Building A Bridge

Out of a Dream

Chanyeol 7:54 PM

See you tomorrow. 4PM coffee shop. :)


I cannot help but read and reread this message. Hoping I will never forget. I've been really forgetful all my life so I was frantic at the thought that I would forget meeting up with Chanyeol. Or, was it just a lame excuse to view his message over and over to feel that something that comes with it. 

I was fiddling with my phone when Suho walked over. 

"Hye Mi. I think your alarm is calling youuuu." 

Oh yes. I was so engrossed in Chanyeol's message I forgot I was doing my experiment. I rushed towards the oven and I see my little evaporating dish all dried up.

"Too dry. I think it's burnt." Suho meddles. 

"It'll take 2 more hours to repeat this. And I'm supposed to meet Chanyeol by 4. Why do I have to be so forgetful?" I looked over to Suho with eyes welling up.


"Oh, silly. You could move the appointment or just ask him to get here if he's in a hurry.. anyway I'd be leaving, Tao texted me and he's waiting for me. See you soon~" and Suho vanishes from my sight. 


Can you come over my laboratory instead? my experiment isn't going pretty well. If you don't want to, can we meet up tomorrow instead? Really sorry.




I don't know if I was stupid but I really hoped he'd choose to come over. I really wish he would. I was hoping for a miracle.




Chanyeol 2:42 PM

Okay. I'll be there. Would you like something to eat? My treat. :>


Chanyeol asked me what I want to eat!!!!!! OMG. 


I'm fine. I'd wait  for you. See you. I'd send the instructions over on how to get here.


And if I were not in the laboratory, I would have done a cartwheel. Sometimes it is probably okay to make mistakes especially when outcomes are this good. I thought. I tried to set up my experiment again though my hands were fumbling. It was a wonder how I managed to get my sample heated once more. I ws too clumsy.




Chanyeol 3:30 PM

I'm here. :)


OMYGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHHHH. Chanyeol is here. Do I look fine? Do I look okay? Do I smell good? I decided to check my reflection on the glass windows of my laboratory room. 


Wrong move. On the other side of the glass window, I can see Chanyeol chuckling. Apparently, he saw my mini drama. I cannot help but slap my forehead. He knocked on the glass window, and smiled at me. I could just feel the gush of blood into my cheeks. I hurriedly opened the door.

"Hi!" I sheepishly said.

"Hi." He replied with a cute little grin and a rub on his nape. ".. so this is where you work?"

"yeah.. most of the time.. I only have to finish this and the paperwork then I'm done." I replied while offering him a seat. "Have a seat."

"Nice place. So I see you work with instruments too." And he did that aerial quote and unquote sign which he ended with a chuckle.

"Yeah. You could say that." I pulled a chair to sit in from of him. " So do you have any ideas? We can brainstorm. I was just actually waiting for my sample to dry." and pointed at the sample in the oven.

"Ooooh. I want to try a dance number. Class is modern music and dance anyway. Let's do TroubleMaker." He suggested with the look of an innocent child on his face. And I swear to all the gods, I would probably offer them anything and eveything right then and there. Chanyeol offering to dance TroubleMaker with me. what kind if sorcery is this? Was I perhaps Marie Curie in my past life? Or Mother Teresa to deserve this?


"You sure about that?" That was all I can say. The voice in my brain was not able to come out. 

"Well,  if you are not comfortable dancing like that,"

internally I was screaming "I like the idea. Don't change!"

" we could do something else. BoA's Only One's good as well." 

Well the fallback was not that bad but I'd do more of the dance. "uhm, do we do the whole song?"

"Well yes, change some of the parts into mine." and he sweetly smiled. Gaahd I really don't know what good I did to see those beautiful pearly whites flash a smiie at me. 

"It is fine with me." and my alarm went off. " just a minute, I'd take my samples out the oven first."  and I rushed to the oven.

"Do you need a hand with that?" 

And before I was ready to answer he had swiftly gone behind me aiming to assist. And if the previous mistakes were not enough, her I am again flailing over Park Chanyeol. I was startled by his sift move to help causing my samples to spill.

"OMGGGGGGG" was all I could say,

"What happened?" Chanyeol stood behind me.

"I spilled my sample." I said, amost in tears. 

"Well, I guess we'd stay here for a few more hours?" He said with a smile.

Internal flails.

"Okay. I guess it will be fine to do so."


Chanyeol stayed for the rest of the experiment. He helped me with my stuff and patiently waited. He discussed the upcoming task for our class with me and occassionally he would play his guitar which came along with him. 

"I like this place." he blurted. " I can only hear my guitar. Is it always like this?" 

"Most of the time." I answered while cleaning up thedesk since I'm done with my experiment. " Most of the time I am alone here so yes, it is pretty quiet."

"Don't you need company?" he asked looking at his guitar.

"Sometimes., it just gets too lonely."

"How about some company that comes along with good music?" he looked at me and flashed a smile that showed his dimples. 

"I would love that." and with that I clutched my bag. " How about I treat you to dinner? Since you've helped me with my experiment."

He starts to tuck his guitar into its case and stands up.

"How about I treat you to dinner instead? Don't even try to turn me down" he flashed the same smile.

and with that we walked out of the laboratory chuckling.













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too much feels from Miracles in December inpsired me to write tho it's not enough


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