The Apology- Part 1

Crossing The Boundaries- Into my house , into my life.

(From Chen's point of view)

The rest of the day passed by in a blur. Even though Hyorin made the effort to show us around town and it was fascinating, I did not enjoy it as much as the other members did. Instead of skyscrapers, most of the shops were on its own. They still sold all kinds of items from clothes to home essentials, which was pretty impressive.

The members were amazed with the sights around them, especially Chanyeol, Sehun and D.O. They whipped out their phones to take pictures of their surroundings without forgetting to take selcas to post on twitter once they were back in Korea. Kris was not as excited at the sights because he hailed from Canada but you could tell from his smile that he was glad to be back in North America, the place he called home.

I, however, was too occupied with my own thoughts. Ever since I had listened to Yoogyung's dark past, I was not able to think straight. I felt the pang of guilt in my chest andI knew I needed to apologize, yet, I could not find the correct words to do so. I let out a frustrated groan before I decided to take out my phone to type out the words instead.

"I'm sorry, Yoogyung-ah. I heard about your past..." As I had expected, that message was deleted as soon as it was written. It was way too straightforward and I did not want to offend her, especially when I had already hurt her enough. I searched my brain for possible answers but I just could not find the words that sounded sincere enough for her to accept, especially with her heart of stone. I needed something to move her, to make her trust me again and assure her that I'll be her pillar of support in her hard times.

After countless attempts of trying to type out a sentence, to no avail, I ruffled my hair in frustration and shouted aloud," AISH!!! Think, Kim JongDae! Think!". I felt the stares of judgement from my members and I put my hands down straight away, giving them a sheepish smile, as if nothing had ever happened. "Jongdae-hyung," Sehun asked," Are you okay? You seem... Stressed...Is it about a girl?" To make matters worst, he asked that question in the most innocent way he could ever use, gazing at me with those puppy dog eyes.

At that, I felt my cheeks burn and I could feel the heat rising up to my ears. "N-no! Who told you that?" I stammered, almost tripping over my own words. Chanyeol only gave me a small smile saying," It definitely is! You're blushing! If it was not a girl, you would not be blushing now!" As soon as all my members heard that, most of them started mocking me for it and I felt my face flush even more than it already had. "Yah!" I screamed, trying my best to sound stern,"I'm so gonna kill you guys when we get back!" I only found myself being humiliated for being so defensive. They only replied," Ooh~ I'm so scared!" in a sarcastic yet mocking way, making me feel even worse than before.

Thankfully, I saw a familiar figure coming towards me from the front. It was Xiumin hyung who gave me a smile before walking over and putting a comforting arm on my shoulder. "Kids," He said in a gentle voice to Hyorin and the members," Go on with Hyorin, I'll talk to JongDae. It's not nice of you to be making fun of him. I think it's normal to have someone you care for. Come, JongDae-ah, talk to me." I only found him leading me away, with his arm still on my shoulder towards Starbucks to have a chat with me.

Honestly, I was thankful to the Almighty that Xiumin hyung was here. Even though EXO was bonded as a team, Xiumin hyung was always the one that listened to me. Unlike the other members, with the exception of Kris and Suho, he would help me go through thick and thin by listening to my problems and giving me solutions. If he had not been here, or a part of EXO, I would not have been the person I was now. He was just like a big brother to me. When you were a singer, you didn't have the time to confide in your family members, even though they were the people you would trust the most. You could only confide in your fellow members and trust them just as much, as if they are your second family. Xiumin hyung was that to me which I was really grateful for.

Xiumin handed me a cold cup of Green Tea Latte with whipped cream which was indeed refreshing after all that thinking while he sipped on his warm cup of Hot Chocolate. "So, tell me. What has been bothering you?" He asked in a quizzical tone as he looked at me, expecting an answer to come out from my mouth.

"You see. There's this person which I really did not like. However, because of the words I said to that person out of spite, I ended up hurting that person. This person that I'm talking about lived a life I knew nothing about and I made fun of that person for that, not knowing how much it hurts. I want to apologize but I can't find the words. Words that are sincere enough to accept. This person has a pretty tough personality. This one does not back down and is very courageous to speak up against oneself. I want to apologize, but I just can't do it."

I thought that I had concealed Yoogyung's identity well but I guess I was wrong. Xiumin only gave me a smile and a slight chuckle before taking another sip of his hot chocolate. "I know who you're talking about." He said in a tone that was controlled despite the excitement in every word. " It's Yoogyung you're talking about isn't it?" My cheeks only blushed again before I asked in surprise and astonishment,"W-wait! How did you know? I never specified the gender!" He only laughed before continuing in a slow, gentle voice," I knew because of how the way you described her, like how a guy would describe a girl. I saw it in your eyes."

"Hyungnimmmmm!!" I whined," That was mean, too mean." I pouted. Xiumin only laughed harder and replied," Well, if you want to apologize, it must be sincere. Maybe... You should start by talking to her. Tell her how you really feel towards her issues and promise her that you'll be there for her when time calls for it. However, what's most important is that you gain back her trust. She has been kind enough to provide for us so just reprocicate it. Thank her for all that she has done. Those two words, can bring a smile to someone's face. Actually, anything can, a smile, a laugh, a kind act.. Anything positive, you name it. It can make differences. Try it out for yourself, not only for her sake but for yours as well."


Ever since Xiumin's little conversation with me, I could not get his words out of my head. I pondered about those words with every little chance I got, even in the shower. Usually, normal people would feel refreshed after a nice, warm shower but I was still uneasy about my apology towards Yoogyung. "What if she doesn't want to talk to me? Or just ignores me and go to bed by the time she steps into her house?" I thought, eyebrows furrowing on my forehead." What am I supposed to do then?"

It was already 7.30pm and yet, Yoogyung showed no sign of coming back home. As for me, I had sat on that same spot on her couch for the past hour and I still had the sense of uneasiness within me. Despite D.O cooking a scrumptious meal of steak and mashed potatoes, I had no appetite to eat. I was highly strung on my thoughts that staying indoors was indeed suffocating. Soon, it became a place where it was not conducive for my thinking; I just could not concentrate on my thoughts. I decided to take a walk and breathe in some fresh air to clear my head.

"Hey guys, I'm... Uhh.. Gonna take a walk. I won't be long. Give me about an hour. I would be right back." The members gave me a nod and I headed out to the porch, breathing in the fresh air the surroundings had to provide. Somehow, the freshness of the air around me had made my creses of worry vanish, almost instantly and I smiled before deciding to take a walk around the neighbourhood.

Almost 15 minutes after I had left the house, the sun started to make its way for the full moon, sinking below the horizon with a sigh. The darkness had started to set in and envelope the neighbourhood. Thankfully, the streetlights were working perfectly and the neighbourhood, too, was safe enough to take short walks even at midnight. I strolled leisurely on the pavement to get my thoughts sorted out. The breeze caressed my face and I felt as refreshed as ever, breathing the air in deeply. It was tranquil and serene, perfect for some "me-time" and it was also good to calm my nerves. I felt the tension in my shoulders starting to disappear gradually.

I did not know how much time had passed since I stepped out of the house but I knew that it was time to go back. Firstly, not only were my members going to be worried about my safety, there was an imminent storm heading in this direction too. The winds had become bitterly cold as they stung my face and there was a deep rumble in the distance. I quickened my pace in the direction of the house. "There's no way I'm gonna get stuck in a storm. Not here especially." I thought to myself.

After a 10 to 15 minute brisk walk, I was finally in the comforts of the house. I expected them to be doing something fun and interesting such as playing a board game, instead, I found all of them sitting on a couch, watching the news. "Thank god you're back," Suho said in relief, " There's a storm coming. I hope Yoogyung's alright. According to the weather forecast, the rain is going to be pretty heavy tonight. Hopefully, she gets back safely. I've not seen her all day." He ended off with a sigh, before making his way back to the couch.

I decided to take another warm shower. After the walk, I felt more alive and more energetic as compared to a few hours ago. After a good rinse, I decided to join my members on the couch. They had changed the channel and it was airing a comedy now. Hyorin, who knew that most of us could not speak or understand English, managed to set korean subtitles, helping us to understand the plot better.

As soon as we started to have fun, the time seemed to pass by in a jiffy. It was already 10.30pm by the time the show ended. Hyorin's eyes were half-closed and most of the members had already slept during the show, especially Kai. We woke them all up, telling them to get a good rest for tomorrow. After they washed up, all of them headed to their respective rooms. Hyorin went up to Yoogyung's room and said to me tiredly," Hey... You're gonna wait for my sister?" I only nodded my head and gave her a smile, assuring her that I'll be fine. "Okay. Don't get your hopes up too high. She might not come back as soon as you expect." I only responded with," Okay. Good night. Thanks anyway."

It finally started to rain after what seemed like an eternity to me. The rain pelted against the window panes and the raindrops danced on the road and the roof of cars. Occasionally, streaks of bright light scratched the dark sky, threatening to tear it apart. However, there was still no sign of Yoogyung. It had been almost a full day and she had not come back. Despite being an older sister, she did not tell Hyorin where she was or what time she'll be back. As I looked at the rain, it only started to get heavier and the wind howled as the rain pounded on the windows. "I hope she's okay... I really want to apologize..."

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a car engine. It was coming from a sports car by the way it sounded and it was coming towards the house. I went back to sit on the couch, pretending nothing had ever happened, whistling to one of my favourite songs. It was only when the light on the porch were switched on and I heard the turning of keys at the door knob that I stopped whistling. I squirmed in my socks, expecting the worst. Even though I was too nervous and embarrassed to face her, I knew I had to face the music in order to gain back her trust in me.

Soon, the door opened, only to reveal Yoogyung completely drenched from the rain. Water dripped from her fringe onto the floor and her clothes stuck to her skin like glue. It revealed her hourglass figure and I felt my cheeks burn, blushing so furiously that even the tips of my ears turned red. I slapped my face, forcing myself to snap out of it but she was just beautiful and it almost made me forget about her past and how much she had gone through at a young age. She just looked like a normal girl, a very pretty one too.

However, my train of thought was soon broken by Yoogyung," What are you doing here and what are you looking at? Somehow, you look kinda stressed... Anything bothering you?" I snapped out of my reverie to find her staring straight at me, confused.

"Even if you have anything to say, don't tell me about it. I don't want to hear it. You may have lots to tell me about but I have nothing to say to you, Good night and don't talk to me ever again. Pretend you don't even know me.If you do, I'll kick you guys out."

She heaved a sigh before making her way to the kitchen. At that moment, I stood up, grabbing her wrist. She tried to free hcerself from my grasp but I only grabbed on tighter. "Wait," I said hesitantly, " There's something I really need to say. If I don't, the guilt and regret would be too much to bear. Please, give me a chance to explain myself and...a-and.... apologize."


Author's Note:

Hello readers~ Sorry for the wait. >__< I have been very busy lately and did not have the time to edit my chapters so here's Chapter 7-Part 1 for you. :) It might take a while for Part 2 to be up but enjoy this one first. :) I hope you guys enjoy it as much as the other chapters. :) Hehe~ Don't forget to comment and subscribe. :3 Oh, and if you readers want to do a main image, please do not hesitate to comment. Thank you. :)

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Hi readers ! ^^ I'm wondering whether anyone would be interested to make a main image for this story. oAO Anyone? :) If interested, comment. :) Thanks! ^^


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I like this very much! Good job!
choco_LURVER #2
Chapter 9: OMO!!! CHEN CHEN SAVES THE DAY!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA! You have made a story that is threatening to ruin my bias list!!! T^T
fifteenshiningstars #3
Chapter 9: Double update juseyo~ xD ♡
choco_LURVER #4
Chapter 5: Cliffhangers.... :((
choco_LURVER #5
Chapter 3: Miss chenyoo sunshine, why is there another cliffhanger?!?!?! T^T you have to update more and quickly!!!!! My patience is dying out!!! TT^TT
Chapter 3: lolol FREAKING CLIFFHANGERS grr