Little Lu and Big (Old) Lulu

Parent's Intuition


The entire morning was spent at the waterpark where Suho made arrangements for Luhan’s birthday. It’s going pretty well so far, but Luhan kept on complaining of wanting to play soccer or going to a soccer game. Suho didn’t scold the boy, but he made sure that he felt bad so he won’t complain. He’s good at that. Sehun nearly drowned again and it was because Kris took his eyes off of the boy for a few minutes. Kai was yelling for Kris, but the tall man was distracted with all the different kinds stores he passed by that were selling plushies and stuffed toys. Suho made a mental note to give a long lecture of being a responsible parent, just as his own taught him.


With it being mid-afternoon, Suho realized that he hasn’t called back to their original friends. I mean, it’s like nearly the same time in that other dimension, right? Grabbing his phone out of Sehun’s little hands, he dialed for Kyungsoo’s number and waited for the other line to pick up. Thank god for this weird, dimensional phone thing.


Someone picked up the phone after three tones, “Hello?” Kyungsoo’s familiar voice was heard over the phone. Suho sighed in relief.


“Kyungsoo ah! It’s been a few days since I talked to you.”


“It has, hyung!” Suho wondered if he heard sadness in his voice, “Let me guess why you’re calling today.” Suho waited, “Luhan hyung’s birthday, right?”


Suho nodded, but realized the other can’t see him, “Yeah. Right now, I’m taking the little Lu out somewhere. Well, we’re out somewhere right now and we’re eating lunch.”


“Ah. it’s still morning here. Kai and I are making breakfast before we all head out to an amusement park and force Luhan hyung to go on the rides.”


“Kyungsoo, should we get Luhan talk to Little Lu? Think that’s a good idea?” He really wants to see the reaction of the annoying little brat called Luhan talk to the lazy, walking ual innuendo of a human being. Oh, and the reaction of how his voice doesn’t get much deeper from what it’s already at from being a kid.


“Sure, we’ll try it.” Suho heard rusting over the phone and he heard Kyungsoo yelling for Luhan. After a few seconds and a few footsteps later, he heard Luhan and Kyungsoo talking. Soon enough, he heard Kyungsoo speak into the phone again, “Here’s Luhan!” Suho heard a little ‘oof’ which he assumes that Kyungsoo shoved it into him.


“Hello?” Luhan’s familiar voice was heard and Suho inhaled a deep breath.


With all his energy, he yelled, “Happy birthday Luhan!!” He heard the phone drop onto the floor on the other line. Suho assumes he startled the boy and he heard Luhan grunting as he bent down to pick the phone up.


Luhan sighed, “Suho, now why’d you have to go and scare me like that?” He said sternly, “Trying to give me a heart attack, hm? Is that what you want? WANT ME DEAD?”


“Luhan, I think you’re overreacting right now—”


“I can’t believe you’re in it too! This is terrible!” Luhan cried. Well, he wasn’t actually crying, but he sounded distressed. Really, really distressed.


“Oh, Luhan!” Suho said, trying to revert back to the plan of Little Lu talking to Big Lu, “I have someone here who wants to talk to you!” Suho waved at the birthday boy, motioning for him to come over. The boy looked at him curiously and approached slowly.


“What is it, Suho umma~?” He half-joked, half-asked. Suho pointed towards the phone and handed it to the small boy and waited for either or to say something.


“Suho, I swear to god. If you are ——”


“What’s ?” Little Lu asked. There was silence on the other line momentarily before the younger boy spoke again, “Hello?” He asked curiously, slightly pouting. A habit of Little Lu that seemed to follow Adult Luhan.


“Who’s this?” Big Lu asked, slightly pissed off but also curious as well. He must admit, this little boy does sound adorable.


The little boy’s eyes widened with disbelief, “I’m Luhan! How could you not know?! I’m the greatest person ever and it’s my birthday too!” He puffed his cheeks out, slightly angry but adorable nonetheless.


There was silence on the other line for moment, until Big Lu yelled out WHAT so loud that everyone could hear it across the other dimension. “Impossible! I’m Luhan and it’s my birthday too!” Luhan was going to continue on his rambling until he remembered that Suho and Kris have to deal with their child counterparts. “Wait, how old did you turn?”


Little Lu counted his fingers, stopping on the seventh. “Wait, you’re big Luhan? I heard about big Lulu! I turned seven today! How is is big Lu?”


Luhan coughed over the phone and sniffled, “I’m — um… twenty-four.”


“Big Lu is old.”


If you listen closely, you can faintly hear Big Lu mouthing profanities towards his younger, other dimensional self. “Well at least I can do more things than you! I can drink and drive!” Luhan said rather quickly, angry at being called old. For goodness sake, he was the second oldest member, that much is true, but the youngest Luhan looked is at least 15 or 16.


Little Lu made a disgusted face, “Eww. That’s gross, drinking! I won’t ever drink ever!” Little Lu nodded his head in agreement with his own promise. Luhan laughed, causing the other to be slightly confused. “Why are you laughing?! Kris and Suho said drinking is bad!”


Luhan sighed, “Of course they would.  Listen here little me — no wait, I mean you — but you won’t be able to keep that promise. Trust me on that.”


“Big Lu is a big liar! And old.”


“Quit pointing out that I’m old! Geez, just when I thought I couldn’t get more annoying…”


“It’s okay, though!” Little Lu said cheerfully, oblivious to the fact that Big Lu was getting annoyed by his own other-dimensional-self-who-is-technically-him-but-not-at-the-same-time. “I like Big Lulu! He’s funny!” The little boy smiled into the phone, most likely thinking that the other could see him smiling.


“Why do I get the feeling that you’re smiling?” Luhan sighed on the other line, “Anyways, should I be offended or what?”


“Nope! Whatever that means.”


“Well then!” There was silence for a moment before Luhan continued the conversation, “Oh, I never said this. Happy birthday, little Lu.”


“Big Lulu!” The little boy smiled so wide that even though Luhan was in a different dimension, he could see the boy’s gleaming smile. It’s weird since he is technically the other, but whatever, it’s science or something. “Thank you, big Lulu! Happy birthday to you too!! Even though you’re old.”


Kyungsoo was heard snickering in the background, followed by a scream soon after, “Big Lulu, what was that?”


Luhan cleared his throat, “It was just an annoying… pest. Also, you should really stop calling me Big Lulu. You’re like, seven now? Right?”


Little Lu hummed in agreement and in thought, trying to think of another nickname. He was silent for a moment before a light bulb popped out of nowhere, along with the new nickname.“Old Lulu!”




The small boy was laughing now at the older’s outburst. Luhan was heard sighing and groaning at how ridiculous his other little self is. Sure, he’s cute, but he is a handful. Luhan pitied Suho and Kris. “I’m sorry, Big Lulu! But I really want to see you! Can you be my birthday present?”


“I’m sure that’s illegal— I mean,” He cleared his throat, “Yeah! I want to see you too, kid. Yeah… let’s go with that.”


“Promise that you’ll visit! Or, or…” Little Lu paused to turn around to see if Suho or Kris was behind him. They were almost done eating their pizza and were going to eat the cake without Lulu! “I’ll ask Kris and Suho hyungs to take us to you!” He looked behind again and saw that they really are going to cut the cake without Luhan! “I have to go now, bye Old Lulu!~” The boy hanged up before the other could scream “I AM NOT OLD!” once again.


“Ah,” Suho said, noticing the birthday boy running towards him with the phone in hand, “How did you like talking to big Luhan?”


Luhan smiled and handed the phone back, “I like him! He’s old though, and sounds girly too! Am I going to sound like him when I’m older, Suho hyung?” Suho nervously laughed and quickly changed the topic by talking about the cake and saying Luhan gets the big slice, but Suho gets the even bigger slice. Chanyeol kept on screaming about how unfair that is just because he’s older, but he isn’t tall.


In the end, Suho got no slice of cake while Luhan got three.





“Why are you sulking early in the morning?” Kai questioned, looking at his hyung who was currently curled up into a ball, rocking back and forth on the floor. Luhan looked up at him with hollow eyes and, well, he basically looked like he was dead. Or Tao on a bad morning.


“I’m so old…” He murmured weakly, looking back down on the floor. Kai snorted and turned back, walking to the living room.

“Yup, you sure are hyung.”





EXO Showtime tomorrow!! Get hyped! 

also i ran out of ideas for the next cute fluffy scenes

i think i have an idea for baby hun, but who knows. 

also, aff is weird. strange. hmm...


//i never proofread these and i have no friends so no one can do it for me so i apologize for mistakes

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for someone who is looking for a new story of mines, i have a new one posted! 'last one standing' is the title.


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Chapter 10: wwwwww so cuteeeeeeeee!!!!
Chapter 10: This is so precious. I always love this from the firt time i found it several years ago.
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Sehunnie
Chapter 10: Speechless .... S.u.p.e.r D.o.u.p.e.r CUTE!!!!! I'm sobbing now huhuhuhu!!!

Thanks for this, Authornimmmmm!
Chapter 10: This story is adorable! Love it!
kenxdesooin #6
Chapter 10: That was ssuper duper awesome........ ccute
Chapter 10: Nearly scared the heck out of me seeing my name at the end. Great story!
Nana4048 #8
Chapter 1: Haha, its obvi eevee
Chapter 10: Awwww, cuteness overloadssss!!!!!!