Let's talk

I need you

Sura's P.o.v

Urrggghh I'm so bored. I love the twins and everything and it's nice to see them especially after all this time but when I found out Siwon had changed the lift code and I was not allowed out unless I had his permission and he or the gaurds were with me. So because of that I haven't been out since I got here, I'm begging to get bored and I can't stand being cooped up all day and then having to have awkward conversations with Siwon in the evenings. I know what your thinking 'why not  ask to go out?' but it's not that simple as 1: I have to ask him and I don't want talk to him , 2: He told me when we arrived that I have to sort things out with him first before any outing can happen and 3: I don't want to give him the satifaction of me having to ask permission. Well that was before I had a bottle of milk thrown at my for the 50th time this week, I can't take it any more I need fresh air and an hour away from the twins. I mean every parent has time away from their children once in a while, this doesn't make me a bad parent does it?

At half past six Siwon arrived home and went to cook dinner while I got the twins ready for bed so he and I could both tuck them in. We tucked the twins in and sat down to eat the pasta Siwon had cooked for us. "Siwon I was wondering if I could go out tomorrow as I feel a bit cooped up and stressed afater looking after the twins for a full week and not getting so time out, would be possible?" I asked him. His face was blank but her slammed his fork down in anger. " Ah I see, you want time off from looking after your children which you abondoned in the first place, soemthing I never got. Every ounce of spare time I had I spent on the Mina and Minsoo, between stuggling to make sure all my business partners were doing okay and the children were fine and being well looked after while I was at work I never had time to go out. But you did didn't you, while living a cushy child-free life in Japan!" He told her his voice rising with every word he said. "HOW DARE YOU! I cried myself to sleep every night because I had to leave my children behind with a man who would cheat on his fiance for a business deal because I couldn't afford to raise them myself. I didn't matter whether you loved or even like me but how could you cheat on me?!!" I shouted back in fury. " Well excuse me for trying to make more money so you could have the wedding of your dreams and so that the twins could have anything they want. I know it was wrong but you should of talked to me about it not leave without telling me! It was a selfish and childish move." He said still angry but guilty for cheating. I now felt bad as he was right I shouldn't of just left but I was hurt." You're right but I was hurt I mean I was carrying in you children what did you expect me or anyone in my place to do?! I think we need to accept we both made mistakes" I said rationaly after collecting my thoughts. 

Siwon paused and the spoke" I agree and about the day out I agree but we need to take things slow and that goes for everything. I will say yes but only because I need a date for a charity dinner and I understand what your going through. Even if I didn't get a break you should because you have been thrown into mother hood too quickly. I will get the boys to look after the twins, they've done it before and they've looked after jungsoo so don't woryy. That reminds me I begged your aunt and she's allowed Jungsoo to stay with us while you live here, he'll arrive next thursday" I nodded and stood up to load the dishwasher as I was finished and so was Siwon. Siwon got up to make a phone call and after five minutes he came back "I got you an appointment with the people who made you over last time and you going to the boutique with Luhan tomorrow at 11 is that okay?" Siwon asked me. " Yeah, sure that's fine what time does the event start?" I asked him. " Six but I'll pick you up at five thirty, I'll finish up here, you get ready for bed as it's ten already and you have a big day tomorrow" He told me and I said goodnight before going upstairs. I got changed  into one of the night clothes I had left behind as the others were STILL in the wash. I think Siwon has done that on purpose. I had completely forgotten how skimpy these things were but I was tired so I just dealt with it and went to brush my teeth. When I walked out siwon had already entered the room, he stopped and stared while in the middle of taking his suitpants off. " You can stopped staring you know, this is your fault as you have purposely made the cleaner not wash my pajamas. Now if you excuse me I'm gunna go to sleep, Night" I said and got into to bed. Siwon said nothing but looked sheepish. He carried on getting undressed and then went into the bathroom to change his underwear for bed and brush his teeth. When he had finished he turned the lights off and got into bed. I pretended to be asleep and Siwon wrapped his arms around my waist, a small gesture I had gotten used to since I arrived and to my suprise it brought me comfort. I was drifting off to sleep as I heard Siwon say something " I know your not asleep Sura but even if you are i need to say this I didn't mean to hurt you and I regret it everyday. I hope we can start again and you can learn to....to love me"

A/N- sorry for not updating in ages but I had writers block and lots of stuff on anyway enjoy and If I don't update before christmas I update in the new year.

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xjayess #1
Chapter 7: Pleaaase update it as soon as u can :"( i cant wait anymore
biancsnool #2
Chapter 6: update soon pleaseeee......:)
LOL hahah the twins was born on my birthday lol haha