Party with the Ahns.

My perfect boyfriend~

“…. Last but not least we would like to thank you for your presence to our 30th wedding anniversary and therefore we're pleased to present our son who is enrolling in high school this year. He will be taking over our company once he reaches college,” said Mr. Ahn who was speaking on the stage.

Your eyes followed his arm gesturing towards his son. That was when your jaw dropped. You looked at Kwangmin who widened his eyes.

“May I present my son, Ahn Daniel,” Mr. Ahn spoke proudly.

Everyone clapped except Kwangmin. You forced yourself to clap. You knew Niel was a son of a successor but you didn’t know that Niel was heir to the company. Kwangmin’s parents also work as famous successor of their own companies who have made deals of the Ahns. You looked at Niel who was smiling and receiving love from his parent’s friends and his family members. Then, you remembered a few months ago when he wasn’t doing so well. Your heart softened and you began smiling brightly. *I guess he’s finally made it, I’m happy for him*

On the other hand, Kwangmin watched you smile at Niel. His heart started to ache. *Maybe she’s falling for him again…* Kwangmin thought worriedly.

“Let the dinner begin before we proceed to the dance,” Mrs. Ahn announced happily.


“How’s the food, _____?” you heard Mrs. Jo asking you happily.

“It’s great,” you smiled as you sipped a little of the juice.

“Annyeonghasshimnikka,” a familiar voice greeted.

You turned your head towards the friendly and familiar voice to see the Ahn family standing there.

“Ah, Mr and Mrs. Ahn, congratulations on your 30th anniversary,” Mr. Jo said.

“Thank you for coming, we really appreciate it,” Mrs. Ahn smiled.

“It was no problem. These are my sons, Kwangmin and Youngmin. This is _______, Kwangmin’s girlfriend,” Mrs. Jo smiled as she placed her hand on your shoulder.

“Ah, _____-ssi, we meet again,” Mr Ahn smiled.

 “Annyeonghasaeyo ahjussi, eomonim, Daniel-ssi,” you quickly greeted.

Your heart was racing. *What if they say something about me and Niel?* you thought worriedly. You knew that Niel parents particularly liked you for your parents were great at running businesses. They always supported your relationship with Niel and always forced you to have dinner with them. Unlike how you were touched by the Jo family’s warm hospitality, you always felt nervous and under pressure whenever you were at Niel’s place. However, you didn’t know how they reacted when you and Niel broke up because you never saw them ever since Niel got kicked out of the house that night. You saw Niel watching you with a grin. You smiled back nervously.

“So, you know _____?” Mr Jo’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

“Yes, we do. Her parents are very well known business partners in Japan,” Mr. Ahn smiled.

“She used to spend a lot of time with our son as well,” Mrs. Ahn spoke, grinning at you.

“Ah, so she was Niel’s girlfriend once?” Mr. Jo frowned a little.

“Yes, she was,” Niel spoke. “However, we decided to go our own ways because we thought that our friendship would last much longer than a relationship.”

You smiled at Niel. *He must’ve felt my nervousness. I have to thank him later!* you thought. Kwangmin was watching how you watched and smiled at Niel. His heart sank again. *Is she falling for him again?* he sighed quietly. Suddenly, Niel excused himself and walked on stage. He grabbed a microphone and tested it.

“I would like to invite my father and my mother to start the dinner dance. Mr. and Mrs. Ahn please take the floor,” Niel spoke gracefully.

Everyone clapped and you watched as Mr. Ahn held Mrs. Ahn’s hand gently as he walked on the dance floor. Then, the music played.

You watched how they gazed in each other’s eyes and danced happily. Niel came off the stage and walked towards your table. You turned your head to Kwangmin who wasn’t in the best mood because of what he saw a few minutes ago. *Why is he unhappy?* you thought. Then, you smiled and slipped your hand into his. He looked at you surprised.

“Why are you frowning?” you asked softly.

“Oh-h, it’s n-nothing,” he smiled.

You looked at Mr. and Mrs. Ahn on the dancefloor and smiled to yourself. You tightened your hand grip around Kwangmin’s and quietly smiled.

“Look at Mr. and Mrs. Ahn, aren’t they just perfect for each other?” you asked.

“Just like you and me,” Kwangmin grinned happily and whispered into your ear making you smile even more.

Just as you were about to say something else, a voice interrupted you.

“May I have this dance?” you turned around to see Niel offering his hand.

Everyone was looking at you; the family members and friends of the Ahn family, Mr. Jo, Mrs. Jo, the irritating Youngmin and the most important person of all Kwangmin. You nervously gulped. Mrs. Jo smiled at you encouragingly and nodded. You looked up at Niel and accepted his offer as he led you to the dance floor.

Kwangmin helplessly saw you being pulled away by your ex-boyfriend. Niel silently smirked at Kwangmin’s expression and when you were looking he smiled warmly. Youngmin saw his defeated brother and shook his head.

“Yah, pabo. You’re gonna let her go like that?” Youngmin hissed in his ears.

“It’s a formal dinner, hyung. I can’t do anything,” Kwangmin sighed as he drank his drink.

Mrs. Jo smiled at Kwangmin and held his hand.

“Don’t worry, darling. She’s only gone for a dance with him, you can ask another girl and exchange partners afterwards,” she smiled.

“May I be the first one to pick the hot babe,” Youngmin chuckled as he stood and adjusted his blazer as he tossed his blonde hair.


“Are you having fun?” Niel asked you as you slowly danced with him to the music.

“Y-yes,” you stuttered nervously.

“____-ah,” Niel chuckled. “Are you nervous?”

You shook your head as you hid your red face. *This is embarrassing. I know I have no more feelings for Niel but why isn’t my heart paying attention to my conscious?!* you thought of Kwangmin instantly. You looked up and saw Kwangmin asking a girl from another rich family for a dance. Your heart sank but you only sighed.

“You look beautiful by the way,” Niel smiled at you, creating butterflies in your stomach.

“Thanks, I like how you’ve changed to be a nicer guy,” you smiled back.

Kwangmin watched how you and Niel danced happily as you smiled and talk to him. Although he has another rich and pretty girl in his arms dancing with him, he can’t seem to concentrate. He sighed as he tried to smile. Niel smirked silently as he saw disturbed Kwangmin. Then, his gaze shifted to you who was smiling brightly at him. *That’s right, _____. You keep on smiling at me, and soon Kwangmin will realize he can’t make you smile like how I make you*



Wow~ Seems like they're people who like Niel as well! O: Personally speaking, Niel is my bias in Teentop HAHA!!~~ He's cute<3 and seriously speaking, I have no idea who will end up with who yet :D (is it obvious that I'm lying xD ??)

Anw, thanks for subscribing for those who did! For those who didn't please do!! and comment~ I appreciate them alot! :D Komawo!

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 53: Haha! I like the ending 10 kids... Sure I am totally fine with that it is so worth the future pain! Jk it must actually really hurt! Lol :P
Chapter 53: This story was amazing! I loved it!
I cried, I squealed with joy, it was wonderful :)
Totally worth staying up till 1 am to finish it xD don't ask...
and Kwanggie, why 10 kids?! :P
khelly #3
This is my second time reading it.It's still OH SO AWESOME.:)
KellyKiller #4
Chapter 24: OMB! Neil is my bias in Teen Top 2 :) great story :)
Chapter 53: Nyannnn. What a great story~♥
Chapter 53: I read this again for the 2nd time. I love it! Thank you for this story :)