7?

“Your orders ready” The woman at the counter yelled out. Chanyeol got up and payed for the cakes. When he turned back, Sehun had vanished once again.


[Back to present]

Chanyeol couldn’t believe that he had let Sehun escape. The least that he could have done was tell her where Kai was hiding. The thought appeared into his mind that Kai could have taken Lily, but how? He could only hypnotize people to do things with direct eye contact. That only left one option, he wasn’t working alone.

Who would want to work with Kai? A list of people ran through Chanyeol’s mind. They included ones that Chanyeol knew Kai had met through his entire life and ones that he had used to work with. But he knew that Kai hadn’t had any contact with any of them for a couple of decades now. The only questions that were left were; who was Kai working with and where was he?


Lily opened her eyes to find that she was in a darkened room. She was handcuffed and chained to a cold stone table, the chains rattled and echoed through the room as she tried to escape from them.

“Hello! Help me!” Lily tried screaming out; but there was no reply. She was left alone in the dark room. Who had put her there and why? She couldn’t think of anyone that had a grudge against her. She was afraid of why she was locked up and chained.

She heard footsteps from far away. Then someone entered into the room, and lights switched on. Lily’s vision became blurry from the sudden brightness. She blinked a few times to try to get used to the light.

The room was plain except for the stone table that she lay on which was placed in the middle of the room. The walls were gray stones that were covered with dust and spider webs. There were no windows and only one doorway, meaning only one way in and out.

“Are you comfortable?” the man that had walked into the room asked. Lily only whimpered in response. She couldn’t find her voice at the moment; she was too afraid to speak. “Come now at least tell me your name.”

“L-l-lily” she managed to choke out after a few attempts.

“I’m Kai. It’s nice to meet you” so this was Kai. Lily recalled the last memory that she had and the words ‘Kai wants her’ echoed throughout her head.

“Why am I here?” she croaked out. Her voice was raspy, she hadn’t had anything to drink or eat for quite a while now. She began to shake, it was cold. The whole room was so cold; it appeared as if they were underground.

“I only wish to discuss some things with you then you can leave. Now let’s do something about those chains. I’m really sorry about this; it seems my apprentices still do not seem to know how to treat a lady.” Kai walked over to where she lay, pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the handcuffs that were around her wrists. “Better?” he asked.

Lily only nodded in response. She was worried that her voice would tremble if she tried to speak. She got up and sat on the edge of the table, Kai sat next to her. He noticed that she was shaking, so he took off his jacket and tried to wrap it around her. As soon as he put his arms behind her she flinched back.

“Don’t worry” he said calmly. He placed his dark leather jacket around her, leaving him in a plain black t-shirt and jeans. “Better?” he asked. Once again Lily nodded.

“Well as I said there are some things that we need to discuss but I’m sure those could wait. How about I get you something to eat and a change of clothes? I’ll get someone to take you up to a room as well.” Lily stared up into Kai’s cold dark eyes. They seemed sincere so she just smiled in response. “I’ll call for the person to take you to your room and then we can all discuss a few important matters.”

“You can come in” Kai called out. All of a sudden a dark figure appeared in the doorway, it was too dark for Lily to make out there features. The figure took a few steps forward until he was in the light. “Lily, meet Chen, he’ll show you to your room.”



I knew I said I wouldn't update but yeh it's the start of the week.
This is a big cliff hanger but I probably won't update till the end of the week. Sorry guys (><)

Exam week killing me, but after I will update a lot more (^.^)

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I will update soon this week finally assignments will be done on wed.


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Chapter 6: Wow Jenn. I was excited for an update since I thought you had time...guess not haha. Get better soon!
so far I can't understand what's happening. It's a good sign because as a literature students I tend to over analyse things. Keep it up. Can't wait :)
New reader hereee~~
I'm so excited to read this fic

kyaaaaa >_<
SeoKyung #4
Chapter 2: i think this story is really interesting.. Fighting for the exam and i'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 1: Daebak o.o pls update soon ^^