
Not Here, Not Now.

 (hotel room in Japan during the SHINee World tour)

Minho laid in the darkness, the only light coming from the window. It was getting late, and Minho began to worry about the upcoming storm. More importantly he worried about Jinki, who didn't have to share his room with anyone. He tapped the card he had taken from their manager against his thigh. He had slipped it out of the manager's bag, just in case Jinki needed him.

He thought about how he broke down in front of Jinki not even 3 weeks before. He felt like a fool for looking and feeling so weak, but he loved how Jinki held him as he cried. He missed the other man's embrace, way more than he ever did realize. He walked over to the window, moving the curtains out of the way, and gazing down at the wet city world below. He closed his eyes as he recalled the flight over to Japan.

 "Okay, Key and Taemin, Minho and Jonghyun, sit together, and Onew you get your own seat." Their manager explained as they boarded first class. Minho quietly took the window seat, knowing Jonghyun hated feeling like he was smaller than he already was, and started to play with his phone. He felt someone softly sit down next to him, and expecting it to be Jonghyun, he didn't even look up. Their manager left through the curtain, going to where the rest of the crew would be flying, and the members relaxed a little bit. The pressure of their perfect image was finally taken off of them, at least for a little while.

Minho was surprised when someone touched his knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. "What are you doing Jong-" his voice stopped short at the sight of Jinki sitting next to him. "I thought Jonghyun was my seating partner."

"We switched. It's the perk of being older." Jinki gave him a smile, and offered his hand. His expression started to fall before Minho grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. He missed the feeling of holding his Hyung's hand. Jinki lifted the arm rests and leaned over on Minho, who still in shock, wrap his arm around the older man's shoulders. He heard Jinki murmer, and he pulled the man closer to him.

He knew that this didn't mean they were together again, but it did mean they weren't avoiding each other anymore. He kissed the top of Jinki's hair, and smiled as the older man squeaked.

Minho smiled as he put his hand's in his pajama pockets. He glanced over at Jonghyun, who was snoring, his mouth wide open. Minho shook his head with a smile. His expressioned deepened though as thunder boomed. He looked toward the door, debating if he should walk just across the hall, and climb into the older man's bed like he used to a year ago. His thoughts were interrupted by lightning crackling through the sky. He shook his head and sat on his bed. He pulled his luggage from under the bed, and pulled out the small box he had been carring with him since they left their dorm. He frowned as he noticed the tiny bow was now smooshed, before gently pulling it back to the way it was. It's not like it matters how it looks, Minho thought bitterly. He stuffed it in his pocket, very aware of the now fixed bow. He laid down, fidgeted awhile before finding a comfy spot and absent mindingly played with the pendant around his neck. He remembers quite well the day Jinki gave it to him.

"Oh come on, it won't be that bad." Jinki was hanging on Minho's arm, looking up at the younger man with pleading eyes. Minho glanced at the mall, knowing full well that if they went in, they would be recongized.

"If you haven't noticed, we are Idols. I'm pretty sure our fans with recongize us in that shopping mall." Jinki looked between Minho and the mall, before getting an idea. They were on their way back from some varitey show, which Jinki couldn't remember, but they were alone in the back of the S.U.V. He did remember the props that were in the back of the car, and he smiled as he reached back. He pulled out jackets, glasses, and wigs. One for each of them. 

"We won't be recongized if we have these on."He looked up at Minho. "Please?"

Minho got a puppy dog lip from Jinki, which he knew the older man did just to make sure he had to say yes. He sighed before nodding, loving the way the older man celebrated. He leaned up to the front, whispering something into the drivers ear, and before they knew it they were in front of the mall. They stepped out, and Jinki smiled at himself. He barely recongized Minho, only knowing him from the big deer eyes that he had.

"Come on!" Jinki was excited, it wasn't everyday they could go on a real date like this. Minho smiled as he pulled him away.

The entire day they stopped and looked at many different stores, tried little samples, and smiled as they walked openly with their hands clasped together. It was a nice feeling to feel free. Minho went to go to the bathroom when Jinki saw the pendant. It was one of a little sleeping bunny, and though Jinki knew it was for a little girl, he couldn't help but smile at thinking of Minho saying, 'My beautiful, beautiful little Tokki.' Before Minho came back, Jinki purchased it, asking for it to be wrapped with a little red ribbon.

When Minho came back, a huge smile on his face at the sight of Jinki, he had handed the younger man the box. At first Jinki thought that Minho hated it, but then he looked up with a huge smile on his face. "I thought maybe with it, you could have a piece of me, even when I'm no where near you." Jinki blushed as Minho squeezed his hand.

"I love it. Put it on for me?" Minho asked. Jinki clasped it around him, making a little giggle when Minho whispered into his ear. "Now it matches my Little Tokki."

He then leaned in and kissed his Little Tokki, loving the feeling of freedom to kiss him.

Minho found himself smiling, remembering how adorable Jinki was with that deep crimson blush across his cheeks. He frowned as the storm got worse, and he swore he heard a familiar whimper. He shook it off, thinking that he was imagening it, but when thunder seemed to shake the hotel he knew he heard a scream. A scream that stabbed his heart. He quietly but quickly crossed the hall, sliding the card in before walking in and locking the door behind him.

His expression softened at the sight of the older man huddled fully beneath all his blankets. He walked over to the window, closing the window that was blow open, and quietly moved to the bed. He whispered. "Jinki." but the sound of rain pounding against the window masked the sound. He slowly removed the blanket, to see Jinki's eyes stareing back at him with curiousity and fear. He almost burst into tears at the sight of Minho, but thunder boomed again making him shiver against his pillow.

The older man didn't question when Minho climbed into the bed, and Minho didn't question any thing when Jink pressed himself against his chest. His head moved to the familiar nook under Minho's chin, as Minho wrapped his arms around him. Jinki whimpered against Minho as another round of lightning crackled, and Minho quietly said, "It's ok Jinx, it's okay. I'm here now." into his hair.

His breathing and heart beat began to slow at Minho's touch. "You shouldn't be here." He murmered.

"I'm right where I should be."Minho kissed Jinki's brow, hugging him tightly.

"You're shirtless." Jinki mentioned confused.

"Well I'm running out of shirts. You keep taking them." Minho said with a laugh.

"I didn't think you'd notice."Jinki mumbled.

Minho smiled at the older man. Jinki looked up at him, looking into the deep eyes that he fell in love with, and he saw every single thing he fell for. " You're adorable." Minho whispered, his hand softly placed on Jinki's jawline. "I knew you missed me." He slowly leaned in, brushing his lips against the one's he had only dreamed of for the last year. Jinki didn't pull away like Minho expected him to, instead he kissed back, pressing himself against Minho like there was a million miles between them instead of nothing. 

When they broke apart Jinki looked at him with bewildered eyes. "What will everyone think?" He whispered.

"Does it matter? The other members are okay with us, with protecting us. They aren't a reason anymore." His voice was deep and slow, and Jinki had almost completely forgotten the storm rumbling around them. 

"I'm sorry I ended it. I never should have. I was just so confused with my feelings, doubt and guilt ate at me. I didn't want to do the wrong thing, but by worring about that, I did it. I broke your heart. I never ever wanted to do that." Jinki looked up at Minho, the pain still show through those dark pupils.

"Do you regret ending it?"

"Yes, a million times yes. I hated the time a part, I hated seeing you and not being able to touch you. I hated myself for what I did, even more every time I heard you cry. I know I asked you to wait for me, and though I thought that was what I should have done, all that did was cause you more pain, but you did wait, and I am forever grateful for that, even though I am never worth that." Jinki whispered, like he only wanted Minho to hear, even though they were alone in the room.

"I waited for you because I loved you. I still do. You are worth every tear Jinki."

"What I'm trying to say is, will you stop waiting?" Minho frowned, and Jinki paniced, "No, no not like that. I mean will you be my boyfriend Minho? Actually be with me for real this time?" Minho just leaned in a kissed Jinki, square on the man's plump pink lips. 

He reached in his pocket, and placed the tiny box in Jinki's hand. "What is this?" 

"The present I wrapped for you the day you ended it. I've had it with me ever since, scared that I would never be able to put it on the finger it belong on." Jinki gently unwrapped the gift, careful of the bow, and looked up at Minho curiously as he opened the box. Inside was a smile silver ring, an infinity sign engraved into the metal. "It's not what you think it is. It's a promise ring, a symbol of my love for you even if me and you only know what it means. That is your answer Jinx. Yes. Of course yes, as long as you wear that ring." Jinki smiled as Minho pushed it on his right hand ring finger.

"I love you Minho. I will never leave you again. I promise. I shouldn't have done it in the first place." He kissed Minho, his hands in the man's dark locks, the storm completely forgotten. "Wait, how do you have my pass key?"

Minho just laughed."Only you Jinki. Only you." Before he kissed the man again. He could get used to this.


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Chapter 14: Tan dulces ellos se amaran para siempre aun después de SHINee hay no quiero llorar de felicidad ( ˘ ³˘)♥♥♥
Chapter 9: Al fin se decidieron hacerlo se merecen un poco de pasión se que Riko ver al OnHo en acción ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 5: Gracias Key por apoyar el amor de estos dos tontos
ฅ(♡ơ ₃ơ)ฅ
Chapter 2: Jajaja si MinHo me ayuda en la práctica de baile estaría muy feliz así como el hermoso Jinki
Chapter 14: Aweeeeee so damn cute! I love!!!
Chapter 5: well, Minho is right, Key is talking to the wrong person. It was Onew who was adamant to end it, so Minho can't do anything before Jinki changes his mind
Chapter 4: omg, why! And I sort of blame Taemin- if he said I am happy for you or smth like that instead of nervously going away Jinki might have reacted differently
Chapter 4: Well...this chap made me cries...
Inhumandisaster #9
Chapter 12: you are too good to me! love you and your writing and your updates and and yaaaaay
Chapter 11: hi new reader here!
i found this fic few day ago, but just started reading few hours ago
and i absolutely love this fic n the adorable tokki ^^
n the little was good
looking forward for the next update! :)