Day 6

Daddy Sehun

     Today is the last day for Sehun to be alone with his daughter. Tomorrow, his honey-bunny is coming back. He woke up early to prepare a special breakfast for his daughter. 

     "Kyung soo-hyung." Sehun said to the phone in his hand.

     "Yah, Sehunnie, what's up? Why are you calling me so early in the morning?" Kyung Soo said with a slight tinge of annoyance as he had just been woken up on his day off.

     "Can you come over? Now." Sehun said, his tone verging on desperate. "Pleaseeeeee."

     "Ok, I'll be there in 20 minutes." Kyung Soo said before hanging up.



"Okay, Oh Sehun." Kyung Soo said handing his coat to Sehun. "What is the problem?"

"I want to make a special breakfast and possibly lunch for NaRa, but...." Sehun drawled out. He then gestured to the kitchen which was an absolute mess. Unwashed dishes are everywhere. There were stains that you wouldn't even want recognised all over the counter and walls. The evidence of SeHun's failed attempt at making pancakes were still on the stove.

"Wow, looks like world war 3 happened here." Kyung Soo said studying the messy kitchen. "You're gonna need more than me to clean this place up and start on breakfast.

Kyung Soo then grabbed his phone from his pocket and start dialing his best friend, Kai's number. "Yo! Sleepy head." Kyung Soo greeted once Kai picks up. "Grab the rest of the lazy-asses and come over to SeHun's place. ASAP."

After KyungSoo hung up, he looked at SeHun. "We can't let YooNa come home after a stressful business trip to a dirty house right? So today, we'll be doing some spring cleaning! I saw the living room is also in disaray when I walked in just now. We've got lots to do then."

"Daddy," a small voice came from the kitchen entrance. "What is this burnt smell? Did you try to make omelette again?"

"No honey," Sehun walked towards his daughter who must've woken up because of the loud smoke alarm that went off a couple of minutes ago. "This time daddy tried to make pancakes.

"Hey Uncle DoDo!" NaRa finally saw KyungSoo in the kitchen.

"Hey baby." Kyung Soo gave NaRa a peck on her chubby cheeks. "Good morning!"

"DoDo?" SeHun gave Kyung Soo a questioning look.

"What?!" KyungSoo said defensively. "I think it's cute."

"Whatever, DoDo." Sehun rolled his eyes. 

"That's Dodo-hyung to you, mister." KyungSoo said playfully.

"I'm gonna go give my daughter a shower and I think I should probably change into something clean to." Sehun said looking down at his flour covered shirt.

"Yeah, sure." KyungSoo loked at the dirty dishes filled sink. "I'll get started on washing the dishes then."

Sehun carried his daughter upstairs and cleaned her up. He then dressed her in a plaid blue shirt of which he has one exactly like it.




When SeHun carried his daughter downstairs he could already hear the commotion that could only mean, the rest of EXO has arrived.

"I think she will like it!" someone shouted from the living room. It sounded like Tao.

"No, it looks as though you bought the kind of dog that you would like." Another voice retorted. Most probably Chen.

"Ok, what is going on here?" Sehun entered the living room with his daughter in his arms. He saw his hyungs was already sitting around his living room. His couch can only sit six people and it was occupied by Lay, Kris, Suho, Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Chen. Chanyeol is sitting on his daughter's bean bag, snoring his lungs out. Luhan and Kai are most probably in the kitchen helpin KyungSoo with the dishes. 


And Tao the troublemaker.....

"Hey Sehunnie. Hey NaRa!" Tao ignored Chen who is still glaring at him and walked over to Sehun. He grabbed NaRa from Sehun's hands. "Look what Uncle Tao got for you!" Tao said excitedly.

"Did you get me a puppy?" NaRa said excitedly. 

"Yupp. "It's in that carrier over there." Tao said pointing at the stack of Gucci boxes on the coffee table and a pink Gucci pet carrier perched beside it. 

There is no doubt in Sehun's mind after seeing all the Gucci pet stuff that Tao is the mastermind behind this gift.

Sehun sighed. He could barely take care of his daughter and now he has to take care of a dog as well. Thank god his wife is coming back tomorrow.

"Yay!" NaRa said excitedly demanding Tao to put her down so she could run to the carrier.

NaRa's yelped woke Chanyeol and he suddenly sat up in a daze. "Did I just hear a dogbark or am I still dreaming?"

Before anyone could answer him, he fell back into the bean bag and started snoring again.

NaRa was already at the pet carrier trying to open it. The members on the couch were just as excited as NaRa and began to crowd around the pet carrier. Even the members in the kitchen came to the living room to see what all the commotion was about. Only Chanyeol remained snoring.

Tao helped NaRa open the pink Gucci pet carrier and out came the weirdest looking dog Sehun has ever seen.




NaRa squealed so loud after seing the dog she almost fainted. "I love it! Thanks Uncle Tao!" NaRa walked over to the dog and gave it a hug. "It's so fluffy! I'm gonna name it Mr. Fluffy-oo!"

"No NaRa dear." Tao walked to the little girl still huging the dog. "This dog's name is Po. You know like the Kung Fu Panda. So whenever you look at this dog, you will remeber Uncle Tao."

"I think of Uncle Tao everytime I look at any dog." Chen chirped in causing howls of laughter from the other members that it woke Chanyeol up.

Tao glared at Chen.

"Ohhhhh." NaRa said nodding. Ignoring all the childish ahjussis. "Hi Po!"

"Tao-hyung" Sehun said apprehensively looking at the dog. "Didn't you only decide to get NaRa a dog yesterday. Where did you find a place to make it looking like..." Sehun gestured at the panda-looking dog. "That."

"I know a guy." Tao said dismissing the subject.

"NaRa. You wanna see what else Tao bought for you and Po?" Tao asked the little girl who is stii gushing over the dog.

"Sorry to interupt this mment guys. But when are we gonna start cleaning?" Kyung Soo the clean-freak asked. He cannot stand looking at the messy house anymore.

"Just let me give NaRa the rest of my gifts and we can start cleaning ok?" Tao assured.

"This is Po's collar and leesh." He handed it to NaRa so the little girl coould put it on the dog. 

"This is Po's bed." He took out a circular cusion out of another Gucci paper bag.

"Haisssh, Tao you Gucci fanboy." Kris sighed.

Tao stuck his tongue out at his hyung which earned him a smack on the head. He then proceeded to give NaRa a dog bowl and a litter box which were thankfully not from Gucci.

NaRa thanked Uncle Tao bye giving him a kiss on the cheek. She is so happy. SHe then walked over to her father and asked him if she could play with Po.

"Sure. But you have to take Uncle Tao with you." Sehun said. Since Tao is still injured on his leg Sehun figured he wouldn't be of much help cleaning the house anyways. Matter-of-fact, even if Tao was healthy and well he'd be more of a hindrance than help so it's better if he were put to the task of keeping his daughter occupied. He has already proven yesterday that he was good at it.

After they both left with NaRa holding Po by the leesh, KyungSoo took over the task of delegating work to the rest of the members. Sehun got assigned to mow the lawn with Luhan and they went out to do it right away. Since Sehun's and Luhan's task is in the garden, Tao is relieved of his duty to watch over NaRa for awhile. So he is free to do some other work.

Chanyeol who is now fully awake got vacuum duty with Baekhyun. Kai and Kyung Soo are in charge of making breakfast. Lay and Suho are in chare of dusting. Xiumin and Chen are in charge of laundry. That leaves....

"Why am I always paired up with this child trapped inside an adult's body!" Kris complained.

"Ohhhhh.. Come On Hyung. I know you secretly love me." Tao did some of his awkward aegyo to Kris.

"Gahhhh.. Let's go!" Kris said throwing his hands up in the air. He grabbed his car keys from the kitchen counter."The groceries are not gonna buy itself."


By the time they all finished with their respective tasks, the house was spotless. Breakfast, or more like brunch now is prepared. All twelve hungry and tired men crowded around the dining table to have a well-deserved meal.

After the meal, Sehun thanked all of his hyungs for helping clean the house. After sitting around in the backyard drinking cold beer, watching NaRa, Tao and Chanyeol chase the dog around. Exo left.

Sehun and NaRa spent the afternoon watching a movie. NaRa cuddled to her father and Po.

That evening they took Po out for a walk at the park. NaRa was super excited. This is the reason she wanted a dog in the first place. Sehun smiled. His little princess is so happy. He then remembered that he wanted to kill Tao for teaching NaRa the word ghei. But then he decided that Tao made up for it because NaRa looked happier than ever with the new dog.







"Hey guys!" YooNa waved at the family. "I miss you both so so so so much"

"Hey mummy!" NaRa blew her mother a kiss.

"Hey honey-bunny," Sehun smiled at his wife. "We miss you too! Can't wait to see you tomorrrow."

"So what did I miss?" YooNa ask her husband and daughter.

"Mummy! Uncle Tao bought me a puppy!" NaRa held Po to the laptop to show her mother the dog. "Its name is Po!"

"Ohhhh..." NaRa cooed "It's so cute! Po, Annyeong." YooNa waved at the dog.

"Ok.. Enough with the dog." Sehun said pouting. "Sehunnie wants some attention too."

"Awww.. Is someone a wee bit jealous of a puppy?" YooNa looked at her husband. "Did you do anything today that will make me laugh again?"

"Nope! Today Exo came over and helped me clean the house." Sehun said proudly.

"Uhmmm.. Daddy," NaRa said. "Did you forget that you burnt some pancakes today. And Uncle Dodo hade to come over to help make breakfast?" NaRa asked her father.

At this, YooNa burst out laughing. "Oh Sehun, didn't I tell you to be more careful in my kitchen?" 

They continued on their light banter.

'Ok guys, I gotta go. I have my last meeting and then I'll be on y way home!" Yoo Na said excitedly.

"Yay! See you tomorrow mummy!" NaRa said.

"Yeah. I'll come pick you up at the airport." Sehun told his wife. 

They said their goodbyes and hung up.

Sehun tucked his daughter into bed and kissed her forehead, Po is sleeping soundly on his dog bed at a corner in NaRa's room. Sehun looked at his daughter and brushed some hair out of her face,

"I can't believe I survived taking care of you for a whole week." Sehun smiled at his daughter. "We had some pretty crazy adventures huh?"

"Yeah! I had so much fun daddy." NaRa kissed her father's cheeks. 

"Gosh princess." Sehun suddenly had tears in his eyes. "I hope you never grow old and go to college and then leave me. I hope you stay as daddy's little princess forever."

"I'll always be your little princess, daddy." NaRa hugged her father, "Always."






Author's note: AWWWWW.. To those that kept up or subscribed to this story. Thankyou snd Iloveyou! 

Chanyeol didn't show a proper heart.. So I'm gonna let Kai try...

Much better..

I feel kinda sad parting with this fanfic.. *cries*

Hope you guys read my next fanfic.. It's about ayyy and mysterious Kai! 

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Chapter 6: such a sweet Family <33
Its so cuteeee. Oh myyyyyyyyyy
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Chapter 7: Owww it's the sweet ending finally yoona comeback safely, happy to see sehun family complete again,
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