He missed her

Destined or Not?

“Finish up, and read the notes, once you're done.”

+ + +

“Sehun-ah, this one is hard, oh really. Help me!” Luhan said not taking a look behind, he wanted to focus, while Sehun beside him on the bed, watching the TV; comeback of GD.

Sehun who was busy on watching of his idol, he silently singing along with G-Dragon’s Crooked, silly old grumpy Luhan can’t even do equations.

“Luhan you know you’re older than me, and can’t you solve this simple equation?” Sehun said pointing at the problem.

“That’s why I hate math. And Sehun you know I’m older than you, then where is your manners?”

“Are we close enough for you to say that?” Sehun said rolling his eyes and going back to the television.

Luhan was worrying for his mother, what if something happen? Oh, just as second day of school? Can’t you even believe that? Luhan is too far away from his home and he is already going out with his friends.

Suddenly Luhan sees his watch he freaked out there’s too many notes to read and review for the next mid-term exam. Oh right, Luhan can take Sehun notes through his house and review.

As the time reads, it’s already 8:56p.m. he promise to his mother that he will go home before 9.

“Sehun-ah… It’s already 8:56 you said you’ll take me home before 9 and… I’ll take these notes?” Luhan said holding Sehun in shoulder.


“I said you will take me home before 9.” Luhan repeats, looks like Sehun is dozing off.

“Nu-uh not until you finish your work, exam is already coming, you should prepare…”

“But I promise my mother to go home after the time.” Luhan said pouting.

“And we don’t have classes tomorrow!” Luhan added.

“I don’t care. Your mother might understand your condition right? What if you fail the exam, huh? You will blame it to me?”

“N-No! I can go here again tomorrow.”Luhan said protesting.



“The president said, and it is against the policy.”

“Wut? What policy? Baekhyun said nothing.”

“My policies”

“What your policies?”

Sehun sighing. “Just go home tomorrow and I’m tired sending you home, and my parents would allow you to go out. They are so protective to me and to my friends.”

A silence. . . DID HE JUST SAY FRIENDS?! So it means they’re already friends, oh how cute. Woosh. Let’s go back.

“What? What? What? How about my mother~? Luhan said puffing his cheeks.

“You can stay over here if you want...”

“I know could I sleep in the streets?” Now Luhan is mad.

“No, you continue with your work there.”

“Nae, Master!” Luhan said rolling his eyes.

“ARGGGHHHH! WHY?!” Luhan scream like an idiot just to relieve his anger.

Gosh. Sehun jump on his seat because of Luhan scream, he is almost scared to death, god. Well that’s life boy, anger is always around, handsome guys always around. OMG. Luhan even told me he haven’t have girlfriend because somebody says he has the girlish side, and someone said I have the boyish side! Well I hate them. I hope they read this! Ahhh! Going too far again!

“You will sleep at the guest room huh? Just go next to the second room next here, things are complete their, and you can borrow my shirt.” Sehun said.

Luhan who was sitting back from Sehun, he take a glance behind and see a Sehun now… he’s reading a book.

Now little Sehun is tired, while drifting off to his dreamland he instantly put the book down on his chest and close his eyes. Like a dead man, never letting go of the book that’s like life depend on it.

Old Luhan hear soft snores, not asking permission if he’s allowed to look.

Luhan smiled to himself. ‘He’s really an angel, even sleeping…’ Luhan say to himself.

Taking the book and placing over the bed table, neatly placed. And getting the blanket and placing over Sehun’s chest. As mothers do when reading tales, fables to their son to let them sleep, scared in monsters.

Stopping at Sehun’s chest he gave Sehun a light squeeze on the arm beneath the blankets that was under his chest.

“Sleep well, Sehun-ah.”

As Sehun said to stay over, he did. It’s really late, and as the clocks read 10p.m. it’s already for them, and Luhan’s mother never going to let his son go through a crazy party. And for Sehun’s family too, they are so… sometimes spoiled at Sehun.

He continues to review what lessons he missed, too insecure to pass the exam.

“Oh Sehun must be happy if I finish these…” Luhan said yawning, feeling sleepy.

Whoa, he thinks he will finish this note easily, well it’s too many… like a five bibles to read. Oh damn. Luhan laughs at himself, oh how silly he.

Promising to finish? I think not. He’s already dozing off, tired. Eye-lids are closing but keeping them open, he just have promise, for the half fourth book of the bible being finished…

He closed his eyes and let him take a nap for awhile and continue this later.

Placing the book somewhere, just between Luhan and Sehun’s body, the other notes were like trash beside Luhan.

Just a little nap… I will continue this later…



Sehun’s Point of view


I wake up on something, wonder why, sitting up, checking the clock, oh the lights aren’t off, and it read as 4a.m.

Oh my god. What is that? A stranger, rolling from my king sized bed from there to here, and hugging my body… LIKE WUT?

At first I was surprised, I thought I was in the bar and having a one-night-stand from a noona. It really freaked me out.

As I see, it was Luhan, I clearly said to him that he could sleep on the guest room right? Oh, jinjja… And the notes… Now my bed is really a mess, look notebooks everywhere and Luhan… over here.

What is this? Stupid heart, why are you beating fast?

I try to get out from his grip, but I feel not to. I just let him.

I look at his baby face, I found out his really cute, not only in weird things, talking, and also in sleeping, in all the people I met, he’s the person that had ever stand out, make my heart, beat like crazy.

No this is crazy… (Sehun, I think not.) I let him. Let him hug me, in his arms, I feel like I need to protect him, (Eyyy, you should know him first!) yeah you’re right author, I should know him first.

As I stared on his face, my body moved on its own, softly caressing Luhan’s cheeks, and moving his hair out of his eyes, wanting to get a clearer view of him.

Luhan is moving! Oh… he removed his arms on hugging me in his sleep; sighing… that’s a relief. He just flew off his bangs and faced me again, sleeping, arms in prayer style.

A feeling that I’ve lost my teddy bear… and my body goes for it again; our face is so close, enough to breath, feeling his breath… My hand is on it own, reaching for his waist, pulling him closely…

I just really have this feeling… Do I like him? As a friend I mean, that I needed to protect?

Ugh. If So Ah didn’t broke up with me, this time will be different, I just missed her, and I missed her touch, everything… I just imagine that she was in my arms. She was in my arms…



+ + +


Guys, I will make this author’s note short.

Yay, Look how angry Luhan is, and his easy to agree with.

Well that’s him.

And oh, I’m so dramatic at that part. OMG Don’t mention it. I’m an artist. Hahaha.

I can’t think of another title. Hehe.

I gotta go sleep… Look it’s almost 3a.m. here in Philippines.

I promised to myself I will have a beauty sleep!

Well I promise to update right? But it’s late 3 hours. Sorry.

So here it is.

Mistakes? Please laugh at me.

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Ppyong~ Bye~




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Chapter 2: Its so great great great
exohatesyou #2
criez . i love this ;n;.
Chapter 11: Hahahaha omg. La! That's so. XD
Chapter 11: Yuck sis. Yuck. Yuck. :D
exoshinhwa #5
Chapter 11: Geeeez!!!! Soooo hot! Can you please turn on the fan????!!!!
hunhan_chunjoe #6
Chapter 11: Sick sehunnie I was dying! >.<
I mean I am insanely want you luhan XD THATS JUST ASDFGHJK.
update soon!
hunhan_chunjoe #7
Chapter 10: Let's have babies yeah man!
ing hunhan feels!
Update soon me likey! XD
Chapter 9: Hehe theyr so cute trying to initiate >.<
hunhan_chunjoe #9
Chapter 8: Luhan drunk! Interesting!
This chapter is random! Btw it's really good! >.<
Update soon love yah
hunhan_chunjoe #10
Chapter 7: Yay hunhan boyfriend.... Woah this is great!
Update soon!