Back to this hell hole

I need you

Sura's P.O.V

After we touched down to Seoul's airport we got into Siwons car and drove to penthouse. The twins had now woken up and I was trying my best to make sure they stayed occupied and quiet while Siwon was driving. " It's not easy is it" Siwon said after we had parked and got into the lift, "What isn't easy?" I asked. " Handling the two on your own" he said as he typed the codes in. I thought about this and answered truthfully " No, but in my opinion you deserved to have a hard time and now I have to come back to this hell hole" . We stepped into the living room as the doors opened " Well at least you get to see your children now after you negleted them so I could handle  the hard stuff" he said with an edge in his voice. " Well sorry be being cheated on for a few million dollars" I replied harshly. " That was one of the biggest deals I ever made and I regret it everyday but at least I know I did it so you and the twins would never want for anything. I didn't just to it to get back at anyone or for any selfish reasons like some people" He replied the ice oozing out of his voice. " Well then why do you want me back?" I asked fuming at the thought of being dragged back here for nothing. " Because although you may not believe it somewhere down the line I began to like you and grow feeling towards you. I missed you these past six months and no matter what you say I know you missed me too" he told me earnestly. " You nothing of what I feel, I'll be in the nursery with the twins, cook the dinner" I told him angrily and stormed up the stairs with each twin in a car seat in both bands.

Siwon's P.o.v 

Why can't see admit she feels something for me anymore, I mean she wouldn't have cared so much about the deal if she didn't still have feelings because she knows she'll eventually not be able to handle her feelings and forgive me.. I mean it's obvious just like my love for her. How can she not see I love her and want to care for her and our children?  I sighed and walked into the kitchen to start on dinner. It took me twenty minutes to make some pasta with tomato sauce. I heated up the milk for the twins and called Sura down. It had been a while since I had eaten with her or with anyone one apart from the twins, cute as they are, they are awful company. Dinner was silent and after we had finished Sura put the twins to bed while I washed up and secretly made arangements for Jungso to live with us again. I thought that it would make her happy again. It was hard to compromise with the aunt but I managed it.

 I then went upstairs to get ready for ben when I saw Sura lying down on the bed, it was a shock as it felt like years since I had seen her there, in my bed. It looked right- as if she was supposed to be there. To be honest I thought she was going to sleep in the spare room as she was angry with me but I guess I was wrong. I got changed and lay down next her. I wrapped my arms aroud her waist and pulled her close, " Goodnight Sura" I whispered and turned of the bedside lamp off.


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xjayess #1
Chapter 7: Pleaaase update it as soon as u can :"( i cant wait anymore
biancsnool #2
Chapter 6: update soon pleaseeee......:)
LOL hahah the twins was born on my birthday lol haha