The Makeover- The Phase Of A Butterfly

Crossing The Boundaries- Into my house , into my life.

After a good 20 minutes of being in Chen's warm and strong embrace, we then decided to go back into the comforts of my home. He took my hand and lifted me off the ground before giving me a sweet, genuine smile. When we opened the door, I discovered that Hyorin and the other EXO members were all within the door's vicinity. "Hyung," Kai asked," Why did you lock the door? If that guy started to beat you up, we can't help in any way!"

"I locked it because I didn't want too many to interfere. The situation might have gotten out of hand." As he finished his sentence, the members gave skeptical looks to one another. Since they were all near the door and could hear every bit of the conversation that was going on outside, they knew what Chen had said to Yunho and I felt awkward being in their presence.

"Soooo..." Hyorin said, breaking the silence, "Wanna go anywhere today?" She asked. "Hey! Do you have an arcade around town?" Chanyeol asked excitedly,"I've never been there in a long time." Hyorin nodded and the EXO members agreed to go, except for me. "U-Uh... G-guys?" I stammered," I think I need to go and study..." Hyorin only replied in a relaxed manner before placing her arm on my shoulder, "You need to get out! C'mon! It's just a day! It's supposed to be a summer break! BUT FIRST..." She paused for the dramatic effect.

"Let me treat you to a makeover before heading to the arcade." She smiled. I looked at her, eyes bulging and mouth hanging open. I shook my head fervently," No! I totally disagree---" However, before I could finish my sentence, Hyorin asked the EXO members for their opinion in a loud voice, drowning mine out as if it had never existed. Seeing their enthusiastic response, I knew I had lost the battle. "Get washed up fellas! We're out in 30!" Hyorin flashed me a smile before throwing me a dress. "Wear this. We're going to get you some make-up when we go to town. You'll look perfect! Trust me!"


Unfortunately, I had lost the simple game of scissors-paper-stone. Therefore, I had to use the bathroom last. Now, I sat on my bed, reading the biography of George Washington while waiting for Chen to be done. Seeing the time that Chen was taking in the bathroom, I had been left with a mere 10 minutes. I sighed and I looked forward to hear the turn of the doorknob, telling me that he was done and I could finally use the bathroom.

After what seemed like an eternity, the turn of the doorknob was finally heard. It was music to my ears and I looked up excitedly, prepared to go into the bathroom and lock the door behind me as I took a warm and quick shower. Unfortunately, Chen had made me lose my sense of reality. He stepped out with his hair glossy and wet and he had nothing on but a towel around his waist, revealing his lean body and his washboard abs. He put on his clothing and dried his hair with the towel. His hair was messy, unstyled, but it still looked good on him.

"U-Uh... I'm done?" He said in an awkward manner. I felt my cheeks burn and I got off my bed, walking briskly to the bathroom with the dress covering my face. I slammed the door behind me and took in a deep breath to calm myself down. "Oh come on, Yoogyung! Grab a hold of your senses!" I thought to myself. As soon as I snapped out of my reverie, that was the moment I realized I only had a mere 10 minutes before we get ready to leave.

Surprisingly, I was done within 5 minutes and I put on the dress that Hyorin had given me. Indeed, it was a dress that was simple yet stylish. Hyorin had a good fashion sense and I always trusted her when it comes to fashion. As usual, she had outdone herself once again. The dress that she bought for me was a washed denim dress. It was sleeveless and it had a ribbon which I had to tie around my waist. I did agree to a certain extent that I did look good in this dress. However, I was not used to the sudden change in my fashion sense.

I poked my head out and called, "Hyorin-ah, can you come up?" It was barely 5 seconds before I heard the sound of footsteps coming up the steps. Before I could even say anything, she dragged me out and she looked at me wide-eyed, from head to toe. "OMG! UNNIEEE!!" I raised my eyebrows as she jumped for joy before tugging my arm, bringing me downstairs to where the EXO members were.

All of their heads turned to look at me as I came down the steps and I could see that they were shocked by my sudden change and yet they were amazed. "Woah...." Most of them said at the same time. "You look amazing..." Luhan said in a shocked manner. However, only one member stayed quiet and that was Chen. He did look at me, yes, but he did not say a word. He looked lost in his own world and looked as if he was mesmerized by something. "Chen-sshi!" Hyorin said aloud and he turned to look at her, snapping out of his reverie. "How does she look?" He only smiled at me before saying, "She looks amazing." I could see that he was blushing slightly while I just stood there, still overwhelmed about the dress that Hyorin had given me.

"Let's go!! Let's go!" She said with enthusiasm filled in her voice. 6 members got into Hyorin's car and 6 got into mine. "Thank goodness we have 7-seater cars," I muttered to myself, "Or else, we would never get them all across in one trip!" I rolled down the window and shouted, "Hyorin-ah! Where are we going?" "We're going to Madesto!!" As soon as I heard that, I rolled the window up and released the handbrake, ready to make my way there with Hyorin's car in front of mine.

(From Chen's point of view)

Ever since Yoogyung was in that dress, I realized myself stealing glances of her every once in a while. She looked so perfect in that dress. It was different from her usual style of a simple pullover and jeans. When I saw her come down the steps in that dress, she looked like a goddess; an angel sent down from heaven. I found myself mesmerized at her sudden change.

That was also the reason why I didn't respond to what she was wearing. I felt as if I was in a dream. Again, it made me forget what she had went through at a young age. She just looked like a typical teenager and a very pretty one too. She was perfect in my eyes at that very moment I saw her in that dress.

As I stole another glance at her as she drived, the sunlight illuminated her features, especially her prominent jawline. She was indeed one of the prettiest I had ever seen. Soon, I found my cheeks starting to burn and my heart starting to race. I turned to look at the window, trying to distract myself from her. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, attempting to calm myself down.

Unfortunately, that too, was proven to be ineffective. She seemed to be in every corner of my mind. At that moment, I asked her while stammering, "U-uh... M-mind if I open the window for a moment?" She let out a small laugh before nodding. As soon as the windows were fully down, I poked my head out and the breeze caressed my face, making me feel instantly refreshed. The tension in my shoulders were disappearing after every breath of fresh air I took.

After winding up the window, I slumped my shoulders against the seat. I didn't know what were my feelings towards her However, I knew that it had changed from seeing her as a friend to something deeper than friendship but the question was, "Is it an attraction or am I falling in love with her, for real this time?"


(From Yoogyung's point of view)

After a long 40 minute drive, we had finally arrived in Madesto, the biggest shopping district near my town which I lived in. Here, there were 3-storey-tall buildings instead of 1-storey ones and they sold all sorts of things. It was a shopping haven for many and it was also convenient. There was a huge Walmart next door too, perfect for last minute grocery shopping.

"C'mon Yoogyung-ah! Your appointment is at 12pm!" Hyorin said to me eagerly. "Guys!!" She shouted, loud enough for the EXO members to hear. "Meet us at the arcade! We'll be there." She gave them a wide smile before dragging me to the make-up store. To my surprise, it was one of the top make-up stores and it was exclusive to this part of California. It was an even bigger shock when I found out that she had paid a whopping $80 for my makeover.

I stared at her wide-eyed, still reeling from shock. She chuckled when she saw my face before placing both hands on my shoulders, nudging me into the store. "They use the best make-up brands and they'll know what to do. Don't worry. I can assure you unnie that you would not believe you were this pretty once you step out of that shop." She gave me a wink before telling me that she'll be heading to the CD store on the 3rd floor.

I was slightly intimidated being in the store. To me, it was overwhelming and it was what I liked to call, " The Fancy Lady Day Spa". Before I could even make my way in, there was already a lady waiting for me. She was slightly shorter than me and her hair was tied up in a messy bun. However, she still looked pretty. "My name's Angie," She said, "Come! Take a seat. We shall get started." She said in an animated fashion. Angie loved her job and that was what I found admirable. She was a make-up artist and yet, she had a strong passion for it, putting in all her effort, just to make her customers happy.


Somehow, it was shorter than I had expected. I think it was mostly based on the pretense of my quick friendship with Angie. We talked about everything under the sun; Holidays, projects and even stories about life. "Lemme add a final touch." She said before telling me to close my eyes.

"Done! Here, look into the mirror." I opened my eyes, shocked and overwhelmed by the results. I must admit, she did a fantastic job with my make-up, especially at the area around the eyes. "Do you like it?" She gave me a wide grin and I nodded slowly, still shocked at my sudden transformation. I was still lost in my own world that I didn't notice Angie calling me, "Hey! Your sister came by just now and she left some clothes for you. There's a dress and shoes." She handed it to me with a wide smile plastered on her face.

"O-oh..." I stammered, "Thank y-you." I then headed to the toilet to change. To my shock and horror, the dress was shorter than the one that I was wearing and the shoes were high-heels. Hyorin, as I said before, was a fashionista herself and she had indeed outdone herself this time. As I looked at the mirror, I was even more horrified. This dress that she picked highlighted my hourglass figure, something which I preferred to hide.

I then decided to call her on my mobile, "Hyorin-ah, I'm in the washroom at Level 2. My appointment just ended and why the heck did you choose this dress?" As expected, she squealed in glee and hung up, without saying anything else. I noticed the stares from the public directed at me and they looked at me from my head all the way down to my feet. To be honest, I felt like a woman in that dress.

"UNNIEEEE!" I heard that familiar scream and turned around. Hyorin rushed up to me with open arms and she squealed in delight at the results of my makeover. "My sister is so pretty...." She said, before continuing, "Let's goooo!! I think it's time you showed the guys what you have become." I stared at her in shock and screamed, "No-". Before I could finish my sentence, she already gave my arm a hard tug and she was practically dragging me, despite my protests. "Oh c'mon! It's time you do this once in a while!"


As I was dragged nearer and nearer to the arcade, I grew more anxious by the second. However, Hyorin asked in a tone that was both excited yet calm, "Are you ready, Shin Yoogyung?" At that, I asked," Isn't this a bit too...You know... Dressy? We're going to an arcade! Not a formal dinner party!" Hyorin only chuckled and rolled her eyes, "It's fine! I booked the entire arcade too!" That silenced me completely. She had done so much for me and for the boys and yet, she asked for nothing in return.

"Breathe. On the count of 3, you're gonna walk hand in hand with me since you're not exactly comfortable in this shoes. Thus, I'll break your fall if you do. Now, stand straight and be confident of what you're wearing. Oh oh! Remember, the best make-up for a woman is a smile and her confidence! Okay, 1,2......"

From Chen's point of view)

We had been in the arcade for more than an hour. However, we were well entertained by all the games. Even though we were considered adults, we found ourselves becoming like children again. We played games a 7-year-old would play. There was no sense of awkwardness or tension between us, just smiles and the laughter.

Suddenly, each of us had received a text from Hyorin and it read, "Coming in 5. Be prepared for what you're about to see." At that moment, all of us gave skeptical and suspicious looks to one another. The text sounded serious and yet it seemed that Hyorin had to contain her excitement so as not to spoil the surprise for us. All of us anticipated the arrival of the girls and for some reason, I felt my heartbeat beginning to escalate and I found myself squirming in my socks.

After what seemed like an eternity, two girls entered the arcade. We could recognize Hyorin but all of us stared wide-eyed at the girl next to her. "Fellas, meet the new Shin Yoogyung! At that, all of our jaws dropped. When she looked up and gave us a smile, I felt my breath hitch and I found myself blushing so furiously that my ears burnt. My heartbeat was faster than ever before and I just stared wide-eyed at the new girl who stood before me.

She was indeed, an angel from heaven and she looked perfect in the dress and the shoes. It was definitely not her style but she looked fantastic in it. However, what Yoogyung now reminded me of was a butterfly. At first, they just start out as small, crawling creatures and it does not make you notice it's true beauty and abilities until it has broke out of it's cacoon. That was the same thing that happened to Yoogyung today- Before, she was the harsh, stoic, bored teenager. Now, she became a beautiful and confident person, after her makeover. At that, I could not take my eyes off her, she looked like a goddess.

From that moment I knew, I was no longer attracted to her. It had become a crush, for real this time. All I had to do now was treat her like how the way I would treat my girlfriend and I was determined to be a good boyfriend towards her. That would include becoming a pillar of support and her knight in shining armour.


Author's Note:

Hello readers! ^^ I apologize for the wait. >__< I know it has been long since I updated my fics so here's Chap 10 for you guys. :) Also, I would like to thank all my readers and subscribers. :D Oh, by the way, the next chapter might take a while to post too because of the upcoming christmas celebrations and the school break which is about to come to an end. D: Therefore, I apologize in advance. Anyhow, I would like to wish all my readers and subscribers a very, merry christmas and a happy new year~ :D

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I like this very much! Good job!
choco_LURVER #2
Chapter 9: OMO!!! CHEN CHEN SAVES THE DAY!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA! You have made a story that is threatening to ruin my bias list!!! T^T
fifteenshiningstars #3
Chapter 9: Double update juseyo~ xD ♡
choco_LURVER #4
Chapter 5: Cliffhangers.... :((
choco_LURVER #5
Chapter 3: Miss chenyoo sunshine, why is there another cliffhanger?!?!?! T^T you have to update more and quickly!!!!! My patience is dying out!!! TT^TT
Chapter 3: lolol FREAKING CLIFFHANGERS grr