Angel with a shotgun

Sugar Coated Luhan

Luhan's P.O.V.

After a few practices with Jjeolbae, we're now prepared to get on stage. Many audiences were waiting for us.

"Break a leg, everyone!" Hyun Ah said.

"Kamshahamnida!" Everyone said.

Then, we went on our own ways.

Narrator: The dead ones rose, titans appeared, and monsters grew large in size. These horrific creatures destroyed nations all of a sudden; their history was unclear. Humans were not given enough time to prepare and clash against them. They were hopeless: Not until two brave fighters came; an angel who descended and a human born for battle; a warrior. But will their fates meet? Will the two fight and face the challenges awaiting them?

"These creatures are not decreasing in number!!! I'm just gonna rest for a while. I can't handle all of them!" I said while searching for a home; there, I found a cave and went inside it. There, I closed the stone door and observed if there would be any tracks of those horrific creatures. 

"No tracks of scary monsters." I said. In there, I rested for a while.

*Luhan's recorded voice[LRV]*: Waking up, I saw a beautiful figure sleeping across me. She looks like a Greek goddess. A white, beautiful dress embroidered with golden edges covered her. A flower headdress with a few stems in it were attached on her head. Such a beautiful person.  I got up and went near her. I noticed thath she was clenching in pain. She must be bruised.

"Are you alright?" I asked Jjeolbae.

"Ah...." She said while pointing out her tigh. She was bruised.

I got the prop bandage Hyun Ah gave to me and covered it in Jjeolbae's tigh.

"Hey, are you alright now?" I asked.

"W-who are you? " She asked me.

"I'm Lu. I fight those creatures outside." I replied to her.

"Ah. I'm Jjeolbae by the way. You might not believe it but I'm an angel that was sent here to fight." She replied to me.

"Ah. Really?" I said to her. I'm just following the script.

"Oh, let me show you a proof." She said. 

Jjeolbae's P.O.V.

"Oh. let me show you a proof." I said to Luhan. Then, I raised my finger, pointing out to the prop stone with a small string attached to it, and moved my hands. then the stone followed. Thanks to the propsmen.

"Woooah. I believe you now." Luhan said. 

"WIll you come and join me in fighting?" Luhan asked me.

"Yes! Of course! You seem trustable." I said.

"Is that so? hahaha." Luhan replied shyly.

Narrator: Then, they fought various monsters, titans, and zombies. Their bond became close.

*Luhan is seen fighting with Jjeolbae while narrator speaks*

"How about you use a weapon?" Luhan asked me.

"What weapon? Help me choose. I'm pretty scared with close combat. " I said dearly to him.

"Try a shotgun.We'll drop by my house today. I've got one with tons of ammo." He siad.

"What is that? Sorry, I'm pretty new to this world." I replied to him.

"You'll see." He said.

Then, we finished our fake battle with my classmates who dressed up as creatures.

After that, the scenery changed. A medieval background showed.

"Here we are at my house. " He said while entering. I followed.

We went near the table, picked up a shotgun and Luhan gave me loads of ammo.

"Ready to fight?" He asked me.

"Yep!" I said. "Thanks!" I continued.

Then, we went outside, but we made a startled look when we saw a huge monster with a batallion of Zombies and a load of monsters went near us. 

We tried to fight, but I lost balance and nearly fell on the cliff. 

"Lu!!!" I shouted to him, still reminiscing the parts of the script.

Argh. This is it.

"Hey!"He said and went near me after clearing the monsters.

He held my hand, supporting me. Below me were a sea of zombies.

"I guess this is goodbye. Release me now." I said while crying. 

"No way am I gonna do that." He said while his tears were falling off.

"This is not on the script, but I guess it's fine now." Hyun Ah said on the backstage.

"I just wanted to say..Thank you for everything." I said.

"You're the only one I've got. Please don't go." He said while holding up my hand.

"You'll still find others." I said.

"No. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" Luhan said. I saw pure emotions from him.

This line made me cry with pure emotions just like him.

"Thank you for being with me all the time. I love you." I said to him sincerely.

Then, he went near me, and did what the script told us to. We just went closer but did not kiss. Sudennly, a bunch of lights covered the whole stage. 

Narrator: That scene made light. Covering the entire world of their love. Then, the horrific, spooky creatures faded. They just dissolved into thin air.

Then, the fake titan picked me up and saved me. After that, it shrank into a  cute puppy. 

"The two of you saved my life. Now I'm gonna adopt the two of you." I said.

"I love you Jjeolbae!"

"I love you Lu~!!!!" 

Both of us said calmly and held each other's hands.

Then, the lights turned off.

"Presenting.....THE CAST! Group 3-A as the Zombies, 4-B as the propsmen, Hyun Ah and Park Shin for the story organization, and LUHAN AND JJEOLBAE AS LU AND JJEOLBAE!" The narrator proudly said.

"I am, the narrator, Jung Soo, and that is, ANGEL WITH A SHOTGUN. Thank you very much!" President Jung Soo said.

Everyone clapped, cheered, and even stood up.

"EPIIIC!' A boy in his teens said.

"JJEOLBAE AND LU FOREVEEER!" Some fangirls said.

What a wonderful day.

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IrisScarlett21 #1
Really, I love it!! xD
Chapter 50: Please...Please...Authornim...Make a happy ending and sequel from this story...Jeballl...
Chapter 31: aaaaaaa it's so fluff and romantic...Ahhh jjeolbae...Please admitted that u like him..u already had feeling for him...Please update soon authornims...
Chapter 27: LOVE IT!!! UPDATE SOON!!!