Day 3

Daddy Sehun

Last night NaRa fell asleep watching the Barbie movie so he picked her up and put her to bed. The movie had an amusement park scene and NaRa seemed so excited seeing that scene that he decided to take NaRa to Lotte World tomorrow on his day off.


"Daddy, why did we only have cereal for breakfast?" NaRa asked her father as he was buckling her into her car seat.

"Because mummy will kill daddy if daddy breaks any other thing in her kitchen." Sehun finished buckling his daughter and entered through the driver's side.

"Where are we going daddy?" NaRa asked her father.

"We are going to an amusement park!" Sehun backed the car up from the driveway.

"Yay! Like in the Barbie movie? Are we going to ride on a merry-go-round like Barbie did, daddy?" NaRa asked Sehun who was busy driving.

"Yes, Princess." Sehun turned right as instructed by his GPS.

"Yay! I can't wait. Will there be princesses there too, daddy?" NaRa asked.

"I don't know. Maybe. NaRa, daddy is trying to concentrate on the GPS so can you please stay quiet for a few moments, please" Sehun begged his daughter.

"Ok. Daddy." NaRa played with her winter gloves. Today she wore her leopard print coat that makes her look like a little diva.

"Are we there yet?" NaRa asked. She was just too excited.

"Yes, honey. Almost there." Sehun took a last left turn and voila! Lotte World is in front of them right now.

"Daddy, daddy!" NaRa said excitedly. "I see it, it's big!"


Sehun parked his Range Rover and walked over to the passengers' side. His daughter was so excited that she was wiggling in her seat. It took Sehun awhile to unbuckle her seat belt. Sehun set his daughter down to let her walk beside him as he went to the trunk of the car to take the stroller out. 

The Gucci stroller was given to NaRa by the Gucci fanboy himself, Huang ZiTao.


After puting NaRa in the stroller, they both headed to the ticket booth to buy the tickets. Today, Sehun also wore his cap and shades to avoid being recognised.

After buying the tickets, both of them enter the huge indoor theme park. The last time Sehun came here was with his wife who was still his girlfriend at that time. Now here he is with his beloved daughter. The place has a few changes but it is still recognisable.

Sehun went to the front of the stroller to ask NaRa what ride she wants to go on first. 

"Merry-go-round!" NaRa squealed. "Daddy, I don't wanna sit in the stroller. Can I please walk if I promise to behave?" Nara pouts at her father.

"You know I always lose to that pout." Sehun unbuckled NaRa and set her down. He then left the stroller at the lockers near the entrance.

"Daddy! Look! Princesses!" NaRa pointed at a shop with a bunch of little girls dressed up as princesses. The shop rents out princess costumes for girls to wear at Lotte World.

"Do you wanna be a princess too?" Sehun asked his daughter.

"Can I please daddy?" NaRa eyes were as big as saucers as she was so eager.

"But you're already daddy's little princess.." Sehun joked.

"Yeahhhhh.. But I wanna dress like a princess. Like that!" NaRa pointed at a girl dressed up as Cinderella.

"Haha.. Ok." Sehun held his daughter's hand and lead her to the rental shop. "Let's make you a princess!"

NaRa was so excited. She wandered around the store gushing at every dress, shoes and tiaras. Sehun felt a bit out of place because the store was filled with mums helping their daughters choose, all the dads are outside waiting. He didn't care. The look of joy on his daughter's face more than makes up for the embarassment he was feeling.

"I want this one daddy!" NaRa finally made her choice.


"Daddy! I'm a princess! So you have to do everything I say." NaRa said with authority.

"Don't I already do that?" Sehun joked. He really did spoil his daughter but he doesn't care. As long as his princess is happy, he is happy.

"Let's go on the merry-go-round!" NaRa demanded. They both left the store and went in search for the merry-go-round.

After riding the merry-go-round six times, Sehun didn't feel too good. He walked to the nearest trash can and vomitted out his meagre breakfast of cereal.

"Daddy, are you ok?" NaRa asked looking worried.

"Yeah daddy's fine. Just a bit dizzy after that sixth ride." Sehun said wiping his mouth with a tissue.

"I'm sorry for making you ride the merry-go-round so many times." NaRa apologised.

"No honey." Sehun assured her. "It's not your fault."

Sehun went to a nearby drinking fountain and rinsed his mouth.

"NaRa, are you hungry?" Sehun asked. "After daddy puked out his breakfast his stomach starts rumbling"

"Yeah, let's go eat!" NaRa is always excited at the mention of food.

They had a light lunch of sandwiches at the cafeteria. While they were having lunch, the guy who was sitting at the table beside them came over to their table. "

Hi, I am a sketch artist and I drew a sketch of your pretty little girl here."The guy said holding out a sketch pad. "You can have this sketch for 10,000won."

"I'm sorry," Sehun said. "You cannot put a price on my daughter." He joked, but ended up still paying the 10,000won because the guy's sketch was pretty good.


They rode some more children's rides after that. Sehun was careful to avoid going on the merry-go-round again. After NaRa was getting tired, they returned the princess dress, picked up the Gucci stroller and headed home to wait for YooNa's video call again.


After having dinner, both NaRa and Sehun were infront of the laptop waiting for YooNa to video call.

"Hey guys!" YooNa said, excited to see her beloved family.

"Hey mummy!" NaRa squealed at the sight of her mother.

"Hey Honey-bunny!" Sehun was happy to see the love of his life. "We've missed you!"

"Awwww.. I miss you guys too.." YooNa crooed. "So, what did you guys do today? Break anything else?"

"No, mummy. Daddy didn't break anything today." NaRa told her mother "We went to Lotte World, mummy! And daddy let me dress up as a princess. Then we rode the merry-go-round six times." NaRa rambled on excitedly about her day. "And after that daddy puked! It was gross."

YooNa burst out laughing. "Oh Se Hun.. The Oh SeHun who can ride a roller coaster with his pokerface on, PUKED riding a merry-go-round?!"

"Thanks a lot NaRa." Sehun playfully punched his daughter's shoulder. 'Yah! Choi YooNa! Stop laughing at me!" Sehun pouted.

"Haha.. Okok.. Seems as though you guys are having a lot of fun while mummy is busy working." YooNa said. "Mummy's jealous."

"When you get back we can all go together. Then you can also see daddy puke. He puked in the trash can you know." NaRa continued ratting out on her father.

"Mummy'll like that very much honey," YooNa told her daughter.

Sehun was the only one againts the idea. They all continued on their light banter until it was bedtime for NaRa.

"Bye mummy!" NaRa waved.

"Bye Honey-bunny!" Sehun blows his wife a kiss.

"Bye princess, and bye pukie-wookie," YooNa laughed at her husband before hanging up.

"Hey!" Sehun screamed at the empty laptop screen.

"Haha.. Mummy called you, pukie-wookie." NaRa pointed at her father.

"That's it. Bed time for you young lady," Sehun grabbed his daughter and hoisted her on his shoulders. They laughed the whole way up the stairs. Sehun helped his daughter clean up, read her a bed time story and tucked her into bed. Then he headed to his own cold and empty bed.

"I miss you, honey-bunny" he whispered. And went to sleep.


That was how day 3 ended.






Author's note: How do you guys like the story so far? Leave comments please. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks for reading guys! I love all you pukie-wookies out there!




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