Chaos at its best

Crossing The Boundaries- Into my house , into my life.

Suddenly, another man stood in front of me . He had jet black hair, fringe sweeped to the side and he had high cheekbones. His lips curved into a smile , before he said gently," My name is Kim Joonmyun but I prefer to be called by my stage name, Suho. I am also the leader of EXO-K and Kris is the leader of EXO-M. I sincerely apologize for Chen's behaviour ----"

Unfortunately, I did not allow him to finish his sentence as I spoke in an annoyed tone, " Get to the point. I don't have time to listen to your talk. May I ask why you are here?" I tried my best to sound polite and I held back my anger and frustration." We are trying to run from our manager and we need your help. You are the closest house we have come across and we bet that he will not find us here. Please, would you help us?"

That was what caused me to soften and I stared at them wide-eyed, reeling from the shocking explanation they had given me. I knew what the stars of the Korean pop entertainment industry were put through: they had endless hours of training and there were some who sacrificed their family and even their health to be a successful star. At that, it would too mean to reject them.

Some had already treated the place as if it was their own home, 3 members were fast asleep on my couch and 2 members started to rummage my fridge, looking for all the food items they could possibly find. I then decided to let my nagging conscience convince me and I relented, saying, " Okay, I'll help you. ON ONE CONDITION, "I emphasized," You would have to get your own bedding materials... I have 2 extra rooms which will fit a decent 4 of you in each room but for the other 4, you would need the bedding..."

"Hyungggg!" a high-pitched voice came from the kitchen, "Could you buy some groceries when you're buying the bedding sheets and stuff? All she has here is 6 bottles of water, few cans of coffee and some Chips Ahoy!" At that, I felt the stares of judgement on me. Not only was my fridge empty, my house was a mess with textbooks and non-fiction books strewn all over the place. My trophies were dusty and it looked as if I held no pride in them. I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment while I thought, " I'm a woman I know but not all women have clean, neat houses ! "

"Wait," My thoughts were interrupted from another member with a low and manly voice. His hair was an auburn brown and he was at least a head taller than me, making me feel small and insignificant at his side. He was good looking too, I must say. He was someone that all girls would give their lives for and someone that guys would resent and hate due to jealousy brewing up in each and everyone of them." We have not properly introduced ourselves yet. I'm Kris by the way." He said with a smile.

I was taken aback by his sudden gesture of a handshake and I took it hesitantly, grimacing to mask my hide my real emotions towards the situation." That is Chanyeol , the second tallest after me. Lay , the dancer and the one with the blonde hair. Xiumin whose cheeks look like steambuns and he's a neat freak. Kai, the other dancer. Luhan and Sehun, who are always together whenever the whole of EXO collaborates for a concert or a comeback . Kyungsoo, or better known as D.O, the one sleeping and cuddling your pillow and lastly, Tao, the one who has a crazy obsession with food."

As soon as I heard their names , my head was on the verge of exploding. I could not remember that many names in, what, 15 minutes? I snapped out of my reverie and said in a stern tone, " Guys, I need 4 people to follow me buy your bedding materials. I can't possibly go by myself. "

"I'll go! I'll go!" I heard an enthusiastic response from Sehun and Luhan who had the widest smiles on their faces that I had ever seen. Suho volunteered to go too, dragging Chen along.

"Hyung! Do I really have to go?" Chen whined. "Of course you have to! You have the best fashion sense so you would have to choose the best bedding and learn to treat your guest properly! You were way too rude with that tone of yours and --- " "OKAY MUM . I GET IT." Chen rolled his eyes in annoyance and I could not help but chuckle at that before Chen glared at me and I looked away , pretending that nothing had ever happened between us.

I took all of them to a shopping district nearby where they sold everything, groceries, aparrel, shoes, food - It was a shopping haven there and I did not see the need to go to town, 35 minutes away. On the way there, we had assigned our roles, Luhan and I were in charge of the groceries, Chen and Suho were in charge of the bedding and Sehun looked for the necessities that they might need for their trip.

To be honest, I hated shopping because I found it tiring and a complete waste of time. I sighed as I entered the supermarket. Sensing my emotions, Luhan said in a gentle voice , " You don't like the supermarket? Aww.. That's a waste... Don't worry, I'll make this fun, trust me." I scoffed at the comment and as soon as I looked up, he had 2 drinks in hand. He handed one to me and said in a happy tone,"Come ! Since you're a girl, I'll teach you what you can do with the ingredients. It'll be fun !" I was apprehensive and wanted to come up with an excuse but I was a tad too late before he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the various sections of the supermarket .

Surprisingly, the outing was shorter than I had imagined it would be, or maybe it was because I had too much fun. Luhan had made me laugh with his crazy antics but I had learnt a lot from him when I was with him, which I was grateful for. To my shock and horror, it was already 3pm. After buying the groceries in a hurry, I ran out to meet the others.

I was right. They were indeed faster than us, waiting at a frozen yoghurt stall. I apologized profusely for the wait on which they didn't seem to mind , unlike Chen who glared at me for being late. After buying a pint of frozen yoghurt for the rest at home, I rushed home in a jiffy as it was already passed the scheduled time that I had agreed to come home at. " They must be hungry, "I thought," I hope they can make their lunch with what I bought."

I parked my car in the garage while they headed to the front door with all their groceries and necessities. However, as I saw their faces,I started to get worried. They looked somewhat horrified, yet they seemed to be standing in my porch in awstruck silence. I stepped out of the car to ensure that nothing big had happened. That was until I saw what they were looking at and my jaw dropped immediately at the sight in astonishment.

" U-uh... Guys... What did you do to my house when I was away? "


Author's note: Hello readers ~ ^^ It has been long since I have updated this due to my busy schedules. ^^; Sorry ... ^^; This chapter is also longer than the rest and I hope that you enjoy it all the same . :) Hehe ~ :) Don't forget to comment and subscribe . :) Hehe ~ :)

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Hi readers ! ^^ I'm wondering whether anyone would be interested to make a main image for this story. oAO Anyone? :) If interested, comment. :) Thanks! ^^


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I like this very much! Good job!
choco_LURVER #2
Chapter 9: OMO!!! CHEN CHEN SAVES THE DAY!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA! You have made a story that is threatening to ruin my bias list!!! T^T
fifteenshiningstars #3
Chapter 9: Double update juseyo~ xD ♡
choco_LURVER #4
Chapter 5: Cliffhangers.... :((
choco_LURVER #5
Chapter 3: Miss chenyoo sunshine, why is there another cliffhanger?!?!?! T^T you have to update more and quickly!!!!! My patience is dying out!!! TT^TT
Chapter 3: lolol FREAKING CLIFFHANGERS grr