
Crossing The Boundaries- Into my house , into my life.

Having 12 men at your doorstep was definitely not the best moment for someone like me . I had been living by myself since the age of 18 , which was just a year ago. I was studying at the prestigous Brown University , majoring in museum studies , with the strong ambition to have a chance in becoming a curator .

I aspired to work in one of the best museums in the world , which was located in Egypt . I had a passion for Egyptian History and worked hard to score As for every project , exam and tests that were given to me . An Honours Degree was needed to become a curator and I was determined to get that qualification in order to achieve my long time dream , ever since I was 14 .

You would never ever see me without notes in my hand or a book regarding the different eras of history in Egypt or China. However , this did not mean that I did not open my mind to anything else . I had my favourites and was a member of various fandoms too . I supported Korean renowned groups such as Super Junior and ShinHwa .

However , when a new band debuted by the name of EXO , I was not in favour of them . They had 23 teasers and 2 prologues before their official debut which led me to think that SM entertainment had neglected the other veteran bands as a result , thus leading to Super Junior's lackluster videos . Their management seemed to have groomed them so well that they were seen as overrated in my opinion .

Imagine them at your doorstep. My house was merely a small two-storey house and it was located in the neighbourhood where only the affluent could live in . It had 3 bedrooms , a garage and even a small backyard which was where you could relax and unwind. Even though it was more than enough for one person , for 13 , EXO and myself included , it was nearly impossible . Furthermore , we were going to stay in that limited amount of space for 3 days , together . To me , it was enough to see it as a " Living Hell " .

For a fan , it would be ecstatic however for an anti-fan , in addition to my studious and stoic personality .... Think again .


Authour's note : Hello readers . :) This is the first chapter that has finally been posted . :) I hope you enjoy it . :) And don't forget to read my other fic , Tea Of Happiness . :) Haha ~ ^^ Look forward to the upcoming chapters ~ ^^

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Hi readers ! ^^ I'm wondering whether anyone would be interested to make a main image for this story. oAO Anyone? :) If interested, comment. :) Thanks! ^^


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I like this very much! Good job!
choco_LURVER #2
Chapter 9: OMO!!! CHEN CHEN SAVES THE DAY!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA! You have made a story that is threatening to ruin my bias list!!! T^T
fifteenshiningstars #3
Chapter 9: Double update juseyo~ xD ♡
choco_LURVER #4
Chapter 5: Cliffhangers.... :((
choco_LURVER #5
Chapter 3: Miss chenyoo sunshine, why is there another cliffhanger?!?!?! T^T you have to update more and quickly!!!!! My patience is dying out!!! TT^TT
Chapter 3: lolol FREAKING CLIFFHANGERS grr