The Invisible Mask Of Emotion

Crossing The Boundaries- Into my house , into my life.

It was sooner than I expected when the dawn of a new day arrived with the rising sun dispersing the chill of night. The rays of the sun filtering through my window panes. At that moment, I woke up slowly from bed, only to realize that one of my family members was going to appear at my doorstep very, very soon. It was my adopted sister, Park Hyorin.

We used to be neighbours when I was growing up in Los Angeles. We were 4 years apart and she was brought into the Shin family household when she was born. That was because her family could not afford for another child. Her mother worked at a department store while her father was a car mechanic. She had 4 other siblings and thus, her parents could not afford to look after her, especially when she was a baby. At that time, the prices for all the needs of a baby had went up by almost a whopping 10%.

Therefore, being the closest of friends and neighbours, she was then brought to our household to be under the care of the Shin Family. We were successful and led a pretty good life. My father was an auditor and my mother was a secretrary in the law firm. Despite their busy schedules, they took Hyorin in without hesitation, treating her as if she was their own daughter. As for me, I was excited with regards to the idea of having a younger sister whom I could take care of.

Thankfully, despite her backstory, she grew up to become a beautiful high school girl. She was not only pretty, a mere wisp of a girl, but she also had the personality. She loved meeting new people and she was a social butterfly. In other words, she was the exact opposite of me. I was the one who seemed like the bored and stoic teenager while she was the bubbly, lively high school student. People were only shocked to find that we were sisters despite our contradicting personalities. She was also the one and only person in this world who had the ability to remove those invisible masks that I wore to mask my emotions.

As I looked at the time, I only had a mere 30 minutes to make sure that everything was in the right order. She was very particular about cleanliness so I did a final check around my house to ensure that everything was neat and in the right order. "They cleaned up pretty well." I thought to myself and I made a mental note to show my gratitude for cleaning up the house, even though it was not their house or their dorm.

As I had expected, Hyorin came 15 minutes earlier before the time that she had set. "Unnie!!!" She shouted loudly before giving me a big bear hug. I welcomed her into my house warmly and prepared breakfast for her. Just a simple one of bread loaves and various spreads. As soon as I sat down, she asked me about my well-being before she went to rattle on about hers. Compared to my life story which seemed only to be books and studies, her life story seemed to revolve around studies, friends, crushes, boys, school... There was so much to listen to and I really enjoyed her stories. I didn't say anything and all I did was nod and smile.

Suddenly, a shout came from my room, " Yah! Shin Yoogyung! Did you forget that we were men and we can't use your shampoo?" At that, Hyorin immediately gave me a stare of curiosity. "Who's that?" She asked, voice mixed with the essence of suspicion and curiosity.

"U-uh... Long story short, EXO, that korean band? Yep, they're staying over at my house. I'll tell you more later-- STOP SHOUTING! I don't even know whether I have man's shampoo or not!" I stood up, clearly flustered and went over to my storeroom. At that exact moment when I found the bottle of shampoo, horrible memories came flooding back into my mind. My hand trembled as I reached for the shampoo and I felt my eyes starting to water. As expected, Chen broke my train of thought again by saying, " Yah! You really don't have men's----" However, he did not get to finish his sentence when he saw what I was holding in my hand.

"Yah, you used to have an ex-boyfriend? Pfft," He scoffed, " Who would even like you in the first place? Firstly, you have a terrible temper and don't seem interested about anything at all. Therefore, seeing that you have a bottle of men's shampoo here... It clearly shows me that you used to have an ex-boyfriend in your house. You're not even fit for anyone's ideal type. Tell me, how was he? Handsome? Good looking? Have you guys broken up yet?" Sensing Chen's tone of voice, it was filled with curiosity and bitterness, yet, it seemed to be said out of spite.

As I was pressed with all those questions, I felt my temper starting to rise. Soon enough, I found myself clenching my fists until my knuckles had gone white and because I felt my tears welling up in my eyes, I bit my lip to hold it in. However, I spoke my mind through gritted teeth, " Done? Are you finished talking about him?" However, it was to no avail. He only laughed and pressed me on with his questions. Soon, it was only getting rude and offensive. Even though I wanted to deny that I had an ex-boyfriend, I had to face the music. This event had happened to me and it was going to continue haunting me until my life ends.

True enough, I was starting to lose my rationality. As soon as I could not take it anymore, I gave Chen one short and strong slap across his face. It was only then that he stopped talking and stared at me, as if he was in a state of shock. That was when my temper was at its maximum and it had become impossible to endure. These were my last words to him, before I stomped out of the house in fury.

"Are you finished with what you have to say about my life? Do you even care about anybody's feelings? I don't care whether you're an idol or not because, no matter who you are, you don't have the right to talk about other people's personal life. How would you feel if I said those exact words to you? You may know my name, but you don't know my story so stop assuming that I don't have feelings.

At that, I stomped out of the house in fury, slamming the door in the process. The sound rang through all corners of my home. I then headed to my garage and started my sports car. I could not bear to face my home anymore and thus, I was going to somewhere far enough from my home. Thus, I decided to head down to Madesto, the shopping district that was 45 minutes away from my place. I zoomed off, as if in a hurry and I did not want to look back or even give a second glance towards my home. I let the tears stream down my cheeks as I reminicised about the boy that I once called "My Dear".

(From Chen's point of view)

As I saw her leave the house, almost on the verge of tears, I wished I could have taken back all those words that I've said to her. I could tell in her eyes that she was hurt when she said her last words to me before zooming away in her red, Audi sports car.

It turns out that she was not the person I had expected her to be. I thought she was fierce, independant and had absoluely no feelings to those around her. I was wrong. That was only a mask to hide her real problems in life. She was afraid of showing her emotions to others. At that, I wished I could comfort her and apologize for my wrongdoings. Yet again, with her attitude, I felt that she deserved it. I was in a predicament. I wanted to apologize to her and yet, I was too proud of my action that I just wanted to pretend that nothing had happened between us.

Suddenly, I felt a slight tug at my arm. It turned out to be another girl. I freed myself from her grasp and I asked her who she was. "I'm Park Hyorin," She replied in a gentle voice, with a smile on her face, " Yoogyung's adopted sister. You're JongDae right or also known as Chen?" I nodded my head and she motioned for me to sit down opposite her.

"If you're wondering why my unnie is like that, she has a reason. It's not because she hates you guys, it's because of her past. As she has said, ' You might know my name but not my story'. Originally, when I grew up as her younger sister, she was just like me, happy, perky and cheerful. Until her ex-boyfriend took advantage of her kindness. Come, I'll tell you everything you need to know about my sister's past. However, you must apologize to her. She takes these things to heart and is very affected by certain things. When she cries, she cries all night and she can hold it to heart for a very long time. Take note of that. Come, sit down so I can start my story."


Author's Note:

Hello readers! ^^ This is Chapter 5 for you guys. :) I'm sorry for the long wait.. D: However, I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter, all the same. :) Don't forget to comment and subscribe. :D

P.S. Are there any of my readers who would be interested in making a main image for this fanfic? oAO It'll be greatly appreciated if any of you could. :) If interested, comment in the comment box below. :D Thank you for your genrosity. :D

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Hi readers ! ^^ I'm wondering whether anyone would be interested to make a main image for this story. oAO Anyone? :) If interested, comment. :) Thanks! ^^


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I like this very much! Good job!
choco_LURVER #2
Chapter 9: OMO!!! CHEN CHEN SAVES THE DAY!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA! You have made a story that is threatening to ruin my bias list!!! T^T
fifteenshiningstars #3
Chapter 9: Double update juseyo~ xD ♡
choco_LURVER #4
Chapter 5: Cliffhangers.... :((
choco_LURVER #5
Chapter 3: Miss chenyoo sunshine, why is there another cliffhanger?!?!?! T^T you have to update more and quickly!!!!! My patience is dying out!!! TT^TT
Chapter 3: lolol FREAKING CLIFFHANGERS grr