New friends. Cold one.

Destined or Not?

First trauma in ma life.

Waking up early. . . He promise to wake up earlier as he can, to look well... Actually when he wants to meet his new friends at school. Also it will be nice to recognized.

‘Oh it’s too early, think I should sleep more.’ ‘No! No! It’s my first day at school! I must look beautiful when they’re meeting me.’


“Ahhhhhhhh! Why school is invented?! I’m not even great at academics.” Little whine from our Deer student who’s like never ever gotten in school before.

Flailing like a crazy drunkard, broken hearted, confessing. He’s just too lazy to go up from bed, surfing all night in net? Like duh? 'How to like a girl.' Well in Lu’s vocabulary, in his previous school he often to be notice as GIRL. His precious baby face, white milky skin, and he’s really skinny.  HE REALLY HATES THAT WHEN ANYONE  CALL HIM AS A SHE. He’s manly. MANLY.

Stepping inside on his bathroom floors. He do what normal people do. Duh, a routine may be? Let’s skip, he’s to shy, he said to me (Seriously he said to me) Too revealing what his hobby in the bathroom. . . Tinker? Or what . . . You green mofos.



“I gotta do this. I’m confident. I’m handsome that any people neither aliens will drool at me. I’m manly.” This oh so not confident Luhan, nervously, is fixing his hair, if you ask me. He really is damn handsome. Blonde, OH .


Wow, look at those tight pants. Seducing a man’s heart, stealing your hearts!



Strolling down stairs, he sees his mom on the table with a coffee, nice scent. Turning her head where his son is walking, towards her.


Standing up, giving him full notice, describing him with an awesome look one her mom’s face “Wow dear, you really look good in your uniform, you look so neat!”


“Thanks, Umma. Am I not neat in house wears? Ehhhh.”


“Aigooo, that’s one of your attitudes I like, now eat!” His mother said in a polite cute tone, giving his son a more confidence in school.


“Eyyy, what’s with this face? Nervous?” Shoving her hands in his cheeks, really shaking, looking down staring, sweaty hands.


“N-No I’m just . . . Ani, nevermind Umma. Uhhm, yum, your cook is always delicious! Thank you, Umma! Well I’ll be going now! I don’t want to be late for school.”


“Aish, that kid is really cute.” Said his mom whispering to herself when he sees his son getting his bag, and drifting off.


“Bye Umma! Take care of yourself!”


“Bye baby! Don’t be nervous! Bye I love you!” Saying those last words make Luhan smile, waving their hands, receiving a nod.


Walking on the streets, there’s no sign of any aliens. He just walk were he know the school, just take where his feet does.


Not minding, in a quiet street, where a little red LuLu is enjoying the fresh boozing air, a super speed motorcycle just wildly appeared in front of nowhere with a loud ‘broom’ BROOM!


As just little red LuLu have seen in his sight. A red motorcycle with a cool design. Just startled him, jumping off were he was walking, stopped him. Two orbs have been sealed out, widely.


“Omo, What the –“ Luhan said snapping him off. Giving him an heart attack, ah he’s totally nervous and that freaking owner of that damn motorcycle, much of, giving him a total confidence.


“Aishhh. That –“ Never minding, amaze in the gaze, thanks to his feets took him easy to arrive in school. Yay.


Yes. Yes. Yes. This was SM High. Entering as a senior. Oh look who was here! A lost dear. Huhu who can tour him around? Literally, going to the school’s office, meeting the president, giving him a short tour though it’s really, Luhan is really genius! How can he wake up early?! (LOL)


“Oh! you’re the new transfer student, right? Ehm, I’m the school’s president, My name is Baekhyun! Oh oh oh oh oh!! You’re Luhan! Mmmm. Here, here . . . Oh you’re Chinese! Oh my god! Do you even speak Korean? Oh I must get Kris.” Reading the list of transfer student and assigned to tour Luhan. Meet Baekhyun the SM High’s president, loves eye-liner and have a cru – Oh Am I rushing? Let’s get to the topic!


“Woah, calm down. Yes, I’m Luhan. Yes I’m Chinese but born here in Korea. I speak Korean. And who’s Kris?” Luhan gives a small smile on how over acting is that president on meeting cute lil’ guys. Asking who’s Kris?


“Don’t mind him. He is a total jerk. Okay! Chop chop. Let’s get a free tour on Byun’s back no-wheel, free-walk.”


“Oh Yes! I’m glad you offer that. Let’s gooo!”


^That two idiots really sure is close already huh? How childish author I am.^


After the tour


“Oh, Luhan here’s your schedule. And your first class is English…. Oh we’re in the same class!  Let’s go then, class will start soon.” Giving him a text printed paper with time, subject, classes. And how surprise Luhan is when he is actually at the same class with the president.


“Gumasimnidaaaaa~ Really? First class is going? Well you might want to introduce me in our class right?” Luhan said reminding the president.


“Oh right! Thanks, Lu. Now let’s go?” Baekhyun said giving his hand in Luhan. (Eh? Haha I make them girls!) Intertwined their fingers, founding them selves ‘best friends’ only in hour, well you can see how happy they’re in each others hand.


“Yah! Yah! YAAAAHH!” Baekhyun shouted into their noisy class, getting all their attention with the ruler almost breaking while snapping them.


“Alright~” Back to Byun’s mode. “We have a transfer student, he’s Chinese, but fluent in Korean, Yah you guys? Treat him as you treat me, ALRIGHT?! Psh, go introduce yourself Baby~” Giving a wink.


“Oh, you silly Bacon…” Luhan snapping him, he doesn’t want to know their relationship, even though they don’t know well each other.


“Ehem…” All students staring at him, girls teetering even boys who was amazed; almost drooling, that these Stranger was cute as hell and handsome as heaven. “Hello! I’m Luhan,  here in Korea, so I frequently speak in Korean. Nice to meet you, hope we can get along, and wish you help me with the studies.” Luhan ending his speech and giving a 90 degree bow.


“Hmm, you must know him already huh? We’re even boy friends when we see each other first time.” Baekhyun said receiving a lot of bash from the students. h Chanyeol don’t be jealous you’re my only one.” Wow, Chanyeol even have special mention from his boyfriend.


“Oh,Luhan take your seat beside Sehunniee Behind Chanyeol, that giant over there.


Both two taking over their seats, Luhan beside Sehun who was definitely not noticing who was there. “Yah, Baekhyun you don’t have to announce where should I sit you must’ve guide me here.” Luhan said behind the two lovebirds who was making skinship.. touch me over here, touch me touch me over there.


“I don’t care. Know give me some time with my Yeol.” Baekhyun said shrugging off Luhan’s question. “Oh, Sehun” Baekhyun says while removing Sehun’s earphone, well he don’t need it, just an thing to let them know that he is busy.




“Mind if you take in charge of Luhan? Tell him what he misses in our previous classes, so he can pass the exam?”


“I don’t mind.”


“Thank you, Sehunieee!”


“Okay Okay! Just don’t call me with that name.”


“Psh. Alright alright, Ajusshi.”


Sehun, bringing back his earphones interrupting Luhan, he was about to say something, but he’s to shy. He might get angry.



+ + +


Annyeong! Fast update huh? I must post this earlier 'cause this fic was created yesterday, but what? forgot my password.

Yeeey. We have BaekYeol moment and BaekHun momment? OMG Am I too rush? Please leave a comment.

I haven't mention Sehun right? oh, 

Ugh. I'm sorry if I had mistaken a grammars. I'm just lazy now. Tired.

Can anyone help me spread this story? No. huhu.

So in our second update...

How will Luhan take Sehun like a friend Baekhyun? Will he do it?

Hope you like the first chapter! Yippiee~ I have to sleep now!

Please Do Comment for any suggestions, anything just don't bash! And of course subscribe. To my dear Silent Readers, Please wake up. ;)

Ppyong~ Bye~





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Chapter 2: Its so great great great
exohatesyou #2
criez . i love this ;n;.
Chapter 11: Hahahaha omg. La! That's so. XD
Chapter 11: Yuck sis. Yuck. Yuck. :D
exoshinhwa #5
Chapter 11: Geeeez!!!! Soooo hot! Can you please turn on the fan????!!!!
hunhan_chunjoe #6
Chapter 11: Sick sehunnie I was dying! >.<
I mean I am insanely want you luhan XD THATS JUST ASDFGHJK.
update soon!
hunhan_chunjoe #7
Chapter 10: Let's have babies yeah man!
ing hunhan feels!
Update soon me likey! XD
Chapter 9: Hehe theyr so cute trying to initiate >.<
hunhan_chunjoe #9
Chapter 8: Luhan drunk! Interesting!
This chapter is random! Btw it's really good! >.<
Update soon love yah
hunhan_chunjoe #10
Chapter 7: Yay hunhan boyfriend.... Woah this is great!
Update soon!