The Uninvited Guest

Crossing The Boundaries- Into my house , into my life.

The night had passed as quickly as it came. Before I woke up with a start, Chen's words had been echoing in my head incessantly. He had apologized and I had forgave him, yet, I was still uncertain about my decision.

Ever since that terrifying day two years ago, I never really trusted anyone, no matter what they say or do. The only person I trusted fully was my adopted sister, Hyorin. I could not bring myself to trust anyone else in the society I was in. It was because of my forgiving nature and generosity that caused me to lose the most precious thing to a woman, at such a young age.

From then on, when people apologized for their wrongs, I was always apprehensive in believing them and I never took their word for it. I turned them down coldly, telling them that I would never trust them again. I might have hurt their feelings but I didn't care. I didn't feel the guilt of breaking any friendship.Of course I had friends that I could trust but it was only three people, namely my 3 best friends, YoonJae, SuJin and JiMin. With that, it was certainly obvious that I had trusting issues. "What if Chen hurts me again or does something terrible to me, just like Yunho?" That was what caused me to wake up with a start. I heaved a sigh of relief as I found myself still safely tucked in bed.

"Unnie!!" Hyorin shouted. " Get up! It's 9 in the morning! I prepared a plate of American Breakfast so as to give you the energy to start the day! Hurry! Before it gets cold!" I stepped out of bed and staggered to the bathroom to wash up. After a refreshing, cold shower, I ran down the steps to join the others for breakfast. As soon as I saw the scrumptious breakfast that Hyorin had prepared for me, I wolfed down the food the moment I sat down. I didn't care about the EXO members staring at me in shock as I ate. I was hungry and there was food, it was all that mattered at that moment. Food galore.

However, the light-hearted atmosphere of my house was soon broken by the shrill ring of my doorbell. "I'll get it!" Hyorin said cheerfully. She walked with a skip in her steps towards the door, opening it, ready to greet the guest with a dramatic welcome, as she always does. Unexpectedly, she remained silent as she saw who was outside. The smile on her face became a frown and she was appalled yet horrified. The atmosphere became cold and uncomfortable. That was when I decided to see who it was. I stood up, wondering what was wrong, " Yah! Hyorin-ah! Who---"

As soon as I saw who was the uninvited guest at my door, I finally understood her reaction. His tanned skin, his prominent jaw line, his tall stature... It was my ex-boyfriend, Jung YunHo. He came to my house as you would imagine from a rich man's son. He arrived in his bright red Ferrari and he wore a simple white t-shirt that showed his muscles clearly and a pair of denim jeans. He donned sunglasses too, shading his "god-given" features from the sun.

I stepped out on the front porch and closed the door behind me, asking in a cold and monotonous tone, "Oh, look who's here. Why are you even here? I told you, step through that gate and you can be sure that those handsome features of yours would be broken." He only scoffed and replied, " Oh~ So this is how you greet your guests. No wonder I didn't like you anymore. Anyway, we've not seen each other for 2 long years and I've been thinking..." He gave a dramatic pause and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. " Why not we become a couple again? Just like old times." He smiled.

I didn't even stop to think before I said in a surly voice, "Liar. After all your fresh, new prospects, how can I even trust you? I've not even forgiven you so DREAM ON." I emphasized on the last two words to ensure that he got the message, but to no avail. He only made a menacing step towards me, causing me to take a step back.

"The fact that you said that, makes me think that you're actually jealous. I know how you felt on that very day and I apologize for it, don't you see the sincerity?" That silenced me completely. I looked back at his eyes and it was those same dark orbs that I saw back then, innocent and carefree. I snapped back to reality as quickly as I had lost sense of it and said, " You have no idea what I felt, YunHo. You have no damn idea. Were you there when you saw me? No. You transferred to another state. Were you there when I was at home? No. You never came back!" I raised my voice in frustration.

"Admit it, Shin Yoogyung, you still love me. I know you do. Look, you're even confessing to me about how you felt." At that point, I screamed in fury, "NO I DON'T! That's final! Stop manipulating me with that tongue of yours! I know your motive, Jung YunHo. I know you well enough. You broke my family's trust and mine too! Did you ever hear of the quote 'Trust is the most expensive thing in the world. It takes years to earn and a matter of seconds to lose'. I trusted you to bring me happiness, no, YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME. ME! I lost my ity because of you!" At that, tears started to well up in my eyes. "Get out of my sight, YunHo. Now."

Again, chasing him out didn't work, instead, I got a slap on my face from him. I felt my cheeks sting from the pain and I bit my lower lip, enduring the pain. " Hey! Watch what you're saying! I lost it too! Stop pretending and say that you love me! I know you still do, I can see it." Again, I was silent. It was true. What he said was true but then again, he was missing the point. I had no energy to argue anymore. It became tiring and heartbreaking at the same time. All those memories came to haunt me. A shiver went down my spine as the fragments of what he did to me started to come back like a tidal wave.

Suddenly, two strong arms pinned my arms against the wall. "Well, it seems I have no choice but to remind you of how much I still love you." Before I could even respond, his lips covered mine and the kiss felt like poison to me. It was not like the old days where it was filled with love and emotion. Now, it was suffocating and it was killing me emotionally. I tried to push him away but to no avail as he was far too strong. It didn't last long though before I felt Yunho's strength leaving me with a sudden movement. There was someone stopping him from continuing his act.

As soon as I looked at him, I knew who it was immediately. "What do you think you are doing to her?" His voice was stern and cold and his stare deadly as he stared into Yunho's eyes. Yunho chuckled and said, "I'm her boyfriend, can't you tell?" He only laughed and said, "I think you must be dreaming. You were her EX-boyfriend," He emphasized," Unfortunately, she's mine now. I'm her boyfriend. We just started dating a few months ago." He gave a smile but his voice was cunning and sly.

"Pfft," Yunho smirked, "Who are you to take my girlfriend away from me?" He asked, his voice hardened. "It doesn't matter who I am," My saviour said nonchalantly," It's good that I know who you are and your sentence was not correct. She's your EX-girlfriend."

Yunho was already fuming mad and invisible steam could be seen coming out of his ears, just like a bull in an arena. He had a raging temper and there was no knowing what he might just do. "YOU!" He clenched his fist and gave my hero a punch but he was too quick and grabbed Yunho's arm, twisting it and dodging the punch with ease.

At that, Yunho gritted his teeth in pain and glared at the other but he only twisted his arm more, smirking, " Unless you want a broken arm, you'd better get out and never come back or step through the front gate. If you do, it's not gonna be pretty because it's not her you'll face, it's me." Therefore, Yunho had no choice but to back down, freeing himself from his grasp, massaging his shoulder in pain before making his way back to his Ferrari, driving off in a huff.

However, the sudden loss of Yunho's strength had caused me to lose my balance in shock and I sat on the floor, burying my face in my knees, shaking in fear of all those memories that had come back to haunt me, reminding me of the choices I had made in the past and what it had caused me to become. Regret overtook me and the tears stung my eyes once again, streaming down my cheeks. Suddenly, I felt a jacket placed over my shoulders and after that, he gave me a warm embrace so that I could cry on his shoulders.

"I told you, Shin Yoogyung, I can't promise to solve all your problems but I promised you that you won't have to face them alone". His hand rubbed circles into my back, comforting me in his embrace, hugging me tighter. At that, I knew who my knight in shining armour was, it was the one that I didn't know whether I should give my trust to and yet, he turned out to be my hero. His name was Chen or better known as EXO's Kim Jong Dae; My sunshine after the rain.


Author's Note:

Hello readers~ I'm finally back after so long. ^^; I apologize for the long wait as I was away and not able to update any of my fanfictions. >__< Anyway, this is Chapter 9 for you. :) I hope you readers enjoy it as much as you did for the other chapters. :) Oh, I would also like to thank my viewers and subscribers for subscribing and reading my story. :) Hehe~ ^^ I hope that the next chapter won't be so much of a wait as this one was... >__< Anyway, after reading, comment and subscribe~ ^^ XOXO~ <3

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I like this very much! Good job!
choco_LURVER #2
Chapter 9: OMO!!! CHEN CHEN SAVES THE DAY!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA! You have made a story that is threatening to ruin my bias list!!! T^T
fifteenshiningstars #3
Chapter 9: Double update juseyo~ xD ♡
choco_LURVER #4
Chapter 5: Cliffhangers.... :((
choco_LURVER #5
Chapter 3: Miss chenyoo sunshine, why is there another cliffhanger?!?!?! T^T you have to update more and quickly!!!!! My patience is dying out!!! TT^TT
Chapter 3: lolol FREAKING CLIFFHANGERS grr