Out of a Dream

100 days since Chanyeol and I became official. I have been waiting for his message or call or whatever for the whole day and nothing came. He wasn't even in his usual room in the music hall. I had no freakin' idea where in the world my boyfriend is. And I call him my boyfriend. And because he just simply seemed to forget our 100th day together, I decided to get Suho to have lunch with me. 

"Suho, let's go get lunch... I'll be over in a bit."

"Hye Mi, I'm sorry Tao is reviewing for his exam and  I am accompalnying him until 1. If you're not that hungry, we can eat by 1. "

"I suppose  I can wait. It's past 12 anyway." I answered with a rather pissed voice.

"Okay, drop by the library." Suho answered in delight.

Suho hung up on me. I started walking slowly. I wanted to take my time to ponder on why on earth Chanyeol disappeared today of all days. Is he planning to surprise me? Arrgghh. I do not want to get my hopes up but there is this tiny spark of hope in my heart that maybe, just maybe, Park Chanyeol has something up his sleeve. I really hope so. 

Minutes passed and I am already in front of the library. I checked my watch and it's only 12:30. Damn. 30 more minutes before I get to grab my lunch. I motioned towards the libabry door and saw Suho and Tao in one of the tables. Tao's dark circles have gotten darker and he looks like he's been awake for more or less 48 hours. I cannot blame him. His schedule this semester is already toxic and he has this toxic boyfriend in the form of Suho to tend to as well. I wonder what they did last night. Joking. But in all honesty, Tao is a very diligent kid. He studies way too much, he does not want to disappoint Suho or his family. Tao had been sent by his parents to Korea so he can study more of engineering here. They knew he had a bright future ahead of him and in order to help him fulfill his dreams they sent him here. Tao requested to study abroad so he had more time for himself and yet he found Suho, who takes most of his me time. Poor guy. 

I sat beside Tao instead of Suho and patted his back. Tao looked at me with his panda eyes that gave a message of what have I gotten myself into?. I just smiled and pointed to his books and as if he read my mind he continued on solving problems. Suho just sat beside him and comforted the younger guy. He could do nothing to help Tao.  

Time passed by so quickly and Tao left us with an exhausted grin on his face and headed for his next class. Suho kept on exclaiming "Hwaiting!" on Tao's face befoe he left which I am sure is just what Tao needed. Suho turned to me, his eyes are trying to lock wiht mine but somehow I try not to because Suho reads me like an open newspaper. 

"Why the long face?"

"Huh?" I tried faking a smile but Suho would never buy so I just dropped the bomb. ".. Chanyeol, I think he forgot about our100th day together.." I tried so hard to keep the pain inside me but with Suho looking at me with so much pity I just lost it.

".. He's avoiding me. He's not in the usual room, not answering my messages or even my calls. It's just frustrating Suho." I looked at Suho with bloodshot eyes with rivers of tears still flowing. Suho just hugged me. He knew how to soothe my broken heart. 

"Oh c'mon let's just go grab lunch.. and dry those tears, it doesn't fit you." Suho wiped the tears from my face with his thumb and dragged me out of the university. 

"Where are we going?" I asked Suho. We had been walking around and it seems like Suho is looking for some place. I couldn't get why he seemed so lost when all these places are way too familiar especially now that we are already in our final years in college.

"..uhhhmm. Here it is. This is what I was looking for." 

We stood outside a restaurant. A familiar one. And memories came rushing through my mind. This was where we had dinner that night. 


"Are you okay with Italian food?"


"Yes." and with that he pulled me inside the restaurant.


VivaPolo. Odd name. But then again aren't everyone up for odd names lately. The interior was posh. Beautiful. People from the restaurant knew Chanyeol. He must be a regular. Chanyeol politely asked me what I wanted to eat but I just asked him to order for me since it was my first time in the place. I let my eyes roam around the place and I saw pictures from a distance but my they were blurry since I had sort of a bad eyesight and besides the waiter had arrived with our food.

Chanyeol is one noisy kid. He kept on talking while he ate. I am one noisy kid too but in fornt of him, I just turned mute. Congrats to me, I just cannot afford to talk to him about anything that would probably turn him off. Yes I like him that much. I am so deep in this . All I ever did that night was to mentally slap myself for not talking to him.

"Was the food good?"

"uhm, yes. Actually I like it a lot. I might pay  visit when time permits." 


I never did. The food was great, I genuinely loved it but I was too engrossed in Chanyeol's talking that I forgot how we got there and got back to the streets I was familiar with. I was too mesmerized and I guess it just slipped off my mind. Not that it wasn't important or what, I just had so much up my sleeve, I had no spare time. And since Chanyeol and I got together he never brought me back.


And now I am back. I don't know what Suho's problem is but why did he choose to eat here today of all places? It was just a stab in my heart. 


"Don't you want something else?" I asked him with a look that says let's go eat somewhere else please because I cannot eat here.


"Why don't you like the food here?"


"I do... but just not today?" I smiled back at Suho.


"Aaah don't be stubborn just get in." and Suho pushed me in. A waiter ushered us to our seats. 


I leaned over to Suho and saked him if he's paying. "No. Why?"


"isn't this place expensive? I mean look no one is in here but us.. the food's nice so it must be expensive" I whispered.


"Don't be silly... Anyway I got to use the restroom.. stay there." Suho left me. 


I was starting to get bored and I thought no one is coming to my rescue, a waiter approached me and asked for my order. 


"I'll wait for my friend. Thank you." I politely asked the waiter to step aside but to my surprise he did not.

"I know what you want." I was taken aback by the tone of the voiceofthe waiter and if I was not stupid enough, I think that voice is familiar. I should have recognized it the moment he asked me what I want.


"Oh, I thought you won't recognize me,Hye Mi.. " he responded facing me with a big smile on his face,

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I work here part-time." he shrugged.

"This early?Well it's just lunch time you still got classes.." I could go on and on but I canno because eventually I will get to ranting about Chanyeol forgetting our 100th day together.

"Well, someone needed a crew.. and besides I am too tired to go to music classes today.. So what do you want? I''m kinda your genie today." Baek sounded like he was put into this involuntarily.

"I thought you knew what I want?"

"Kidding." and he put up a fake smile. It's so fake I cannot help but notice but I cannot comment,

"Oh, i'd have seafood marinara.. I don't know about Suho, though.. what's taking him so long.."

"so I guess that would be all for now." and Baek flew into the kitchen.

After a long wait, Baek stormed out of the kitchen carrying two plates of pasta.

"KIMCHI SPAGHETTI?.. isn't this kimchi spaghetti? I ordered seafood marinara." I asked Baek and laughed my head off.

"Sorry, our cook over there only knows Kimchi spaghetti." Baek says while pointing to the kitchen.

"And why are there two orders?" Baek just smiled at mewhile rubbing the back of his head.

"Maybe because I wanted to join my girl on our 100th day together?" oh that familiar voice. The voice I have been missing the whole day. I cannot help but cry as he stood there beside me. "Why are you crying? I'm here now." and he enclosed me in the warmest hug.


and I kept on pounding on his chest while he kept me still in his tight hug. I hate how weak he makes me feel. I can hear Baek chuckling in the background. 

" I suppose I have to leave guys now." Baek said as he exited.

"I'm sorry. I just had trouble setting up something for you because out of all the days, my mom had to go somewhere today."

"Your mom? what does your mom have to do with this?" I asked escaping from his tight hug to face him.

"you'll see later. For now, let' go have lunch. This is Kyungsoo's cooking, by the way. I'm glad I have someone like him to cook." and he placed the Kimchi spaghetti in front of me. 

"Where's Suho? Did you see him?" I asked.

" I kinda asked him to bring you here. He's with Kyungsoo and Baek in the kitchen." 

"How were you able to rent this place out? Did you, by any chance, spend all your allowance just for this?" I asked him with a frown.

"No, baby. I just had connections. Now go eat. You got no more classes do you?" 

"Naaah. You, however do." I gave him a nudge on the knee.

"Naaaah. Kyungsoo, Baek and I only got practice today and we're done. So how about we go to the mall and buy yoou something nice to wear?"

"Why so?" I asked him while nibbling on my spaghetti.

"For tonight."  and he winked at me.

So this was not yet his surprise? Sometimes I am amazed by how my boyfriend manages his time and fits little suprises into the story. I hate how he does it. It just makes me weak and makes me fall deeper in love with him. Why good have I done in my past life to deserve this?

"Okay... and stop winking." I said looking at the floor. "It makes me blush.."

"Haha. I guess that won't make me stop."


Suho, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun came over to join us but as they walked in, Chanyeol dragged me out of the restaurant shouting something like, it's our day don't mess with it idiots. And that gave me the idea that maybe, just maybe they knew what Chanyeol was up to, and I am the only one who's clueless.



Well I didn't know Chanyeol had really nice taste in clothes. He picked a cute dress for me and asked me to wear it right away. We walked hand in hand in th mall and stopped by the salon. He wanted my hair fixed. I didn't know my boyfriend was this particular with looks, or maybe he was just up for something tonight. 

Before I knew it, we were back at VivaPolo. I thought he must have loved ths restaurant so muc hthat we had to eat here twice today..but the restaurant's closed.. or it appears so.

"Baby, I think they are closed." I tugged at his shirt.

"No, baby. It's open just for us." and he carefully pulls me to the restaurant. 

"Your connections are great." I smiled at him.

Inside the restaurant, I saw a woman who looks exactly like Chanyeol and a middle-aged couple. NO WAY. NO WAY IN HELL. ARE THEY HIS FAMILY?

Chanyeol pulled me closer to them and they smiled at me. I smiled back awkwardly, unaware of what's in store for me. Well, I kinda got a hint.

"Hye Mi, they are my family." They waved at me and I cannot help but bow 90 degrees. "Here's my mom, my dad, and my noona, Yoora." I bowed for every single one of them.".. and mom, dad, noona, This is Hye Mi, my girlfriend." Girlfriend. Never had it sound better than when he said it in front of hi family.

"Uhm.. Hi. I am very glad to meet all of you. You all look beautiful." I was lost for words actually.

"Nice to meet you, too. Finally." It was Chanyeol's noona. She'sa very pretty noona who looks a lot like Chanyeol. Chanyeol and sat opposite the three. 

"So why don't we have dinner, already?" Chanyeol's mom insisted. "You know, I want to know a lot about the girl who swept my son of his feet." and she chuckled. Chanyeol simply smiled back at his mother.

"I heard he brought you here before,

did you like the food?" his mother leaned closer to me.

"Yes, ma'am.It was great." I sheepishly smiled at his mom. 

"I'm glad. I won't have to fire the cook." and they burst out laughing.

Wait. Fire the cook? Is this Chanyeol's family business? I gave Chanyeol a puzzled look and he just smiled back.


When dinner was over, Chanyeol took me home. 

"Why are you so quiet? You've been like this since we left the resto." He broke the silence let go of my hand and turned to face me. 

"I just find it stupid that I didn't figure out that you actually owned the place. It all makes sense now why you you loved that place and took me there today and that frist dinner together." I said looking down.

"Oh come here." and he held both my hands cupped my face so I face him. "You need not be Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew, I was the one who didn't tell you anyway." and he looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

".. which leads me to asking why didn't you tell me right away?" I had the courage to face him.

"I just wanted everything to be a surprise. I wanted my family to meet you at the right time and with the right mind. If you knew, you'd be nervous and you'd probably act differently." 

"Wasn't I weird? I was weird.I just kept on smiling and looking at how pretty your family is and how great they are as people... I think I gave them a bad impression and I'm scared.. scared they won't like me for you.. and I was just plain clumsy...  and I-"

He cut me midsentence and kissed me. It was a surprise attack, I cannot help but drown in his passioante kiss. When we broke off, he slightly brushed his lips on my cheeks before whispering, "My mom actually liked you. Noona too. Dad likes anyone so stop worrying. I love you."

I cried, Yes, I am such a crybaby. I hugged Chanyeol and hejust kept on whispering I love you over and over again. I escaped from his hug which surprised him.

"I almost forgot. I got you something." I handed a box over to him. 

"Well, I got you something, too." He brought out a necklace with a star pendant. It was the cutest star ever. "I know you were never the type to wear hearts all over and figured, maybe a star would fit you better because, you light up my world.. I love you."

Tears were flowing. " I hate you" was all I could say before kissing him again. I think I'll never get used to this cheesy guy who's mine now. No, I think I'll be keeping him forever.

"stop crying, they might think I'm a bad boyfriend." he laughed as he wiped tears off my cheeks. " Well what did you get me?"

"why don't you jut open it?" 

Chanyeol opened the box and I got the most puzzled look. 

"Don't you like it?.. I know you like her so much, I lined up to get that signature."

"But, you know, Id rather have yours.. she's just an idol, you are my star.. my everything now...wait are you jealous of her? Over my fanboying?"

"No.I find it adorable."

"Oh c'mon spill."

"Okay maybe a little. I don't like it when you stop listening to me when they start performing, and when you suddenly burst "ah yeppeuda" when you see her."

"So you got me this so you could let me know... my clever girl. Come here." And he hugged me again and whispered in my ear.

"aaah yeppeuda. neomu neomu jwoah."

Gaahd he should know that it makes me weak in the knees with that deep voice of his and his breath in my ears. 

He let go of me and asked. "Feel better?"

"Yeah. I love you. Sorry. I'd get you something else." I said looking at the pavement.

"Baby, why don't you just give me three wishes?"

"Three wishes?"

"Yes. Three wishes you can never say no to."


"I love you so ing much." He hugged me and  gave apeck on my forehead before he left for the night.






















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too much feels from Miracles in December inpsired me to write tho it's not enough


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