Baby - Final Chapter.

Alpha's Mate

Author's POV

Eight months later.....

"Honey please stop walking up and down the stairs" Hyuna told her mate for the hundredth time.

"No, I'm ready to have your child now" a moody Erin said glaring at her mate before she continued back up the stairs only making Hyuna sigh rubbing her temple, "Sera!" the beta yells for her sister.

"What?" the alpha asked walking over, "Please get her to stop" the beta gestures her hand to her mate who was now walking back down the stairs with one hand on the railing and the other on her big, round stomach.

Even though Sera was the alpha, at a time like this she was somewhat scared of her delta right now because during a wolf's pregnancy they become either a lot stronger or weaker, in Erin's case she became stronger. So carefully the alpha spoke, "Hey Erin how about walking down here on the main floor that way in case something does happen we won't have to worry about any accidents happening on the stairs."

The pregnant wolf stops at the last step in front of her mate and alpha, "I guess I could do that" she said rubbing her stomach then she steps onto the main floor and starts walking into the living room.

"Thanks, she's made me more anxious these last few days" Hyuna confessed to her sister, "Don't worry too much, I think she's made everyone feel that way recently" Sera replied trying to ease her sister's anxiety.

"I bet she'll bust tonight" Minha said, "Nope tomorrow" Kyungri disagreed, "Wrong within the next two hours" Sungah stated. The three of them watched the pregnant delta walk around on the main floor.

"Wanna bet?" Kyungri asked the two lovers. "Bet what?" Minha asked, "If I'm right you two have to be my slaves for a whole week and vice versa" Kyungri explained, "Deal" Minha instantly agreed, "Ok" Sungah agreed too. 


Early the next morning sounds of a woman in pain were being heard from upstairs by the four youngest wolves awaiting downstairs for the arrival of their newest pack member to be born. 

Finally the yelling stops and all that is heard is the sound of a new born child.

"Here's your baby boy" the doctor said wrapping the new born in a blanket and handing him over to Erin. Hyuna stood on one side of the bed bending over to her see her son for the first time, she gently touches his head smilling widely along with Erin.

Sera who was a few feet away on the other side watched silently, she was there through the entire birth along with her sister. She too was smiling looking at the wonderful scene in front of her. 

Shortly after the baby was taking away by the doctor to be examined then brought back to his parents, the rest of the pack members were finally able to go up stairs to see their little nephew.

When they arrived inside the room Hyuna was now holding her son saying sweet words to him. Sungah, Minha, and Hyemi stood close by Hyuna smiling and touching the baby wolf while Kyungri went over to Sera who was still on the other side of Erin's bed.

"So I take it everything went well?" Kyungri asked no one in particular, "The doctor said he's fine and 100% healthy" Erin happily explained, "Thats great" Kyungri smiles back at her, "How are you feeling?" "Tired~" the delta somewhat sighs.

"I bet, you look awful right now" Kyungri stated and laughs making it hard for Sera to control her own laughter.

"Thank you for that lovely comment" Erin said sarcastically. 

Later that day Kyungri was held her nephew for the first time, "He's too precious" she stated. The other pack members were now away but Sera and Kyungri stayed behind in Hyuna and Erin's room with Hyuna and a sleeping Erin.

"Yes he is" Sera who was standing beside her said rubbing his little cheek.

Hyuna was laying in her bed with Erin watching her sister and Kyungri together with her son, she couldn't help but smile. 

"You look like a creeper right now" Sera said glancing at her sister who just gave her the middle finger. 




The next few days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. Hyuna and Erin's child was now walking all over the place.

"Minha you know the rules" the alpha said to Minha who was letting baby Sungjae crawl and roll all over her furry self, "You have 10 seconds to change back." The wolf whines before moving and transforming back.

"Sungjae was having fun and Hyuna said I could~" Minha whines standing infront of her alpha while pointing over to the beta laying lazily on the couch napping. The alpha sighs shaking her head and just leaves the living room. Minha then transforms back and continues playing with Sungjae.

A few mintues later Sungah walks in hoping to have some alone time with her mate but to her displeasure she finds Minha playing with the baby. Not that she doesn't love her nephew, she just wants her alone time with her mate. She pouts then turns around to go back to her room.

After Sera left the living room she went up stairs to check on her mate who has been really sick the past few weeks. The alpha quietly enters her room but her mate was no where to be seen. Closing the door she hears nosies coming from the bathroom.

"Kyungri are you ok?" Sera knocks on the door and hears no answer but a few seconds later the door opens slightly and out comes not her mate but her delta Erin.

"What's wrong with Kyungri?" the alpha asked trying to look over the taller wolf's shoulder but couldn't since she was too short.

"Uh-Well.." Erin closes the door behind real fast, "Um I'll let her tell you once she gets out, I need to check on Sungjae now." Erin quickly leaves the room leaving Sera standing there looking lost.

"Kyungri" Sera softly said trying to open the bathroom door but could not because it was locked. "I'll be out in a minute" her mate replied. The alpha sighs and walks over to the bed to sit down and wait.

Finally the younger wolf exits the bathroom looking tired. The alpha gets up and walks over to her, "Is everything ok?" 

Slowly Kyungri rises her hand showing Sera a white plastic stick. The alpha takes it and looks at it, it has a postive sign showing. After a few seconds it clicks in the alpha's head.

Her eyes become giant, "Kyungri.. You're pregnant?" The younger wolf nods her head and before she could do anything else Sera embraces her tightly, "I can't believe it" she said feeling beyond excited, opposite of her mate right now who wasn't feeling exactly the same way at the moment, starts crying but the alpha doesn't notice until she lets go of her mate.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" Sera tries touching Kyungri's face to wipe her tears but the younger slaps her hand away and moves towards the bed to sit down covering her face with her hands. Sera quickly arrives over to her mate wrapping her arm around her waist, "Kyungri tell me what's wrong" Sera pleas not sure why her mate is upset.

When Kyungri calmed down she spoke moving her hands from her face,"I don't think I'm ready to be a parent yet." She looks down at the floor. The alpha frowns before pulling her mate into her embrace more, "Don't talk like that of course you'll be a wonderful mother, you're already an amazing aunt" she said and leaves a lingering kiss on Kyungri's temple.

"You believe so?" 

"I do."

"But I'm also going to get fat now."

"You will still be beautiful to me." 

"I'll probably be moody."

"You're already moody." Sera teased and before Kyungri could reply she continued, "I still love you though."

"I love you." Kyungri replied laying her head on Sera's shoulder.




"We're having a baby" the alpha and her mate finally announced to their fellow pack members once Kyungri was more comfortable about her pregnancy.

"Ahh really?!"

"What! No way!"

"Yay another baby on the way!"

All the members were happy and excited especially Hyuna even though she already knew thinks to her mate. The past few years Hyuna didn't think her sister was ever going to find mate and have pups but look at her now.

"Can you believe it?" Sera said smiling widely at her sister and Hyuna return the smile, "How far along is she?" "Two months." 


Kyungri and Sera were laying in bed after having a fun day together with there pack. Kyungri had her head on Sera's chest while they talked.

"Do you think its going to be a boy or girl?" Kyungri asked.

"Hmm I think a girl." Sera replied running her fingers through Kyungri's hair, "What about you?"

"A girl also."

"We will have a beautiful child whether it be a boy or girl, I mean look at us." Sera stated and they both laugh.

"Hopefully she/he won't be short like you." Kyungri teased.

"Woah there you aren't that much taller than me."

"Are to."






"I love you." "And I love you." they both stated smiling.

"Really though I can't wait to find out what we're having." Kyungri said moving to lay on top of her mate, "Me too" Sera replied moving her hands to rest on Kyungri's thigh's.

"In a few more months I don't know we can be in this position because you may crush me since I'm so short and all." Kyungri glares at her, "Are you saying I'm going to be too fat for you?" "Did you not call me short?" Sera answers her question with a question.

"Oh my gosh, you're such a smartass" Kyungri playfully hits her mates stomach, "And you were saying I'm going to be fat." She hits her again.

"I didn't say we couldn't try this position later though." Sera smirks rubbing her hands up Kyungri's thigh's.

"Don't think just because you said that, that you're get off the hook from calling me fat."

"Maybe I can change your mind." Sera sits up and pulls her mate into a kiss.



Thank you to my 75 subscribers, this is the most I have out of all of my stories. I also have the most comments with this story too. I love that everyone would comment and tell me that my story was great and they couldn't wait for a new ch. to come out. That really made me want to write more, not just with this story but writing my other stories as well. I know there could be way more things that could happen but this is how I wanted to end it so thank you all agian for reading it. ^_^

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Chapter 22: Omg aww I love Sera's and Kyungri's relationship and it's so cute that they'll be having a baby as well but the whole pack won't stop with the betting lol they never learn. Thanks for writing this :)
JustForYou2014 #2
Chapter 22: 4th time reading this story ^^ thanks again author
TheLoneWolf #3
Chapter 22: Nice ending i love it
Chapter 22: aww it's over already =[ but i loved it so so much =D please keep writing author
Leminji28 #5
Chapter 22: Thank you for writing this story , I really loved it ^.^
callmemika #6
Chapter 22: Aw this a cute ending ♡ Great job, author-nim!! ^^ Love this story.
Chapter 21: I really love this!
Chapter 22: [Attention] - Ch 22 will be the last chapter of this story!
Chapter 21: can we get a love scene author-nim ^^
TheLoneWolf #10
Chapter 21: Yay you back i can't wait another chapter hahahaahaha