



The ‘Land of Dragons’ otherwise known as ‘Draconem ‘was a long journey to reach. Chanyeol would have to sail across one of the seven seas and trek his way through a mountain region. Located somewhere within those mountains hidden from view was ‘Draconem‘.

Never before had Chanyeol seen it was his own two eyes but according to legends it was a magnificent place. Thousands of dragons were there to soar freely and live their lives without fear of being hunted; as they were close to near-extinction.

Chanyeol hadn’t believed it when Kris had said that he wished to visit that place. He thought that Kris would surely die within a few days; whether he did or not Chanyeol didn’t know. Still, Kris was his only hope if he had any possibility at being able to save Lily. The only way to find out if he survived that day was to go and find out for himself.

It would take up to 4 weeks  to travel all the way to Draconem however if the weather took a turn for the worse it could take him up to 8 weeks depending on how bad.

First of all, if Chanyeol wasn’t able to find a boat to hire he wouldn’t be able to begin his journey in the first place. However being within the middle of France was convenient as Draconem was found within Iceland, meaning that he would only have to journey a short distance across the Atlantic Ocean.

The name Iceland itself was strange as there was no ice found there whatsoever. The reasons for dragons settlement there was in fact due to the name Iceland. They had thought that it would be misleading as none of the dragons would be able to live on an island full of ice.

Chanyeol had now gotten up and was travelling by taxi to the harbor. Streets were empty and shops had yet to open. It was dawn break and the sun had only just begun to risen. The rays of sunlight that broke over the horizon painted a shade of light orange against the morning sky. A low mist hung just above the pathway, it was light so it would surely clear up once the sun had fully risen.

It had been a long night and Chanyeol had had a restless sleep. He knew that it would still take around about an hour to reach the harbor so he closed his eyes and rested his head back against the head rest hoping to get some sleep.

By the time that Chanyeol awoke once again he could tell by the position of the sun that it was close to mid-afternoon. He stared out the window to see the bright glimmering ocean that sparkled under the sunlight.

Crowds of people walked along and sat on the sand. Some were tanning, others reading or playing with their children. In the ocean it was almost like a wave of people.

Chanyeol got off the taxi and headed off towards the port. There were all different kinds of ships set up ready to set said. The boat that he was to take was at the end of the port, it was almost the size of a mini cruise boat. He stared up at it and saw someone waving down towards him. “Ahoy!” the guy called out, he was probable they captain of the ship.

“Ahoy Captain!” Chanyeol called back in reply. He mounted the steps that led up to the deck of the boat; at the top of the landing stood the captain.

“I’m Suho and I’ll be taking you to Draconem,”

“Nice to meet you Suho, I’m Chany-“

“Yes I already know who you are, I’ve been informed. We leave immediately, is that understood?”

“Yes sir.” Suho turned around and headed towards the captain’s cabin. Chanyeol felt the boats engine switch on and off they went; out into the vast ocean.

The trip to Draconem would take until nightfall so from the time that it was now it would take around 8-9 hours. The only thing that was on Chanyeol’s mind at the moment was sleep, so he headed off towards his cabin which was situated on the lower deck. There he fell into a deep sleep.



By the time that Chanyeol awoke and had headed back to the top of the deck it was nightfall. Possible around 7p.m meaning that in another hour or two they would reach the island. There was a deep rumble and Chanyeol realised that it was his stomach. From the moment that he had woken up he hadn’t had a single bite to eat all day.

He walked into the captain’s cabin where Suho was supposedly driving the boat but he wasn’t there. However mysteriously the wheel was turning all by itself and Chanyeol was sure that there definitely was no one standing there.

“Suho!” he tried calling out but there was no response.

Chanyeol turned and all of a sudden there was a figure standing in front of him. The figure took hold of his shoulders with both its hands and began to speak. “Beware. For you who seek the dragon will meet a series of unfortunate events. Thus will be led to the prophets of light and lightning. Thy prophets will demand a life in exchange for the treasure sought-” The voice was deep and haunting and all of a sudden it broke off.

Chanyeol stared down at the figure and instead saw Suho looking up at him curiously. “Is something wrong Chanyeol?” he asked.

“Ummmm no I just came in here to ask you if there was any food.”

“Oh no sorry but I’m sure that once you reach the island they’ll provide food for you.”

“Oh okay then well I’ll be on deck.”

“Come and ask me if there’s anything else you need.” Suho walked back over to the wheel of the ship and continued steering.

As Chanyeol walked back out onto the deck he felt a cool breeze hit his face; it felt re-freshing. What had Suho meant my a life must be given up for treasure? Was that even Suho talking? At the moment Chanyeol was confused about what exactly had just happened.

He walked over to the balcony and leant over the railing. The ocean water was so clear that he could see the reflection of the stars and moon in it.

He looked up and there he saw it, the island where Draconem was supposedly hidden within. It was just as people described it to be.



Lay was entirely worried now, not a single animal could be heard from within the forest. He was on his way back to his tree house when he saw it. A dark shadowy figure in the distance. Lay thought that he was seeing things and when he turned back that shadowy figure had disappeared. He figured he was hallucinating because he was feeling so distressed.

He arrived at his tree house and climbed up the ladder. The house was centered upon a ridge in a giant oak tree. He burst through the front door and saw that his house was left in wreckage. At the back of the main room standing over a table was a tall figure enshrouded in a dark cloak.

“Hey! who are you?” Lay shouted to the figure.  The cloaked figure turned to face him however Lay wasn’t able to see his face because the cloak hood was draped over it. “Show me your face.” Lay demanded.

The figure didn’t say a word and in the next instance it vanished into thin air. Lay walked up to the desk, there was no sign of how the person had gotten away or that someone had been standing there.  Lay began rummaging through the desk and its drawers to check if anything was missing. There was one thing that was.

Lay’s diary.




Author Notes:
More short chaps I feel bad >< And more homework ewww also about to get assignments.

I wanna make this longer but there's still more I want to happen and those chapters will be longer. Plus I feel like I should update my other stories as well.
Sorry for the two week wait for an update T,T I keep trying to update frequently but I'm so tired out from school. :(


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I will update soon this week finally assignments will be done on wed.


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Chapter 6: Wow Jenn. I was excited for an update since I thought you had time...guess not haha. Get better soon!
so far I can't understand what's happening. It's a good sign because as a literature students I tend to over analyse things. Keep it up. Can't wait :)
New reader hereee~~
I'm so excited to read this fic

kyaaaaa >_<
SeoKyung #4
Chapter 2: i think this story is really interesting.. Fighting for the exam and i'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 1: Daebak o.o pls update soon ^^