
I need you

A/N sorry it took soo long I just had to think of where I was going to take the story and I have a brief Idea on how it's going to go so yh read on and thanks for reading and when I add a link into a word just copy and paste the address bar and put it into another tab's box thingy I don't what it is called.

SIwon sat in his seat trying to ignore the child kicking his seat behind him and keep the twins entertained. It was his second time in economy and he still hated it as much as the first  time. The plane began it's descent into Haneda airport (Tokyo's national airport). The economy seats were the only ones he could get on the outbound flight, on the way back he had managed to find four business class seats so he had a little to look forward to flight wise. The Range rover sport her hired had pulled up and Siwon set up the car seats while the two guards her brought with him held the twins. Once that was done he put the twins in their car seats while the guards got in their own hire SUV. Surprisingly only Minsoo had made a fuss on the plane and Mina slept straight through the flight. Siwon could tell that his little girl was going to be spoiled to the max, God help him if she ever discovered the use of  the puppy dog face. Luckily Minsoo was so tired out he fell asleep during the wait for the car, so he was now sleeping in his car seat. The twins had gotten big over the past six months and it saddened Siwon that Sura missed it due to the fact she didn't even let him explain the papers and just left. " Oh well she's coming back now whether she wants to or not so it doesn't matter she'll be  with them for a while at least until she forgives me, then she'll voluntarily stay." he told himself. 

Sura was having a bad day, he co-worker Mandi was being a prima donna and an all round pain in the A**. "Oh you don't need to even bother trying, we both know the promotion is mine" Mandi sneered as Sura finished talking to their boss. Little did Sura know that Mandi was right but for the wrong reasons. Sura sat down at her desk and began to complete the files she had to finish for her boss. If she did this well she could become his replacement and head of international deals.. She needed the money as it was $600,000 dollars a year and with the money she had save she could buy a big house over here and still be left with $1million to bring up the children from her previous deal with HIM. The guy that broke her heart into pieces and made her the woman she is today sad, lonely and without her children, but she would get them back no matter what.

Siwon parked up out side Nissian's office and took the twins out in the car seats. He took a deep breathe and with the bodyguards following as subtly as the could behind him, he entered the building. " Hello I'm looking for Kim Sura" he said to the receptionist in Japanese well as best he could  as he could only speak basic Japanese. " Upstairs sixteenth floor  her desk in in the center along with the other assisstants" she replied. Siwon nodded and turned to go to the elevator. When the receptionist saw the children she almost fell of her chair, one of the guards saw this and snickered while the receptionist glared at him, naturally they guy winked at her and went into the lift just as the receptionist blushed. Siwon was quite for the whole of the lift ride as he was nervous and the twins were still sleeping, but knowing Sura they wouldn't be for long. They reach the floor and the doors opened.

Sura's p.o.v 

The elevator doors opened and we all looked to see who it is as we never get any visiters on our floor. Out steeped a man carring two car seats, the he looked up. OMG It's HIM....





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xjayess #1
Chapter 7: Pleaaase update it as soon as u can :"( i cant wait anymore
biancsnool #2
Chapter 6: update soon pleaseeee......:)
LOL hahah the twins was born on my birthday lol haha