Day 1

Daddy Sehun



"Do you really have to go honey-bunny?" Sehun hugged his wife from behind.He's been calling her that since their dating days. Although they have been married for four years that is still Sehun's favourite thing to call his beloved wife. "Can't you let someone else take your place?"

YooNa turns around from packing to face her husband, still in his arms. "Come on jagi, we've had this conversation before. It's my company, so yeah, I kinda have to be there for the grand meeting."

"Ok fine." Sehun pouts. "But you must promise to Skype every night. NaRa will surely miss her mother."

"Only NaRa will miss me? No one else?" YooNa jokes.

"I don't know. Maybe Sehunnie will miss you a wee-tle bit." Sehun said in a cute voice and kisses his wife.

"Mummy," a liitle voice can be heard from the doorway. "I can't find my pink hat! I wanna wear my pink hat!" NaRa whined. "Mummy, help me find it quickly." The little child started to tug on her mother's hand.

YooNa broke the kiss and looked down at her pretty little daughter. She really is pretty. She has her father's eyes that crinkle up when she smiles, YooNa thought. "Honey, since mummy will be leaving soon why don't you ask daddy. You'll need to start to rely on him for a week while mummy is not here."

NaRa let go of her mother's hands and looked at her father longingly. "But I don't know how her pink hat looks like." Sehun said looking helpless.

"Well, it's pink and it has a dark blue pompom at the top." YooNa pushed her husband out of their bedroom and into their daughter's. NaRa is following behind them. "Daddy will help you find it ok honey. Mummy has to go finish packing. Mummy's flight is in 4 hours."YooNa instructed her daughter.  "You both have to get ready soon too. We need to leave for the airport in an hour."

YooNa left to continue packing.

"Sooooo.." Sehun said while looking around her daughter's room. "Where did you last see this pink hat?"

The deer statue in his daughter's bedroom was her first birthday present from LuHan. LuHan is NaRa's godfather and one of Sehun's closest friend.

"I don't know, daddy." NaRa looked at her father. "That's why I need mummy's help to find it! Mummy always finds things."

"Well, daddy is quite good at finding things too you know." Sehun said proudly. He walks towards his daughter's wardrobe."Maybe it's in here."

After half an hour of looking around his daughter's bedroom with his daughter and finding so many pink hats in the process. All of it got turned down by his fashionista daughter with the words "That's not the one I want to wear, daddy." "No that does not go with this shirt, daddy."

"I guess this is what you get when you marry a fashion designer." Sehun whipered to himself.

"Can't you just maybe not wear a hat." Sehun asked his daughter who was still searching around the room.

"Daddy," NaRa looked at her father exasperatedly. "It's winter!"

"Are you guys done making a huge mess here." YooNa asked at the doorway. "Look what I found in the living room." YooNa held a pink beanie with a dark blue pompom in her hand.

"Yay! Mummy you found it!" NaRa said running towards her mother. She snatched the hat out of her mother's hand and ran downstairs.

"Walk honey! Don't run!" YooNa shouted after her daughter before turning towards her husband who was sitting on NaRa's bed.

"How am I going to survive without you? I can't even find her hat for goodness sakes." Sehun looked so defeated with his hands over his face.

YooNa smiled. She has every confidence that her husband can do this. He has been busy with practice, shows and other idol business that he has not been around much to watch his daughter grow. But this year, EXO her huband's idol group is taking a break and are only doing occasional recordings. So Sehun has been spending more time with NaRa. But he has never been alone with her before and YooNa feels that it would be great experience for him as a father.

YooNa walked towards her husband and removed his hand from covering his face. Sehun looked up at her. "Sehun, I love you. And I believe in you. You can do this. A week is not that long. Take my abscence as an opportunity for you make up for all those times you were missing from her life."

Sehun smiled his adorable smile that is so similar to his daughter's. "Ok then honey-bunny." He glanced at his watch."Ommo! we ave to leave for the airport now."

When both of them went down in to the living room, NaRa was already ready to leave. The pink hat that she wanted to wear was already perched on her head.

Sehun loaded his wife's lugage into the trunk of his white Range Rover Evoque and helped his daughter buckle up in her baby seat. YooNa entered the passenger side and they were off to Incheon International Airport.

Sehun wore a hat and a pair of shades so that people don't recognise him. He was here on personal business and not idol business so he would prefer if no one recognises him. NaRa is walking between her parents both hand held by each parent. She hated airports because everytime she comes here, her daddy has to leave them. And now her mummy is leaving. She really hates airports.

"Ok guys." YooNa turned to look at her beloved family. They have arrived at the international departure hall. "Be good ok." She pointed at her daughter who was holding Sehun's hand."Both of you." Now YooNa pointed at Sehun.

"Mummy. must you leave?" NaRa pouted.

"Yes, mummy. Must you leave?" Sehun put on a similar pout. 

"Both of you look so similar." YooNa laughed. "I'll miss you." YooNa picked up her daughter. "You help daddy take care of the house ok? And please don't make it hard on him."

YooNa kissed her daughter who already has tears b in her eyes. This is the first time she will be separated from NaRa so she was kinda emotional as well. She passed NaRa back to Sehun and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek. He would have none of those, he turned his head and kissed his wife passionately on the lips. "I love you," he whisered.

"I love you too." YooNa waved goodbye to her family. Sehun was still carrying NaRa and trying to console the crying little girl. Both of them waved goodye.

After YooNa was already out of sight, Sehun looked at his crying daughter. "Now, now Princess. Mummy will be back before you know it. Let's go home ok?"

"Ok daddy." The little girl hugged her father. Once Sehun reached the car he transfered NaRa's baby seat to the passenger side so he can keep an eye on her.

He buckled his daughter up and entered the driver's side. He glanced at his daughter while starting the engine. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Can he have pizza, daddy?" The little girl immediately cheered up. "And, ice cream!"

"Ok then. Pizza and Ice cream it is." Sehun backed away from the airport parking. As he was driving next to the air strip, he saw a plane take off. 

"Look daddy, it's mummy. Bye bye, mummy." NaRa said pointing at the airplane.

"Bye honey-bunny." Sehun smiled sadly. "I'll take good care of our daughter, I promise."

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Chapter 6: such a sweet Family <33
Its so cuteeee. Oh myyyyyyyyyy
elita_kariani #3
Chapter 7: Owww it's the sweet ending finally yoona comeback safely, happy to see sehun family complete again,
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Chapter 6: Finally yoona will back, sehun adventure for a week with his daughter it's gonna be ended, comeback safely yoona
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Chapter 4: The rainbow hair make you more cuter sehun hahahaha, the colour that nara choosing is very different with other,
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Chapter 2: Omg what are you doing guys ? Tao yeol is just like 5 years old kid, it's such a sweet family, omg make me happy to imagine it
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Chapter 1: Why are you so cute nara ? You hate airport because airport can make you separate with your lovely daddy and now airport is separate you from your mummy, ooo so cute, daddy oh and baby na ra have a same mental, childish
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When 3 absurd people met together and raising a baby, so interesting, what will happen to na ra ? Hopefully you'll be fine with your lovely daddy oh sehun and spending time together
Chapter 3: Aw, such a sweet family
Chapter 2: Hahaha... TaoYeol .....! 'In your face!' - Tao .... why's he so cute?