


Luhan had been in his dreamland for much too long now. His dream land was a place that he created that he and only people invited in could visit within a dream. It was his place of escape when he needed time to think or whenever he was trying to escape from someone or in rare cases something.

His dream land was full of soft and delicate pink and white clouds. Everything from the trees, flowers and grass were made from clouds. Including the light bed that he was laying on now. It was unbelievably soft. Luhan didn’t have to worry about falling through the bed as most clouds were solid and stayed intact.

In the horizon a sunset was casting a diversity of pinks, purples and oranges into the skyline. Within Luhan’s dreamland it was always twilight; his most favourite time of the day.

This time the main reason for being in his dreamland was that he was escaping from Kai. Despite that fact being in his dreamland also gave Luhan a sense of comfort and helped to relax him to clear his thoughts. Luhan had no idea how Kai had found out about his visits to Lily and the others but he sure had been pissed about it. The memory of the recent chase replayed in Luhan’s mind.


Luhan was strolling down the street after having visited Lily within her dreams. The longer he used his powers for the more it physically drained him. As soon as he had woken up he had felt so suffocated that he needed to get outside and get some fresh air.

The streets had been empty which was strange. New York always was full and busy of people even at that time of night; but for some reason the streets were deserted. However the bright and blinding lights from billboards and screens did not cease.

Buildings towered way above Luhan’s head that it made it almost impossible to see the sky. Plus the lights made it impossible to see any stars at all. Luhan missed that about the country and his hometown, there he had been able to see so many stars. Here looking up at the night sky and seeing only blackness, he felt lonely and it reminded him how far from home he was.

In the distance Luhan could hear footsteps closing in. He spun around only to see Kai in the distance running towards him; however there was another dark figure next to Kai. The shadows covered the man’s face so Luhan wasn’t able to make out who it was.

He turned and broke into a sprint. The expression on Kai’s face told Luhan that he definitely wasn’t happy. “GOD DAMNIT LUHAN, GET YOUR ING BACK HERE!” Kai screamed to him. Kai was extremely pissed, the fact that Luhan had even talked to Lily wasn’t a good sign. He was definitely planning something but for this one time Kai wasn’t sure of what exactly it was.

“KISS MY KAI!” Luhan knew that he was just provoking Kai more but he relished in the fact that for once he knew that Kai had no idea what he was planning. It was true though, Luhan was planning something big, he had told no one of his plans yet in fear that word would get around and Kai would become aware of it.

Kai was past the point of furious. The feeling of being unknown to his plans made him really mad for some reason. Kai always knew everything that everyone was planning, he had his sources. Sources that could get around really fast in a matter of minutes.

Luhan turned around once again only to see that Kai had gained on him. Also the guy running beside him was no longer hidden within the shadows; Luhan could clearly see his face. “CHEN WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING WITH KAI?!” Luhan was dumbfounded. The last time that he had talked to Chen he was sure that they were on the same side. What had happened within those mere weeks?

Chen didn’t say a word in response. What was he supposed to say anyway with the enraged looks that Kai was giving him? So he continued on running alongside Kai as if he hadn’t heard what Luhan had said.

Luhan had no idea where to run to next, the chase had been continuing along a long stretch of road. Up ahead Luhan could just see that it split off into a T-Way. Which way to go? It was approaching fast and Luhan just decided to run in whichever direction his brain decided on when the moment came. That was left.

As Kai and Chen approached the split in the path Kai motioned for Chen to go the opposite way from him. Kai knew that sooner or later the two paths would join and then Luhan would be trapped.

Luhan knew that he had to escape somewhere but he didn’t know where. In times like this his dream-walking and nightmare powers were useless. Off to the right side of the road he spotted a narrow alley. It was so small that he was just barely able to squeeze through it. Luhan felt as if he was being suffocated and the fact that he was claustrophobic made it even more difficult for him to breathe. He hoped that Kai and Chen wouldn’t notice the alley and that they would be too big to fit through the gap.

Kai split off to the right and Chen had gone left. As Chen continued running along the pathway he gradually slowed down into a steady jog. He checked behind him to make sure that Kai wasn’t secretly following behind. Off to the right he noticed a small alley, it would be typical for Luhan to try and escape through that passage. Chen was around the same weight as Luhan so he just barely managed to get through after a few uncomfortable moments of squeezing through and getting squished.

Just a few metres within the alley Chen saw Luhan slowly squeezing through. “Yah Luhan come here for a second” Chen hissed at him. He prayed that Kai didn’t walk in at this point. If he did he would no longer trust him.

Luhan turned his head only to see Chen standing a few feet away from him. A grim look was plastered across his face and he could tell that something serious was wrong. “Come here for a second would you? Or at least try to get closer.”

Luhan still believed that he could trust Chen. After all the last time that he had spoken to him they had been on the same side. Slowly he inched his way back the way he had come towards Chen. “What do you want?” he hissed.

“If you go that way Kai will catch up to you but that’s exactly what I want you to do. Listen Kai hasn’t been himself for the past few weeks, something changed about him but I’m not sure what.” Chen had a sad look on his face. It seemed as if he really truly cared for Kai. “Since you two are long time friends I want to test something out. A few months ago he would have killed you on site but if my theory is right we’ll see a whole new side of him.”

Luhan stared at Chen in horror. “You want to use me as bait!”

“Keep your voice down.” Chen whispered back.

Luhan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Did Chen really want to test out his theory with him as bait? If his theory was right he would be perfectly safe however if it was wrong he would be dead in a matter of minutes.

Chen knew that the idea that he was proposing to Luhan held great risks. It was a gamble on Luhan’s life; however it was a gamble that Chen was willing to take. Was Luhan willing to take that gamble as well?

Without a word Luhan turned back around and continued on the way that he had been going not giving a second glance towards Chen.

Kai saw no signs of Luhan up ahead; he couldn’t have gotten that far. Compared to Kai, Luhan would not stand a chance in a race against him. Then up ahead a few blocks away Kai saw a shadowy figure appear from between the walls and start running off. From the outlined shape of the person it was definitely Luhan. Kai sped up gaining on Luhan with every step he took, whilst running he also realised that Luhan hadn’t realised that he was now only a block or two away from him. ‘It was the perfect place to ambush him’ Kai thought. Soon the path Chen took would re-join with him and Luhan would be trapped like a little mouse in a cage with nowhere else left to run.

Luhan continued on running as if his life depended on it; which it did. Then all of a sudden he felt something heavy tackle him from behind and before he knew it he was laying on the ground with someone’s knees pressing into the centre of his back. The impact of his body hitting the ground had left him disoriented for a few seconds. Once he regained his senses he looked up only to see Kai’s grinning face staring straight as his.

“You should have given up sooner. Maybe then I would have decided on your punishment being fairer.” Once again Kai had that look in his eyes and Luhan knew that look all too well. He wanted serious revenge. Only god knows what type of revenge Kai had in mind for Luhan.

“As if I would give up to you. Kai you’re such a thinking that you can get whatever you want whenever you want. The world doesn’t work like that ever since you were deth-“

“Shut up!” Kai screamed as he picked up a fistful of Luhan’s hair lifted his head up off the ground and brought his head back down swiftly. Kai flipped Luhan on to his back and stared at his face. Blood ran down from a cut just above his temple, apart from that he was completely un-injured.

Tears fell slowly one by one from Kai’s eyes and they landed on Luhan’s cheek. They felt hot and it was as if each of Kai’s emotions at that moment were shown within his tears.

“How would you know anything about me, you were just that servant boy,” the tears didn’t end and continued to fall. Gradually the stream got bigger to the point where he sniffled in between each of his words. “I don’t even know why I turned you in the first place. . . . . “

Luhan couldn’t help but feel sympathetic towards Kai. Once long ago they had been best friends, close enough to even be called brothers despite the fact that they weren’t biologically related. Luhan being a servant boy and Kai being a noble. They were both two young boys from completely different lifestyles yet they still had become the best of friends despite their differences.

Kai slowly raised his knees from Luhan’s chest and knelt on the sidewalk. He didn’t raise his face but continued to talk whilst staring at the ground. “Go, just this once. Make sure I never find you again. You did something for me once and I’m repaying that debt. So leave before I change my mind.”

“Kai……. “Luhan whispered as he took hesitant steps towards his friend.


Luhan knew that this would be his only chance to escape so with one last look at his friend he turned and began running in the direction they had come.




Chanyeol had no idea where to even begin looking for that door. In the whole of Paris it could be anywhere. For all he knew it may have not even been in Paris or France; it may as well have been on the opposite side of the world. He groaned in frustration as he ran his hands through his hair.

As much as Chanyeol didn’t want to admit it, he needed help. Not just anyone’s help though, one of his old friends. Sehun would be the best choice to ask for help as he was able to travel through shadows close to the speed of light. However after the encounter with him in the café, Chanyeol was sure that he wanted nothing else to do with him.

There was also Luhan but he too made it quite clear that he was done and wanted nothing left to do with them. Chanyeol sighed; what the hell was he supposed to do. No one would be willing to help him. Apart from one. Chanyeol pondered on through his mind hopefully searching for anyone, anyone at all that would be able to help him. Yet still there was only one answer.


It was time to visit the land of dragons.

. . . . .

And find Kris.



Omfg guyz im so sorry for not updating sooner. I've been held up and I had a massive writer's block for literally like a month. No idea to write whatsover.
Now I've got my ideas sorted and I will update more frequently. Sorry again guyz >< I hope you continue reading my story and enjoying it :)
Enjoy your day and if you have any suggestions or thought please comment and feel free to subscribe :D

tumblr_msewx7Vzn71ru8saco1_250.gif  my expression when I had writer's block. Ughhhh

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I will update soon this week finally assignments will be done on wed.


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Chapter 6: Wow Jenn. I was excited for an update since I thought you had time...guess not haha. Get better soon!
so far I can't understand what's happening. It's a good sign because as a literature students I tend to over analyse things. Keep it up. Can't wait :)
New reader hereee~~
I'm so excited to read this fic

kyaaaaa >_<
SeoKyung #4
Chapter 2: i think this story is really interesting.. Fighting for the exam and i'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 1: Daebak o.o pls update soon ^^