This Anniversary and Forever More

Not Here, Not Now.

Minho reached for his Tokki, but frowned when his hands didn't meet the warm body that was usually beside him. Where had the older man gone to? Today was their off day, at least, for Minho and Jinki. The others, knowing what today was to the two men, decided to go out for their day off. The younger man had been looking forward to being able to sleep in with his lover. He pulled on a pair of pajama pants, which hung loose around his slim hips.

The floor was freezing against his feet as he padded into the hallway half asleep. Jinki wasn't in the living room, the bathroom, or the room the other members shared, which only left the kitchen. And sure enough when Minho turned the corner, he saw Jinki quietly standing my the stove. He was wearing Minho's shirt and pants, which looked way to long for him, and Kibum's 'Kiss the Cook' apron. His hair was wet, gently swept across his head, and his adorable glasses were on his face.  He swung his hips ever so gently, humming a tune as he flipped pancakes with the spatula.

Minho walked up behind him, softly wrapping his arms around the other man. He pressed his lips to the back of the Jinki's neck, and Jinki giggled once he realized it was Minho.

"Hello Sleeping head." Jinki laid down his spatula, the pancakes forgotten for a moment, before hugging Minho's arms.

"Mmm Tokki." Minho mumbled sleepily with a smile on his face. "You smell good."

"I just took a shower." Jinki began to flip the pancake again, placing it on the plate.

"I noticed that. Vanilla..mmm." Minho hugged Jinki tighter, looking over the man's shoulder at the pancakes on the stove. "So, why are you up?"

"I was going to bring you breakfast in bed, but you some how managed to ruin that idea." Jinki finished putting the pancakes on the plate, Minho still holding him. "Do you mind getting the whip cream out of the fridge?" Minho reluctantly let go, and went to get what was asked for with a frown. Once Jinki gave him a smile in gratitude, his arms were around the man once again. "Are you ever going to let go?"

"Never!" Minho exclaimed with childish glee.

Jinki gave the two plates a scoop of whip cream, before turning around in the younger man's embrace. He quickly smeared a bit of whip cream on Minho's nose, giggling as the man's eyes grew. "Happy Anniversary Minnie."

Minho laughed before kissing the older man. "Happy Anniversary to you too Tokki."

Jinki pushed the man away playfully. "It's time to eat."

"But what if I don't wanna let go?" Minho pouted as Jinki grabbed the plates and placed them on the counter.

"Then you are just out of luck Minnie." Minho sat down with a pout, before playfully nudging the man next to him. Jinki smiled before digging into his pancakes, and Minho couldn't help but laugh at how adorable the man was with his cheeks stuffed with the food, a little whip cream on his face.

"You really are a tokki." Jinki swallowed and gave Minho a huge grin.


After they finished their breakfast, Minho reluctantly went and took a shower. Jinki meanwhile was fussing over the ribbon on the gift he had gotten the man. He had loved the man for almost 4 years, and though he knew he had caused pain in the younger man, Jinki also knew that Minho loved him despite everything they had been through. He worried that the gift wasn't enough. That Minho would hate it and think it was stupid for their 3rd Anniversary. Jinki mumbled to himself as he fixed the ribbon, unaware of Minho walking in with just a pair of jeans on.

"Is that for me?" Jinki looked up with a surprised expression, to see Minho's big eyes looking down with glee.

The older man nervously played with the curlled ribbon, before saying softly, "Yes."

"You know you didn't have to get me anything." Minho softly sat down on the bed, holding the gift Jinki nervously placed into his lap.

"But I wanted to... Open it." 

"What.." Minho asked softly as his fingers ran over the pages, the beautifully written words.

"It's a song."

"I see that.. but.." His voice trailed off.

"I wrote it for you. This is my present for you.. but come here." He grabbed the wrist of the younger man, gently dragging him to the piano that was in the dorm's extra room. 

"Are you going to play this for me?" Minho's voice was soft, and unsure.

Jinki nodded, nervously smiling as he put the lyrics up and got his fingers on the right keys. "Come sit by me." Minho sat down softly, his hands in his lap looking gently at the older man. He watched as Jinki's eyes closed as his fingers pressed the beginning keys. Minho found his eyes tearing up as the Jinki sang with his beautiful voice. It made his heart swell, the fact Jinki had written the song just for him, and performed it for him. 

Everyone always says that Jonghyun has the best voice, but Minho had to disagree. Jinki's voice was amazing and he had to admit that he never got the chance unless he was doing a solo to show it off. Minho found himself smiling as Jinki held out a long note, a good 30 seconds, before finishing the song. His eyes were closed, his head down and his fingers frozen on the keys.

"Th.. that was beautiful." Minho whispered, not daring to reach up and wipe the tears that were in his eyes.

"So you like it?" 

"Why wouldn't I? I love it." Minho quickly turned the man's face toward his own, kissing him softly. "I love you." Jinki smiled grasping Minho's strong, yet delicate hands. 

"I was so nervous.. that you wouldn't like it. I didn't want to mess up."

"It was perfect. Thank you." Minho brought Jinki into his embrace, pressing his head into his neck. 

"I think I want to watch Cinderella." Jinki shouted as he sorted through the various movies on the floor.

"Why Cinderella?" Minho said as he stepped back into the living room, carrying blankets and pillows.

Jinki shrugged and looked up from the floor. "I dunno! It's been awhile."

Minho dropped the blankets on the couch and stood over Jinki. In the older man's lap were almost all of the group's Disney movies. "What about the Little Mermaid?"

"That does sound good."

"Or we could go away from Disney movies and watch an action movie." Minho nudged the older man with his leg. "But honestly Babe, do you really think we are going to watch the movie?"

Jinki blushed before slapping Minho's shin softly with a movie case. " Yes." 

"Then choose one you silly rabbit." Minho leaned down and kissed Jinki's cheek before returning to the blankets.

Jinki stuck his tongue out toward the back of the younger man, before closing his eyes and picking a movie at random. He opened his eyes and made Minho laugh at the expression he made. "Why do we even have the Titanic?"

"Because Kibum loves romances."

"Bah!" Jinki tossed it aside, grabbing some animated movie and popping it in. He looked at the tv side ways, a confused look on his face. "Minho, I honestly have no idea what I put in there."

Minho just shook his head with a smile, fluffing the pillow in his hands before tossing it on the couch. Jinki stood in front of the tv, trying to figure out the remote like he hadn't used it a billion times before, so when Minho came up behind him, he didn't notice a thing. The younger man wrapped his arms around Jinki's waist, pulling him back with him, as they fell onto the couch. "YAH!" Jinki wiggled to get free, but Minho's hold was like iron.

"Are you trying to get away from me?"

Jinki stopped moving, and looked down at the arms holding him. "Maybe." Minho just kissed his neck before allowing the man to get up. The older man grabbed a pillow and repeatedly hit Minho with it as the younger man curled against the couch to protect his face. Jinki stopped when he heard Minho laughing, and allowed the taller man to sit up. "You scared me!" 

Minho pouted playfully, tugging on the older man's arm. "I'm sorry.. I just wanted to cuddle."

"Then scoot over Struts."

Minho glared at him, before pulling the older man into his embrace. Jinki giggled as he landed softly on Minho's chest, looking down at the younger man who had a huge smile on his face. "I wouldn't mind staying like this."

Jinki blushed when he felt Minho's hands on his lower back. "But..but the movie is playing."

"But you are so much better than any movie Jinx." Minho scooted up so that his head was resting on a pillow, pulling Jinki with him. The older man sighed into his chest as Minho threw a blanket over him. "See.. I like this." 

"But won't I hurt you? I'm all squishy." Jinki mumbled.

"If you are calling yourself heavy then shh, because you won't hurt me." Minho smiled as JInki moved so his head was in the crook of his neck. "As for your squishiness, it's adorable." As he said it, he squeezed the man's , making Jinki squeak. 

"Not now Minho! It's only 11 in the morning."

"Aww come onnnnnn!" Jinki snickered as he cuddled against his boyfriend, loving how Minho's strong arms were wrapped around him.


"What time are the other members coming back?" Minho mumbled, his eyes half closed as Jinki softly snored on his chest.

"mmm..I dunno..don't care either." Jinki mumbled, making Minho softly chuckle.

"How are we so tired? We've done nothing today but cuddle." 

"It's raining Minnie. You no ask about cuddling when it's raining." Jinki grabbed Minho's hand, slowly running his hand over it. He always loved touching Minho, just making his finger tips softly touch every inch of skin on the man. He moved so he could look up at Minho, before softly kissing him. 

"Then it should rain more often." Minho said with a smile before kissing him again, loving the feeling of Jinki's soft lips.

"mm." Jinki agreed, before reluctantly getting up. He quietly yelped when his warm feet hit the icy cold floor, as he ran towards his discarded slippers by the tv. His head shot up, eyes wide before he exclaimed. "I have to pee." He then ran to the bathroom, which was more of a fast penguin wiggle. 

Minho glanced over at the clock, smiling when he realized they had laid on the couch like that for about 3 hours. He missed days like this one. Where they could just lay around and be with each other. Of course he loved their alone time in the bedroom, because he knew he could never get enough of Onthighs as the fangirls called them. was amazing, and it meant a lot to the younger man, but just laying and holding Jinki was so much more. It was a total different thing to be pressed against one another and just hold each other ; talk with each other in low whispery tones that Minho couldn't get enough of.

He stood up and stretched, before walking into their bedroom. He glanced at himself in the mirror, realizing that he never took a shower this morning. His nose scrunched up at the thought Jinki had laid on him for 3 hours when he knew he probably still smelt of the they had the night before. Jinki stumbled into the room, tripping over his own two feet like he always does, to land face first into his bed. He laughed as he turned over, looking up at Minho.

"Why didn't you tell me I didn't shower? I smell like last night."

"Maybe I like how you smell." Jinki stuck out his tongue.

"Hmm?" Minho was curious about what Jinki meant. Did the older man like it when he smelt of ?

"I like how you smell in the mornings, before you take a shower. Your hair is mess, eyes are sleepy and you still have the slight smell of sweat on you. You smell good naturally to me Minho, and I usually never get a chance to be around it much in the morning because you rush off and wash it all off. Sooooo I took advantage of today." He looked up, blushing, but with a smile on his face.

Minho just smiled, before kissing the older man slowly. Jinki's breath was fast and his lips were red when Minho parted from him. The older man frowned when the connection was broken, his bottom lip sticking out. " I say we go shopping."

Jinki made a face. "Why ever for?"

"I think we broke the ." Jinki coughed and sputtered, turning a bright red color. "You know Hyung for someone who is a real freak in bed, you sure do get embarrassed at the sound of toys."

"I am not a freak in bed!"

"Oh you aren't? So the whole 'I love being spanked and dominated' thing isn't real?" Jinki looked away, proving that he could indeed turn an even darker shade of crimson. 

"I hate you."

Minho smiled before kissing the man on the cheek. "No you don't." He then walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open, smirking as he slowly took off his cloths. Jinki growled at the younger man as he watched, but Minho only smiled before turning around and stepping into the hot water. The older man groaned and fell back onto the bed in a huff, his hand over his eyes.

He peeked through his fingers, looking over to the bathroom, which he had a perfect view of from his bed. Minho wouldn't mind if Jinki joined him would he? Jinki sighed as he shook his head. He found himself walking over into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Minho looked around the curtain, his hair wet but pushed out of his eyes, steam rolling all around him. He smiled when he saw Jinki standing before him.

"I thought you hated me." Minho's eyes took in Jinki's form as the older man removed the barriers between the younger man and his skin.

Jinki looked up at him, and he gulped when he realized that Minho had pushed the curtain back, revealing his .. very very wet body. He let out a exasperating sigh, before huffing as he stepped into the shower, "Oh.. Just shut up and me already." 



"Thank you for today Babe." Jinki whispered as he pressed his head into Minho's shoulder. The view of the river in front of them, the moon high in the sky, and the warmth that their bodies touching, it made the ending of their 3rd Anniversary something really beautiful.

"I'd make every day like this if I had the time too." Minho looked down with a smile, giving the older man a squeeze, but his expression fell when he saw Jinki. "What's wrong Jinx?"

Jinki shook his head with a laugh. "Nothing. I was just thinking."

"About what?"


"Could you be more specific?" Minho gave a short laugh, his eyes never wavering from Jinki's.

"Our lives together. If we would be together if SHINee never happened. The future. The past." Jinki paused, taking a deep breath. "I love you with every thing in me Minho, and I know you know that. Sitting here with you, after the most perfect day I've ever experienced, I can't help but think of what I want my.. Our.. Future to be. "

"Wh.. What do you want Our future to be?" Minho was hesitant, which almost never happened. He was usually the one to go in head first, no matter what.

Jinki stood up, and turned to face Minho. With the younger man's hands in his own he began to speak with a deep breath. "I want to wake up every morning to see you looking down on me. I want to wake up because you are there trying to make me up calling me a big log. I want to try to cook you dinner every night and almost cry because I burnt it. I want more anniversaries like this one. I want to play piano and even if I that day, I know you'll sit right next to me and smile like I've done nothing wrong. I want you." Jinki kneeled down on one knee, looking up with a scared expression. "I want to know that even if SHINee ends, you will be by my side no matter what. Choi Minho... I probably look like a fool and if I do please spare me the laughter, and I know that there isn't a way right now this could happen but I must ask..."

"You are rambling again." Minho commented, trying really hard not to freak out.

Jinki smiled shyly before continuing. " Minho will you marry me? Not now, or here, but let me put this ring on your finger and call you my husband and promise to you that no matter what happens in the future, me and you will be Us."

Minho tried to hide the fact he had tears coming out of his eyes, not wanting Jinki to see, but the older man didn't care. The taller man's voice gave his emotions away though when he spoke. "I thought I was your husband already." Jinki blushed as he laughed, but his eyes looked to the ground, the ring in his left hand lowering.

"Are you telling me I didn't have to get down on one knee and say all that and make a fool out-" Minho's lips on his cut the man off, his slender fingers touching the man's cheek.

"I never said that." Minho lifted the man's gaze up to meet his own, holding Jinki's hand that held the simple gold ring. He gently pulled the man's fingers away, as Jinki looked at him with big, curious and anxious eyes as Minho touched it with his finger. "Yes Jinki. I am yours forever." 

Jinki smiled as he slide the ring on Minho's finger. He let out a huge breath, staring at the the younger man. "I love you."

"I love you too." Minho pressed their lips together slowly, taking in the man's taste as if he already didn't know what he tasted like. Today had been amazing for both of them, for many reasons. They rarely got days off, and even if they did , it was always spent with the rest of the group or sleeping. Today they had spent the entire day to themselves. No interruptions by band members, or phone calls from their manager asking where they were or performances and quick kisses in the dressing room. 

Though the day had been perfect for them both, they couldn't help but sit there holding each other and wish for more. More time, and love. Anniversaries and Birthdays. Christmas together every year, and cheesy Valentines Day gifts and dates. Late night phone calls when one was away for work, and skype calls left on because they couldn't sleep without hearing the other breathing beside them. Waking up every day to feel them next to the other, holding on tight with love and never wanting to get up. They had every thing they always wanted, and they found themselves wanting it forever more.


ANNNNNNNNNNND so this ends. I'm sorry.. this is just horrible.. ugh. Anyways tell me what you think..

and... maybe au jongyu next? 






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Chapter 14: Tan dulces ellos se amaran para siempre aun después de SHINee hay no quiero llorar de felicidad ( ˘ ³˘)♥♥♥
Chapter 9: Al fin se decidieron hacerlo se merecen un poco de pasión se que Riko ver al OnHo en acción ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 5: Gracias Key por apoyar el amor de estos dos tontos
ฅ(♡ơ ₃ơ)ฅ
Chapter 2: Jajaja si MinHo me ayuda en la práctica de baile estaría muy feliz así como el hermoso Jinki
Chapter 14: Aweeeeee so damn cute! I love!!!
Chapter 5: well, Minho is right, Key is talking to the wrong person. It was Onew who was adamant to end it, so Minho can't do anything before Jinki changes his mind
Chapter 4: omg, why! And I sort of blame Taemin- if he said I am happy for you or smth like that instead of nervously going away Jinki might have reacted differently
Chapter 4: Well...this chap made me cries...
Inhumandisaster #9
Chapter 12: you are too good to me! love you and your writing and your updates and and yaaaaay
Chapter 11: hi new reader here!
i found this fic few day ago, but just started reading few hours ago
and i absolutely love this fic n the adorable tokki ^^
n the little was good
looking forward for the next update! :)