their problems are our problems, but not this time...

when everything fell apart

"I want to break up."

Myungsoo's heart nearly stopped at the words as he pressed his ear flatter against the door to hear better.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Woohyun.

There was silence as an answer, and then Sungjong said, "I'm not sure yet."

Myungsoo let out a loud exhale of relief, but suddenly realized that he had been heard as the springs of the bed creak with the weight of a body lifting off of it. Scrambling to his feet, Myungsoo retreated to the kitchen, pretending to wash already spotless dishes, but he knew he got there too late.

"You bastard!!" Sungjong screamed, stomping his feet.

Myungsoo tripped and cowered as Woohyun rushed out of the room. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Myungsoo hyung's been eavesdropping!!" Sungjong exclaimed, red faced.

"N-No! I-I..." Myungsoo's words died on his lips. What could he say? It was true.

"That's low..." Woohyun muttered.

"I didn't--" Myungsoo tried to say as he stood, but Sungjong slapped him hard across the cheek. Pain blossomed on his cheekbone and tears prickled in his eyes; he knew what was coming.

"I changed my mind," Sungjong said as Dongwoo and Hoya walked out of their room to see the commotion.

"Wait, Sungjong--" Woohyun tried to say, but the younger ignored him and shouted, "We're over!!"

Myungsoo stood speechless as Woohyun took Sungjong gently by the arm and said, "No. Don't do that. Make amends. It was one mistake."

"Please..." Myungsoo murmured.

"Why should he?" Hoya snapped. "Sungjong wants to break up, so let him."

"Think of what this will do to the band," Woohyun hissed.

Dongwoo snorted loudly and said, "I love these two together and all, but are you really putting the band before their happiness?"

"This is going to cause a division between us!" Woohyun exclaimed.

"There's already division!" Myungsoo yelled, and then they went silent as Sunggyu and Sungyeol strolled out of their rooms; however, Sungyeol ducked back into the room, glistening tears gracing his cheeks. Sunggyu tapped his foot, arms over his chest, and said, "I care for their happiness, but it's their relationship. out of it, you three." He pointed to Woohyun, Dongwoo, and Hoya. "Let the kids figure it out."

"Hyung, we can't just let them fall apart," Woohyun sighed.

"Yes, we can," he said rather harshly, and it stung Myungsoo's heart. "Leave them alone."

"We're part of each other's lives," Woohyun protested. "We eat, sleep, and work together. Their problems are our problems."

"Not this time," Sunggyu snapped. "We may be one, and we are, but we can't do everything for them. Let them figure it out, and if it breaks us apart, then I'll take the blame for not taking the initiative."

Woohyun frowned deeply and said lowly, "Remember those words, Kim Sunggyu."


AN: Hey! Sorry this is SOOO late, well not late.. yeah late. too lazy to make the header for this, and i probably will stop that because i'm so DAMN lazy and busy--don't get me wrong. Updates will probably less frequently--sorry! And thank you to all of you who stayed with this story and all of those who are new subscribers and just.. i just noticed at the bottom right hand corner they have a word and character count. How long has that been there? that's kinda hella. XD anyways--thanks to you all and i hope you enjoyed!

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I wish you would update soon, I really miss this story :(
LycheeJelly #2
Chapter 7: Ahhh what a disaster. ;; The others will probably leave soon too..
It hurts so mcuh to see my babies fight. This is horrible. Now with Woohyun leaving...ah and poor Woohyun, he likes Sungjong. I totaly feel for him. I wonder if Sungjong ever knew...
Chapter 7: aigooo....
lemonboy #5
Chapter 7: ...oh myyy......
Chapter 7: Ohh continue soon <3 <3 plz
waaaa update please!!!!!
<3 <3 <3 i love ur story!!!
lemonboy #8
Chapter 6: woojong feels!!!!!
I'm crying~ My imagination world doing things to me again~
Chapter 6: So they already broke up in this chapter? Then why did Myubgsoo hold Sungjong's jacket and ehy did thry break up? O.o