you, and good night

when everything fell apart

Myungsoo didn't know how long it lasted, but he remembered that the weeks and months after his and Sungjong's break up were cold, because it wasn't just Sungjong and Myungsoo that fell apart--Woohyun's and Sunggyu's arguments became more inane and more violent; Sungyeol became more isolated; Hoya and Dongwoo were beginning to disagree with each other more and more--and Myungsoo couldn't help stop any of it.

Surprisingly, the first member to snap was Sungyeol. Myungsoo was arguing with Sungjong about the new dorm arrangement, while Dongwoo and Hoya were off to the side debating whether one or the other should keep a certain pillow. Woohyun and Sunggyu were busy with their own spat about how they should've gotten the apartment three blocks down rather than the current one. Myungsoo was in the middle of throwing Sungjong's jacket at the maknae when a sudden shrill scream pierced through the bickering. All eyes were trained on a hysteric Sungyeol who screamed, "Enough!! Just pick a room and stay there!! This arguing is ridiculous!! What's even going on here?!"

There was a long silence before Hoya finally said, "I'm taking the largest room."

Sunggyu opened his mouth to protest, wanting the largest room for himself, but Sungyeol glared at him and snapped, "Hyung, please. Just share the room." Without another word, Sunggyu picked up his stuff and followed Hoya, not forgetting to "accidentally" bump into Woohyun on the way.

Sungjong took his jacket from Myungsoo, glaring at him coldly, and tugged at Dongwoo's elbow, choosing him as his partner, and the pair chose a room. Woohyun, Sungyeol, and Myungsoo were left to squeeze into the last room.

"I'm jealous of you," Woohyun told Myungsoo later that night when the stars shone bright through the window and Sungyeol was sound asleep.

"Why?" Myungsoo asked, turning on his side to look at Woohyun.

"Because you got Sungjong's affection," he muttered, folding his arms underneath his pillow. "It's unfair."


"I tried to keep you two together so that Sungjong would be happy, but..." He grew silent and then chuckled oddly. "Never mind."

Myungsoo stared at him, confused, before asking, "Do you like Sungjong?"

A hearty laugh was heard across the room, and Woohyun answered, "How could you not? You're just the lucky one who got liked back, even for a short amount of time. So you, and good night."

A/N: LOOK WHO'S BACK!!! I didn't forget about this~ >.> I actually didn't XD I have a few more chapters written, so it'll be updated less than regularly.

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I wish you would update soon, I really miss this story :(
LycheeJelly #2
Chapter 7: Ahhh what a disaster. ;; The others will probably leave soon too..
It hurts so mcuh to see my babies fight. This is horrible. Now with Woohyun leaving...ah and poor Woohyun, he likes Sungjong. I totaly feel for him. I wonder if Sungjong ever knew...
Chapter 7: aigooo....
lemonboy #5
Chapter 7: ...oh myyy......
Chapter 7: Ohh continue soon <3 <3 plz
waaaa update please!!!!!
<3 <3 <3 i love ur story!!!
lemonboy #8
Chapter 6: woojong feels!!!!!
I'm crying~ My imagination world doing things to me again~
Chapter 6: So they already broke up in this chapter? Then why did Myubgsoo hold Sungjong's jacket and ehy did thry break up? O.o