remember those times?

when everything fell apart

His hands trembled, palms slick with sweat as he knocked lightly on the apartment door. The corridors were a pristine white, a window at the end of each corridor to peer over the railings and see how tall the building actually was. After a few moments of silence, he his heel, deciding that his ex-bandmate wasn't home, but then he suddenly heard the sound of lock tumblers clicking. Turning around slowly, he was face to face with his ex-boyfriend, as beautiful and young as he had been years ago.

"Sungjong..." Myungsoo breathed, stunned at the mere sight of him. Myungsoo was always a bit dramatic around Sungjong.

"Hyung... What are you doing here?" he asked, clinging to the door like a kitten, but there was no kitten in the man; that kitten whom everyone once coddled was now a full-grown tiger, strong, healthy, and independent.

Myungsoo cleared his throat, pulling his scarf up a bit despite the fact that they were inside. Turning his head slightly to the side, avoiding eye contact, he tried to still his pounding heart. "Umm... Hi..." he said lamely, nervously.

"Hi," Sungjong replied curtly. "Myungsoo hyung, why are you here?"

Taking a shuddering breath, Myungsoo turned his head and looked straight into Sungjong's eyes. They were as beautiful as ever, chocolate brown and fierce. Sungjong hadn't forgotten any of the skin care techniques they'd used as idols, as evidence from his baby smooth skin, while Myungsoo's was a bit flaky here and there; he tried his best. "I... Uh... came to say hi," he said softly, blushing.

"Hi," Sungjong said again, and immediately Myungsoo replied with another shy, "Hi."

Exhaling deeply, Sungjong said, "Would you like to come inside? You've obviously got more to say, so just... come on. I'll make some coffee or something."

Myungsoo quickly followed Sungjong into his apartment, hoping he didn't seem too eager. "You don't drink coffee," Myungsoo commented as he took his shoes off, unwinding his scarf from around his neck.

"No," he agreed, walking over to the kitchen. "But you like espressos and mochas and things like that, and I happen to have a lot of stuff like that from Hoya hyung."

"Hoya?" Myungsoo mused, putting on slippers before following Sungjong to the kitchen.

"Yeah. We made up, sort of. He stops keeping tabs on me like he did when..." He paused, as if the very mention of their past had been a misfortune, and Myungsoo wasn't sure whether he was referring to their failed relationship or their career. "Anyways... We're okay now, and he sends coffee packets and stuff every once in a while."

Myungsoo chuckled and nodded. "How are the others?" he asked, not particularly curious about them, but it only seemed customary to ask.

"Dongwoo hyung teaches dance now. Sungyeol hyung went back to school. And Sunggyu hyung, Hoya hyung, and Woohyun hyung are still well off in the music industry, as you should know, what with their faces plastered all over Seoul."

"And you?" he asked, leaning over the counter. This is what he wanted to hear about. How was Sungjong doing? What was he doing now? Did he still like lemon candies? Did he still wake up in the morning with perfect hair? Did his clothes still hang ridiculously loose on him? Was he eating well? Did he have enough money for meat? All these questions plagued Myungsoo, including the more personal and intimate questions. Would Myungsoo's heart still race when their hands brushed past each other? Was Sungjong still flexible? Were his lips still just as kissable?

Sungjong barely glanced at Myungsoo as he said, "I'm fine. I'm still in school, studying music, as always."

"Are you going back into the kpop industry?" he asked, eyeing the way Sungjong's slender fingers sliced strawberries.

"No," he said. "I'm going to be a music teacher."

Myungsoo grinned widely. Sungjong was a bit like Hoya, wanting to teach, to learn, to mean something to people, no matter how few. Chuckling softly, Myungsoo just nodded. "Sounds like you."

Sungjong just nodded his head and looked up at Myungsoo. "So what? Coffee or something else?" he asked.

"What're you making?" he asked, pointing to the strawberries.

"A strawberry-lemon smoothie," he said plainly, dropping the strawberries into a blender where peeled lemons were already sitting at the bottom.

Myungsoo grinned. That was so Sungjong. He loved fruits. "I'll share a glass with you then," he said.

The younger man glared at Myungsoo for a moment before pouring a heaping amount of sugar into the blender and capping it, pressing the blend button for a few moments as the pink and yellow splattered against the sides of the container. Myungsoo smiled contently as Sungjong set a cup in front of him. "So what about you?" he suddenly asked, leading Myungsoo over to the couch.

Picking up his drink, Myungsoo followed and said, "What about me?"

"What have you been doing?" he asked, raising a knowing eyebrow and taking a sip of his smoothie.

Myungsoo fiddle with the straw in his drink and chuckled darkly. "Just the usual. I'm sure you know, don't you? You just want to hear me say it," he said.

Sungjong continued on his straw, glaring at Myungsoo to continue. Sighing, the older answered, "I'm an actor. I'm acting in several dramas and movies. There, happy?"

Sungjong swallowed and set his drink down. "No," he snapped. "I'm not actually." Turning his entire body toward Myungsoo, legs folding beneath each other, Sungjong tugged on Myungsoo's sleeve and said, "When did everything fall apart?"

Myungsoo chuckled wistfully and set his drink down, turning to Sungjong. "Well, for one, we have Sunggyu hyung, how he used to at us all for the littlest things. 'Woohyun do this.' 'Sungyeol do that.' 'Hoya, don't dance near there.' 'Dongwoo, stay away.' 'Yah! Lee Sungjong.' 'Myungsoo-ah, go change.'"

Sungjong nodded, a small giggle escaping his lips as Myungsoo imitated their former leader, and added, "There were also those fights Sunggyu hyung and Woohyun hyung got into. There was a lot of fighting."

Myungsoo nodded, sipping his drink thoughtfully before setting it down, reminiscing how Dongwoo and Myungsoo had gotten into such a big fight that Dongwoo moved into Hoya's room, or when Woohyun broke Sungyeol's coffee machine and the younger nearly trashed the kitchen.  "Yeah... But I think... of everything that happened, it was us." Myungsoo side glanced at Sungjong, remembering how of all the fights Infinite had, Myungsoo's and Sungjong's fights were the biggest, worst, and involved everyone.

The younger man bit his lip, blushing at the memories. "Maybe..." he whispered.

"Do you remember those times, Sungjong?" Myungsoo asked, leaning toward him, thumb and forefinger holding his chin. "Because I do."

The younger blushed a bright pink, heart thumping. How was Myungsoo always so calm in situations like these? So suave... But really, Myungsoo's heart pounded just as loudly in his ears as Sungjong's did in his own.

A/N: This is copied and pasted from my email and i'm lazy to do reformat it into paragraph indents. If it bothers you, then I'll reformat it, but otherwise, I'm keeping it like this~ <3

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I wish you would update soon, I really miss this story :(
LycheeJelly #2
Chapter 7: Ahhh what a disaster. ;; The others will probably leave soon too..
It hurts so mcuh to see my babies fight. This is horrible. Now with Woohyun leaving...ah and poor Woohyun, he likes Sungjong. I totaly feel for him. I wonder if Sungjong ever knew...
Chapter 7: aigooo....
lemonboy #5
Chapter 7: ...oh myyy......
Chapter 7: Ohh continue soon <3 <3 plz
waaaa update please!!!!!
<3 <3 <3 i love ur story!!!
lemonboy #8
Chapter 6: woojong feels!!!!!
I'm crying~ My imagination world doing things to me again~
Chapter 6: So they already broke up in this chapter? Then why did Myubgsoo hold Sungjong's jacket and ehy did thry break up? O.o