Day 4

Daddy Sehun

This morning, Sehun has a hair salon appointment so he decided to take his daughter along. He dressed her up in a pretty little red and white blouse with stripes and a skirt. Sehun decided to match with his daughter and opted for a red and white striped shirt.




(Don't they look cute? I could just eat them up!)

"NaRa, honey." Sehun said to his daughter in the kitchen while they are having a breakfast of cereal, again. "Today daddy is taking you to the hair salon. Daddy's brown hair color is starting to fade."

"Ok daddy," NaRa said while eating her bowl of Honey Stars.

After breakfast Sehun carried his daughter to the car and buckled her up in her child seat. They drove to Crimpus, Sehun's hair saloon which is only 10 minutes away from their house.

"Ah! Sehunnie!" A bubbly older lady with bouncy hair greeted him when they arrived at the salon. "I see you've brought along your pretty little daughter with you. NaRa, Annyeong!" The hairdresser reached for NaRa.

"Hey, Auntie Hye Sun." NaRa greeted her. 

"So, what can I do for you today, Sehun?" Hye Sun, Sehun's hairstylist asked him.

"Well, my colour is starting to fade so I was hoping you could touch it up a little bit." Sehun asked.

"Hmmmmm..." Hey Sun said studying Sehun's faded brown hair. "Don't you wanna try a different colour? You've been using that brown hair since your debut five years ago."

"Can I choose the colour daddy?" NaRa asked her father excitedly. "Please!"

"Yeah, daddy." Hye Sun teased. "Why not let your daughter pick."

"Ok then." Sehun reluctantly agreed. "I guess it won't hurt to do something different."

"Yeay!" NaRa squealed as Hye Sun hands her a book with the hair colours in it. NaRa was still busy studying the book while HyeSun washed Sehun's hair.

After HyeSun was done washing Sehun's hair, she let her assistant finish up rinsing and walked over to NaRa. "Have you chosen a colour yet?"

"Yes. I want this, this, this and this." NaRa pointed at several colours in the book.

"Wow! Uhmmm.. I'll see what I can do." HyeSun said with a smile. Sehun will be shocked for sure. But he did let his daughter choose. And HyeSun was determined to let his daughter get her way. So she put a blindfold over Sehun's eyes before mixing the hair dyes his daughter chose.

"You've never covered my eyes before." Sehun asked suspiciously. "What's up?"

"Well, your daughter wants it to be a surprise so I'm happy to accomodate her." HyeSun said and gave NaRa who is getting her hair washed by one of her assistants a wink.

NaRa laughed gleefully. "Don't worry daddy. It's going to be really pretty!"

"Ok, daddy trusts you." Sehun said apprehensively. Because his eyes were covered he fell asleep after a few minutes.

"Daddy, daddy!" NaRa woke her father up. She is sitting on his lap. His blindfold is already off.

"Hey, Princess." Sehun gave his daughter a peck on the cheek.

"Daddy, your hair is so pretty!" NaRa pointed at his head.

He almost forgot that he was having his hair dyed at the saloon. He glanced at the mirror behind NaRa and gasped.

"What the hell?" Sehun gasped open mouthed looking at his reflection in the mirror.

"Mummy said you're not allowed to swear in front of me daddy." NaRa scolded him.

"My hair.. It's.. It's..." Sehun couldn't find the words to describe his hair.

"Colourful!" NaRa provided. "It's like a rainbow daddy. I like it."

"Rainbow?" Sehun frowned.

Suddenly NaRa started to cry. "You don't like it do you daddy?"

Hye Sun took the crying girl in her arms and started to scold Sehun. "Yah! Sehun! Look what you've done. You made her upset."

Sehun felt terrible. He went over to Hye Sun and took his crying daughter from her. "Hey, princess. Don't cry. Daddy was just a bit shocked, that's all."

Sehun took a second look at his reflection in the mirror.

Come to think of it, it didn't look too bad. It's unique, he thought. But his hyungs are gonna be shocked for sure.

"So you like it daddy?" NaRa looked at him with such hopeful eyes. Eyes that are so similar to his own. 

"Yes NaRa. I kinda like it now. It's very different. And I bet Uncle Tao will be jealous because he likes to be the centre of attention but now when daddy does promotions with Exo, everyone will see daddy's rainbow hair first!" Sehun joked.

"Yay!" NaRa cheered up. 

Hye Sun smiled at the sweet father daughter moment in front of her. They are even dressed similarly which made the moment even sweeter. "Can I take a picture of the both of you to display at my shop? This is my first time doing rainbow hair."

Both Sehun and Nara smiled at the camera. 

They even have similar smiles, HyeSun thought.

She snapped the picture and waved goodbye as the father daughter duo left her shop. 

They spent the rest of the day walking in the park. Sehun watched as NaRa played with several kids at the playground. Then she ran over to him and asked him if they could get a dog because she liked seeing people walking their dogs in the park and she wants to do that to.

"We'll see." Sehun agreed. He needs to ask his wife about this first.


Then later they had dinner at a restaurant and headed home to wait for YooNa's daily calls.

She is going to be so shocked seeing my hair, SeHun thought.

"Hey lovelies!" YooNa waved excitedly at the sight of her family.

"Hey mummy!" NaRa smiled her mother.

"Hey Honey-bunny." Sehun greeted her.

"Uhmmmm.. SeHunnie.." YooNa looked at Sehun suspiciously. "Why are you wearing a beanie inside the house?"

"Oh mummy! Daddy has a new hair colour." NaRA said before SeHun can stop her.

"NaRa! You always tell on daddy to mummy." Sehun pouted.

"Really?" YooNa said. "What colour is it?" she asked.

"I picked it mummy!" NaRa said proudly.

"Ohh.. This is going to be good." YooNa smiled mischieviously.

Sehun sighed and took of his beanie with his best pokerface on.

"Ommo!" YooNa said shocked. "Well, it certainly is....... different. It looks like a  Unicorn puked on your head" Then she laughed her off.

"Uncle Lay puked on daddy's head?" NaRa asked confused.

"No honey." Sehun told his daughter. "Yah! Stop laughing at me Choi YooNa! Sehun pouted at his wife. "Everytime we have a video chat you end up laughing at me."

"I've only been gone for 4 days and so many things happenned." YooNa joked. "I like it though. It does make you look a lot cuter. Can't wait to see it with my own eyes when I get back."

"I'm glad you like it mummy. Maybe when you come back, I can pick a hair colour for you too." NaRa asked hopeful.

"Yes, mummy." Sehun gave his wife a mischievious smile. "Why not let our little princess pick a hair colour for you too?"

They continued joking around until it was again time for NaRa to go to bed. They said their goodbyes and Sehun tucked NaRa into bed after reading her a bed time story. 

"Daddy," NaRa suddenly said. "I forgot to ask mummy for a dog."

"We'll ask her when she gets back ok?" Sehun kissed his daughter goodnight and went to bed.





Author's note : I know Day 4 is kinda short and only filled with pics. But it took me sooooooooooo long to find a picture of Sehun wearing something I can look for as kids clothes. I really want them to wear something matching becaus I perceive SeHun as a cute father when he has babies one day (hopefully with me). Excuse my erted mind. I imagine him insisting on his wife and kids to wear matching outfits on their day out. And guys! I found another matching clothes for Sehun and his daughter that is a lot cuter so subscribe and wait for it in the future chapters!

Haha.. And to think that his daughter is the mastermind behind his rainbow hair ;)


PS: In the next chapter, Tao and Chanyeol will be babysitting NaRa. So stay tuned to find out whatever silly adventures those three get into..


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Its so cuteeee. Oh myyyyyyyyyy
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