


Lily woke with a sudden jolt. The sun was beginning to set over the harbor and the sky was a hazy orange with shades of pink. Being a half-vampire and all, she preferred running around at night rather than during the day. The streets were still bustling as it was rush hour and many people were trying to get home before night fell.

She packed up the little belongings that she owned and stuffed them into her small back pack. She then carried on to finding a new place to stay for the next week or two. She was always constantly moving homes, searching for somewhere new to stay before people became suspicious of what she was. To humans Lily was a freak, an unnatural occurrence in the cycle of life. A half-vampire child born from two human parents hadn’t happened for centuries until she came along.

Many called her a freak or bizarre. However Lily thought that she looked perfectly normal with her wavy brunette hair that had hints of red within it. The only distinction that made her a vampire was her bright crimson eyes. She had just turned 7 a month ago and her parents had kicked her out of home and left her to fend for herself on the streets. They were ashamed to bring up a child like her; even her own mother despised her.




Slowly Lily managed to drag herself to a park bench to rest. By now night had fallen and the moon was already at its highest peak in the sky. Shadows fell over trees and across the ground. There was a massive lake that stretched out in front of her and the water sparkled under the moon light. Everything seemed so calm and a distinct sound of crickets could be heard from afar. The only source of light; despite the moonlight came from the lamp posts lined up alongside the sidewalk.

 She stared up at the moon and felt her fangs slowly begin to extend. Food. She needed blood and soon, she had left the desire and cravings alone for far too long and she worried that she may become wild and attack a human at any moment’s notice.

“ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST! HEY! IM GONNA GET YOU TOO!”  What the hell was that sound. Lily turned her head and saw a man swinging around lamp posts whilst singing or at least attempting to sing. He was definitely drunk, but what was he doing out alone by himself in the middle of the night. All humans knew that night was when the vampires roamed the streets, and any human found by one would soon become food.

The war between vampires and humans was continuing to rage on and it had already lasted for a century. Neither side was willing to give into the other. So a compromise was made, humans were free to walk around the streets during the day without fear of being harmed. But once the sun has fully set and night fell they were fair game.

“Umm are you okay” Lily tried calling out to the man. He looked as if he was in his mid-thirties. He wore a dark gray suit and his hair was an untidy mess. In one hand he carried a bottle of beer that he took a few gulps of before continuing to swing around the post. He was now only one lamp post away from the bench where she sat.

“Huhhh. You talking to me lil’ girl” He stopped swinging and slowly made his way over to her, whilst managing to fall several times, only to pick himself up again. When he finally reached her he stuck his face right up to hers whilst breathing heavily, his breath reeked of alcohol. “You got a problem with me lil’ girl? Huh? Do you?” This guy was seriously beginning to annoy Lily. He was one of those self-confident guys.

“I just wanted to know if you are okay.”

“Do I look a ‘right to you?” He responded.


“What’s a pree’ lil girl like you doin’ out here on a night like this? Do you need help?” He asked.

“Could you leave me alone?” There was a hint of frustration in her voice. This guy was seriously beginning to frustrate her and she couldn’t hold her temper in for much longer.

“Oh come on, just come with me and I’ll help you” He reached out and grabbed her arm whilst he took another guzzle of beer.

That was the last straw, Lily lost it. She jumped onto her feet whilst grabbing onto his arm and twisting it around to his back and she then used her free arm to put him in a headlock.

“Feisty little girl aren’t ya” He spat onto the ground and dropped the bottle of beer. It shattered into small pieces of glass that flew in every direction. He tried to pry off her hand that was locked around his head with his free hand, however to no success. While he continued to struggle against her for a few more moments Lily’s lust for blood was growing larger as the time passed.

Her bright crimson eyes began to glow a darker red and her fangs extended to their full length. She threw her head back into the air and with one sharp movement sunk her fangs deep into his neck. She felt the warm, rich blood drip into and ooze slowly down the back of satisfying her cravings. With each drop of blood she drank, the man became limper and limper in her arms until he took his last breath and fell onto the ground completely drained of blood.

Satisfied, Lily wiped of any remaining spots of blood, walked back over to the park bench, grabbed her back pack and continued on her way. Somebody would deal with his body in the morning when he was found. It wasn’t her problem to take care of his remains.

A/N This is the first chapter and I hope you guys like it.
Thanks to my friend who edited it.

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I will update soon this week finally assignments will be done on wed.


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Chapter 6: Wow Jenn. I was excited for an update since I thought you had time...guess not haha. Get better soon!
so far I can't understand what's happening. It's a good sign because as a literature students I tend to over analyse things. Keep it up. Can't wait :)
New reader hereee~~
I'm so excited to read this fic

kyaaaaa >_<
SeoKyung #4
Chapter 2: i think this story is really interesting.. Fighting for the exam and i'll be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 1: Daebak o.o pls update soon ^^