Nice to see you again....not

I need you

A/N-sorry I thought it updsted but it didn't so I had to write it again

Last update...........

Sura's p.o.v 



The elevator doors opened and we all looked to see who it is as we never get any visiters on our floor. Out steeo a man carring two car seats, the he looked up. OMG It's HIM...

Siwon's p.o.v

As the doors opened I saw her and then she looked up showing an expression so hurtful it could make a statue cry (if that makes sense, I'm not good with my feelings). I looked at her with sadness and regret in my eyes as seeing her reminded me of the terrible thing I did and walked towards her desk. A girl next to her gave me flirty looks so I sent her a glare and turned my eyes back on to Sura. Her hurtful look in her eyes had gone and I could tell she was biting back a smirk. When I reach her desk she frowned. "Hello again" I said(in korean) and I recieved a glare but not so harsh as I knew she could give.

Sura's p.o.v 

"What do you want Siwon" I replied trying to transmit hate instead of the happiness I was feeling when he glared at Mandi. For some reason I think he could tell I wasn't that angry with him but it was only because he glared at Mandi. " Well that's a nice way to greet your Fiance and the father of our children. Besides I miss you  and I want to talk to you" he replied cheerfully but I could tell it was a facade and he was here for an ulterior purpose. " Well I'm busy with work right now so I'll text you later babe" I told him playing along, Siwon just smirked. It was then I noticed the body guards behind him and the twins, some-how I just know those body Guards aren't for him or the twins but more for a bit of scary muscle to use on me, well I won't be scared into submission. " I can cover your work if you want"  my friend Ally piped up, I mentaly face palmed myself and cursed Ally for being to good a friend when it wasn't nessesary. "See there you go um....-" siwon was cut off by Ally " My names ally" Siwon nodded and continued " See Ally has kindly offered to cover your work so we should go chat in that cafe I saw round the corner. " Are you sure it's okay Ally cus you don't have to if you don't want to" I asked Ally hoping with such utter desperation she would say no she didn't want to cover my work. But no Ally being Ally said" Sure it's fine you go have fun and talk" , Siwon being Siwon just stood there and smirked. "Fine lets go" I told him irrtatedly and I grabbed my to leave. "Here, Take her" Siwon said as he shoved Mina in her carseat into my hands after I had put my coat on and my bag on my shoulder. I took the carseat and gave him a small smile because even if he broke my heart I still have my children and he knows that he needs to tell me that.

No p.o.v

When they reached the cafe they ordered their drinks and went to sit by the childrens play area while the body guards went to the there otherside to give us some privacy. " So as we both know you are mad and I want you back so it occur to me lets settle this the way we started,with a deal. The deal is we shall get married as planned, if you agree it will be next week,  and we will have a third child.-" Siwon was then cut off by an angry Sura  " Hold on let me get this straight you want me to marry you and have another child with you even after what you did to me. I mean you may of not known it and yeah it may of been foolish of me but I actually loved you, until you broke my heart-" Siwon cut her off leaving her just as annoyed as he was earlier when she did the same thing. " If you let me finish, we will remain married until the children are 5 months old and then you will come to the dicision on whether we will remain together or have joint custody and split. The custody will of course be a week with one parent and a week with another. I will provide you with a house in which to bring them up in. I will cover two thirds of the cost of the child, maybe even three quaters of the costs, to raise them and I will pay for their medical bills and schooling funds. That is if you remain in the country and relativly near to my residence of course. If you choose to move further away or out of the country then I shall have them for ALL (stressing the all) of their holidays and you will need permission from me to take them away during holidays and term time,which you will have to do whether you move far away or not. If you do move further away or out of the country you will only recive money covering half or one third of the costs to raise them and I will only pay for the university fees. Everything else will be left up to you and you will be the one to cover the costs of a move if you mave far away or more that a hours drive form where I live. Everything else is down in this contract regarding the split choice and the contract still stands whether we remain together or split later on. I may be more willing to other choices of custody arrangements depending on the feelings at the end of the divorce/split if we don't stay together. Is everything clear?" Sura sat there her jaw wide open due to the shock of such a deal. "I have two questions what happens if I don't sign and can I have some time to think about this?"She said when she finally spoke." The first one is I will get full custody of the children ,curtousy of a judge who is a friend of mine, until they are 18 and you will have to ask for permission to see them or to have them over. When they turn 10 I may allow you take them on short holidays but I will have a guard sent with you and a guard outside you house when they stay over if you move back to Korea. And to answer your other question, I can only give you till six as my plane takes off this evening at eight thirty. Here's my hotel and room name, I leave you to think about it, have a good day and if you don't turn up at all I'll assume your answer is no unless there is something telling me otherwise. I hope you make the right decision"  Siwon turned after looking at Sura one last time and then took the twins from the sofa next to them. When Siwon left she sighed. "What am I going to do "she thought to herself and headed back to work.


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xjayess #1
Chapter 7: Pleaaase update it as soon as u can :"( i cant wait anymore
biancsnool #2
Chapter 6: update soon pleaseeee......:)
LOL hahah the twins was born on my birthday lol haha