First Day Jitters

Out of a Dream

It was past midnight and sleep has forgotten about me. Tired of rolling all over my bed, I decided to call Suho. 


"Yeoboseyo?" Suho sounds irritated.


"Suho, it's me Hye Mi." I gave him a cold reply.


"Hye Mi.. why did you call this late? I still have to get my beauty rest." he sounded much more irritated with each word.


"I just need someone to talk to. Can you please just hang in there and listen to me?"


"Hye Mi, I'm sorry I'm feeling dizzy right now. I'd get Tao to listen to you. Is that okay?"


"But I'm shy."


"Oh c'mon Tao's always there with us. Go on. I'm really sorry I cannot tonight," I hear Suho's faint call to Tao. footsteps follow.


"Hye Mi. Hey, Suho asked me to talk to you, " Tao talked with his voice down low. I can hear keyboard taps with every word he says.


"Yes. I'm sorry Tao I just really need to vent this out... Tomorrow is music class with Chanyeol and I cannot sleep. I don't know if I'm nervous, excited, or just numb about it. It has been months since I started this crazy obsession with Park Chanyeol and this by far is the craziest thing I'll do for him.. you know, an engineering major goes to a music class for the love of her life, err, crush. I am just plain crazyyyyy. Plain crazy." and I let all of that out in one go. A minute passed and Tao still did not give me a reply. 


"You know Hye Mi you weren't the first one to do so" Tao answerswith a lot of keyboard taps accompanying his reply. " I did that for Suho. It was just too pointless to sit around and watch him from afar." Yeah right. Tao jus had to slap my face with the thought that my idea was no that original and that he was  the first one to think of it. And that I happened to be the one to bring Suho to him.


"Awww. you perfectly understand me. Did you feel asa giddy as I am now????" I asked Tao for reassurance. Reassurance that things would turn out fine and that what I am feeling is normal and that nothing would go wrong.


"Well, I am a pretty confident dude.. but yes I did. I was worried I'd just waste all the efforts by ruining the first day.. amazingly, I pulled it off and Suho's mine now. " and he lets out a yawn. Keyboard taps still continue in the background.


"haha. thanks for this talk Tao, I bet you're sleepy. good night!"


"Good night Hye Mi! Rest well." and we hung up. 


That talk with Tao was enough to make me feel secure. Ever since Suho and Tao got together, he has been another bestfriend of mine, and that's why I pray that he would never leave Suho because I see the goodness in him. He may look bad in the outside but his heart is divine. I was happy Suho found someone like him to stay by his side. Suho may look like the responsible guy but deep inside he is a crybaby. Suho is like a ceramic mug, he gets broken easily, and Tao, he's the super glue always there to fix Suho. People always make the mistake that Tao is the baby in the relationship but no, it actually is Suho. 

`Ring Ding Dong~


That was my alarm. I hurriedly went to take a bath because it is the freaking first day of Music Class and I cannot be late. I made sure I had everything I need for today. Yesterday, I dropped by the bookstore to get school supplies and made sure I had every single one of the essentials. I hate to admit it but I really wish Chanyeol would be the kind of student who would go about the room and search for a stapler an extra pen or so. I cannot help it, I rarely see him with a bag, he always has his guitar case strapped to his body instead of a bag.



It was Suho. I had been staring at the music hall for quite some time. Suho was there waving at me and so is Tao who is grinning. The walk up to me.

"So how was your beauty sleep?" I checked Suho's face around. "Last time I checked you looked the same. Naah, your beauty sleep did not work." I smirked as we walked our way into the hall. Suho linked his arms with mine leaving Tao behind. 

"Yaaa! I'm sorry I left you but hey, Tao was a better counselor tha I am" and he puts his linked around my shoulder instead. Tao following close behind. 

"thanks Tao" I faced Tao and looked back into Suho.. "he's my new bestfriend.."  I grinned at Suho. Next thing I know, he was dragging me to class with his arm around my neck and Tao is laughing at us.

"Let go of me. Tao, help!"

To my surprise, Suho did let me go. I followed his gaze and I saw Park Chanyeol. Yes freaking Park Chanyeol entered the room with Byun Baekhyun and Do Kyungsoo.

"Let's hurry. We need to grab a seat near them." Suho dragged Tao and I along.

We were positioned behind Chanyeol and his friends. They were a noisy bunch. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were always singing. Chanyeol laughs at them but he eventually butts in. He's always second voice though. When he turns sideways, I catch a glimpse of half of his face. I love how his nose crinkles when he laughs or sometimes snorts. I could go on watching this forever., but forever comes to an end as soon as the professor enters the room and everyone falls silent. He said a couple of introductions before dropping the bomb..

" I need you guys to pair up." he says cheerfully.

Of course, Suho would choose Tao over me. They're conveniently seated next to each other. I searched the room for someone without a pair.


"Say, miss, will you pair up with me?" That deep voice was familiar. Before I could even grab hold of myself. "It'll be more convenient if you'd pair up with me." and he looked at me with puppy dog eyes. 

"Sure." I said and he smiled at me.

"Good." He, then moved to the seat next to me. 

"Are you all paired up? Get to know your partners since you'd be spending a lot of hardships with them for the semester, and please prepare something to present in class.. "


"so, you are?" He asked me with that frown on his face while he rubbed his nape.


"Yang Hye Mi." I smiled and extended my hands for him to shake. 


"I'm Park Chanyeol. What are you focuisng on?" and he shook my hand. He shook my freakingly cold hands.


"I'm no music major. I just took this subject for fun." I said shyly.


"Oh. That's cool." And he nodded his head. " I'm a music major and I play the guitar, I also play the piano and drums but mostly I play the guitar.. so maybe we could do a song number? Can you sing?" 

"i could try." and we both laughed. 

We decided to do sing Falling Slowly for the class.Suho and Tao did a song and dance number. Baekhun and Kyungsoo did a song battle over What is Love. It was a fun class. The professor was very bright and it appeared more of a workshop than a class. Even if Chanyeol was not in the class, I think it would still be worthwhile. Having Chanyeol, and teaming up with him was more than what I could wish for.

"Okay class, for the next meeting, I want you to prepare another number with your partner but this time, I want it to revolve around a certain theme called Romance." 

Baekhyun teased Kyungsoo by caressing his hair and looking him in the eye but he laughed. Tao and Suho were pretty confident. And me, yes me. Upon hearing the last word, I felt blood rushing through my cheeks. I just hoped against all hope that Chanyeol did not see my bright red face, but the universe was not on my side.

"you're red as a tomato. HAHA!" he laughed. "are you embarassed to do romantic moves? Don't worry I got your back." and I swear I could hear the angels singing when he smiled at me. Those pearly whites of his were to die for. I wish to see more. I proceeded to fixing my stuff inside my bag but a light tap on my shoulder and Chanyeol was almost in my face. 

" I need your number so we can talk about it outside class." and he handed me his phone. I typed in my digits and handed it back to him. "So what name do you want me to put?"


"what name would you want on my phone?"

"whatever you like.." I shrugged.

"If you say so." then he chuckled.

"what's so funny?" and I swear I could feel all the heat in my body rush up my cheeks.

"you are. I love the flustered look on your face." and he smirked at me,


The bell rings and class ends. 


He waved goodbye and catches up to Baekhyun and Kyungsoo who were already at the door being mushy around each other. I turned to Suho and Tao who are both grinning at me. They got that you got a lot of explaining to make miss look on their faces.

"So I think we have something to talk about during lunch later?" Suho brushed his elbow off my sides.

"Huh?" I pretended not to know what Suho was talking about. " I got to go, I have to meet up a labmate. See you later!"

I left Suho and Tao hanging in the dark. It serves him right for abandoning me earlier. I felt sorry for Tao though, I think I owe Tao a run of what had just transpired but naaaah. He's probably tell Suho right away so I might just tell them some other time.


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too much feels from Miracles in December inpsired me to write tho it's not enough


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