pool room to ball room

I need you

Sura's P.O.V

Siwon had been right, I wasn't asleep and I heard everything but I couldn't help but think "Doesn't he know I love him, doesn't he know that was one of the reasons I left, because it hurt to much to think of seeing him everyday knowing he betrayed my trust and tossed my heart into the trash? Doesn't he know that I couldn't and never have stopped loving him?" That's why I can't live with him, because I'm scared one day he'll leave me alone with the twins with nothing but memories and a broken heart. 

I tried to sleep but it was pointless, his words kept me up thinking about what he said. He didn't say he loved me but he did say he wanted me to love him. I got up around 11 to wash and feed the twins as well as getting them ready for their night with the Siwon's friends. I wonder how they'll react to seeing me, will they hate me or worse act like nothing happened, making me think they didn't care at all when I thought of them as brothers. After I had washed and fed the twins I went back to my room to change into my outfit that I had chosen to impress Ryeowook. When I had showered and changed I noticed Siwon wasn't in bed anymore. I wnet down to the kitchen and he wasn't there either. I check all the rooms until I got to the last room which was the pool room and there he was getting out of the pool. I stared at him marveling his abs until I was snapped out of my trance my Siwon smirking at me and saying " A picture will last longer babe and I thought you didn't fancy me." He then left, winking at me as he past me. I felt embaressed and angry but left it as it was already 12 and I needed to eat and pack the twins' things in their over night bags.

a/n- I couldn't find a gif so this will have to do play from 0:10-0:45 ignore all the other people in it as it's from a drama call skip-beat, for those who want to know

After I had finished my breakfast and cooked Siwon's I went upstairs to check on the twins.  To my surprise I saw Siwon  playing with them on the floor.  He had a teddy bear in one hand and was telling them the story of how he and I met.  I unconsciously grinned and I carried on listening from the door frame. I thought I had got away with it until Siwon,without even turning round,  said"I know your there Sura, seriously it's like your obsessed" he said cockily.  I can just picture that infuriating smirk on his incredibly handsome face. This is now the second time I had embarrassed myself today and I prayed to God there wouldn't be a third time.  "Haha very funny" I retorted sarcastically, "I made you breakfast. You should eat it now before the guys get here. " I told him. Siwon nodded and stood up, he was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt,he looked so y that it should be illegal.  Siwon smirked as he again caught me staring at him. I blushed and luckily he didn't say anything. 

The guys finally arrived,  although they were ten minutes late. When they walked in they immediately ran to the twins who were on the couch, they then notice me on the other side of the room.  I was immediately enveloped in a bone crushing hug by all 12 guys and Siwon just sniggered in the corner at my discomfort.  I glared at himband squeaked out a "please stop hugging. Can't feel my body. Circulation being cut off". They immediately let ho but they all had angry and hurt expressions on their faces. "Why did you leave?! How could you not tell us what was wrong?! We were so worried!" Donghae shouted clearly angry and upset. Sura's eyes began to well-up and Donghae immediately hugged  her. "Pabo, you could of come to one us. We would of helped you sort things out and beat Siwon up for you"he said comfortingly.  Sura laughed and squeezed Donghae's waist "I was just upset and hurt.  I thought I was doing the right thing "she explained.  "It's okay but do it again and I will not be as forgiving " Donghae scolded playfully. Half an hour later I found myself in Ryeowook's boutique getting another makeover. Siwon said that he'd pick me up at 6, just enough time for everything. When they had finished I hardly recognised myself, then Siwon walked in...


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xjayess #1
Chapter 7: Pleaaase update it as soon as u can :"( i cant wait anymore
biancsnool #2
Chapter 6: update soon pleaseeee......:)
LOL hahah the twins was born on my birthday lol haha