The Lion King

Not Here, Not Now.

Jinki laid on his bed, flipping through a magazine when Minho knocked on the door. He beamed up at his boyfriend, who quietly sat down and kissed the older man's nose. Jinki turned over onto his back, looking over at the younger man with curiosity. Something was off about the man, Jinki could tell, but what exactly was what he needed to find out.

"What's wrong?" Jinki poked Minho in the thigh, trying to get his attention. "Minnie!" Poke poke poke poke. Minho smiled, laughing quietly as he looked over at his boyfriend.

"Nothing's wrong Babe."

"Your face says otherwise." Jinki pouted, and Minho swore. Damn that man and his pouting.

"Just tired is all. You've been keeping me up every night." He playfully ran his fingers over Jinki's lips, making the other man blush. Minho laughed,"Why are you so adorable?"

"I dunno, sometimes I think it's because of all the chi-" His voice was stopped by Minho's lips pressed against him.

"It was rhetorical Hyung." Minho smirked, loving how Jinki muttered something. Jinki was pulled over to Minho's lap with a squeak, his head resting on the younger man's abdomen. Minho wrapped his arms around his lover, hugging him tightly as he noticed how Jinki was still holding onto his magazine. "What chu' reading?"

Jinki looked up. "An article about SHINee." Minho hummed acknowledgement, before absentmindedly twirling Jinki's hair. The older man sighed in contentment, Minho's touch soothed him, and he loved having the younger man play with his hair. The twirling made Jinki's heart swell. It was such a small thing, but it meant worlds to Jinki. Minho looked over at the magazine as Jinki read.

"I am not a Hyung-!" He exclaimed, reading the line how he was the member in SHINee that their Hyungs would be around more.

Jinki just giggled. "You got me." Minho just laughed, before leaning down and kissing Jinki softly. He hummed against the kiss, just content with being around the older man. He wasn't so tired anymore, and he knew he could sit like this forever if he could.


"Are you two coming over here or what?" Kibum yelled from the living room.

"One moment!" Jinki called back. He and Minho were making popcorn and getting drinks for the movie, while the rest of the members got out the blankets and pillows and set them up. He pushed the popcorn button on the last bag of popcorn and turned to grab a couple glasses out of the cabinet when he felt the younger man's arms around him. Minho pulled him into his chest, taking him away from the counter. "YAH."

Minho just chuckled softly into Jinki's hair, hugging him even more. He reluctantly let the man go when Kibum popped his head in. "You know, if you two don't stop the PDA and bring me my popcorn you are going to be at the mercy of my makeup." He was gone as fast as he appeared.

"And a wild Kibum appears!" Minho exclaimed enthusiastically as he grabbed the glasses.

Jinki's laughter was stopped when Kibum yelled. "I heard that!"

Once they were in the living room, passing out the bags of popcorn and settled into their seats. The other members had dozens of blankets on the floor, pillows all around, and it made the floor a lot more comfier than the couch itself. Taemin hopped up and turned off the lights, before settling down between Kibum and Jonghyun. Minho noticed how Jinki sat next to him, but only allowed him to hold his hand. Jonghyun pressed play on the remote, and The Lion King began to play. Jinki felt a tug on his arm, and looked over at the younger man.

"Hmm?" He asked quietly.

"Come here." Minho patted the space between his legs, a gently tone in his voice. Jinki blushed, before scooting over Minho's leg and settling himself between his boyfriend's legs. Minho spread the blanket over him, and allowed Jinki to lean into him, his head resting softly on his arm. "See, isn't that better?" He whispered, as he pushed Jinki's hair back from him forehead. Jinki smiled, before cuddling in closer to the man.

The rest of the group almost died of laughter when Kibum suddenly began to sing the circle of life, but Minho was content on watching Jinki's soft face. The way the light from the TV danced across his beautiful features, how Jinki was squeezing his hand softly, and how sleepy the man looked. Needless to say, Minho didn't pay attention to the movie at all. Just Jinki, and when Mufasa died, and Jinki teared up a little, Minho silently wiped away the tears before any of the other members saw them.

Yea, this was much better than a movie.


Minho looked up from the soup he was making when he heard the dorm door open. "We're hommmmme!" Kibum sang, and Minho heard the shuffling of shopping bags and shoes as the three members took off their shoes and coats.

Taemin was the first to enter the kitchen, going straight for the fridge and grabbing a banana milk before slumping into a stool. Kibum was next, followed by a tired looking Jonghyun, who really just was Kibum's pack mule.

"Where's Jinki hyung?" Taemin asked softly.

"He's in his room. He doesn't feel well." Minho replied as he added more crackers into the chicken noodle soup. Taemin's face fell, obviously worried about his Hyung.

"What's bothering him?"

"He has a high fever, and is coughing, but I don't think it's anything too serious. Soup and a good nights rest will do the trick." Minho placed the steaming bowl onto the tray, grabbing the fruit juice he poured and the bottle of Tylenol, and walked to the room he shared with Jinki. He gently knocked on the door with his foot, getting a groan in response, before pushing the slightly ajar door fully open.

Jinki squinted at the new light pouring into the room, groaning as he moved to cover his eyes. "I'm sorry Babe. Here." Minho kicked the door close, and Jinki let out a sigh of relief. Minho sat the tray on Jinki's bed side table before gently sitting on the edge. "I brought you some soup and juice Jinx."

"I don't want soup." Jinki muttered.

"Come on and sit up a little Hyung. You need to eat something." Jinki made no move to move. "It's chicken noodle. I made it myself." Jinki glanced up at Minho, but decided that it wasn't worth it. Minho sighed, "I'll feed you." He his back to look at the other man more, before slowly sitting up.

He shivered as his arms hit the cold, pulling his blanket up to his chest. "It's cold out here." 

Minho smiled as he grabbed the soup, getting a spoonful, before gently placing it in Jinki's mouth. "This will warm you up." Jinki smiled softly as Minho fed him, and though he knew his pride should be hurt, he loved how Minho cared. Soon after the bowl was finished, and Minho placed two pills in the older man's hands. "Take those. It will lower your fever." He handed the juice to Jinki, who gladly swallowed the Tylenol.

"Thanks." Jinki's voice cracked a little, his sore throat acting up on him again. His eyes fell. "Hopefully my voice is better before Monday." Minho took the now empty glass and put it back on the tray, before climbing under the covers with the older man.

He kissed the top of Jinki's head, bring him close to his chest. "And if it isn't we'll deal with it. Just rest Jinki, and stop worrying."

"You really shouldn't be this close to me. What if you get sick?" 

Minho smiled, before kissing the man's cheek. "Then I expect homemade chicken soup and cuddles from you too." Jinki laughed before stopping when he realized it hurt him to laugh. Minho just hugged the boiling man to his chest as Jinki closed his eyes.


"Come on Minnie! It's time to wake up." Jinki gently pushed on his lover's shoulder, but all Minho did was groan and turn over. "Don't make me jump on you."

Minho turned his head toward the older man, glaring at him through his messy hair. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, I would. Don't glare at me! You seemed to like me jumping on you last night." Jinki smirked before moving to the end of the bed and pulling on Minho's leg. The younger man just laughed and playfully kicked at his Hyung. "Minho-ah!"

"But it's not even 5:30 yet!" He groaned.

"We have a busy day today, it's time to start recording things again." Minho didn't move though. Jinki hmphed, before grabbing the covers and pulling them off the man.

"YAH!" Minho yelled, his body shocked from the suddenly lack of warmth. "That was unforgivable."

"You did that last night. Cover-hogger you." Minho glared at the older man, making no attempts to cover himself.

"I am no a Cover-hogger. I just have more body that need to be covered." He smirked.

"Well now that you are up, I'm going to take a shower." Jinki made his way over to the door, but right as he reached for the handle, Minho's grasp on his wrist pulled him back.

"Can I have a morning kiss Jinx?" Jinki smiled, before gently kissing the man's lips. When he pulled away Minho pulled him back, pressing their lips together. "Maybe one more." He mumbled against Jinki's lips.

Jinki needed to take a shower, and if he didn't get in there soon, their wouldn't be any hot water left after Kibum got in. That being said he decided it was time to play dirty. He slightly grazed Minho's forgotten member's tip with his thumb, making the younger man shudder, breaking the kiss. He looked at Jinki with hungry eyes. "You honestly think I am going to let you take a shower alone now?"

"When do I ever anymore?." Minho gave an evil smile, before pulling on a pair of boxers, and following Jinki into the shower. They hadn't had morning in a while, now just loving the sensuality of washing each other's bodies, feeling the trust between them as they shampooed each other's hair. Minho would always bend his knee's a little, to make his head lower for Jinki, and the older man would always giggle as Minho put soap on his nose. 

"I love you." Minho whispered, and with the hot water raining down on the two of them, only Jinki could hear him. Minho pressed his lips to Jinki's neck, moving the body wash down Jinki's chest slowly.

Jinki smiled. "I love you too." Then the water became burning hot, making them scream, "EH!" Both planning to yell at Jonghyun for using the washing machine now.








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Chapter 14: Tan dulces ellos se amaran para siempre aun después de SHINee hay no quiero llorar de felicidad ( ˘ ³˘)♥♥♥
Chapter 9: Al fin se decidieron hacerlo se merecen un poco de pasión se que Riko ver al OnHo en acción ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 5: Gracias Key por apoyar el amor de estos dos tontos
ฅ(♡ơ ₃ơ)ฅ
Chapter 2: Jajaja si MinHo me ayuda en la práctica de baile estaría muy feliz así como el hermoso Jinki
Chapter 14: Aweeeeee so damn cute! I love!!!
Chapter 5: well, Minho is right, Key is talking to the wrong person. It was Onew who was adamant to end it, so Minho can't do anything before Jinki changes his mind
Chapter 4: omg, why! And I sort of blame Taemin- if he said I am happy for you or smth like that instead of nervously going away Jinki might have reacted differently
Chapter 4: Well...this chap made me cries...
Inhumandisaster #9
Chapter 12: you are too good to me! love you and your writing and your updates and and yaaaaay
Chapter 11: hi new reader here!
i found this fic few day ago, but just started reading few hours ago
and i absolutely love this fic n the adorable tokki ^^
n the little was good
looking forward for the next update! :)