
Protective Love Relationship





(Air P.O.V.)


"Urgh!! Wait~!!!" I said wanting to scream out to whoever's ringing the doorbell like that!!


I opened the door and yelled, " What the HELL DO YOU WANT?!!!! It's only 8am in the morning!!! What do you want?!"

"HangIn told me that he was coming here and staying here for 2 weeks. He also told me to come here and bring my friend if I wanted to~" the girl said in a freaking' y little girl voice.

I told her in my mad voice, "Hold on." I gave her a look as I closed the door and went upstairs to wake up Eunhyuk.

"What is it Air, I'm still sleepy" Eunhyuk asked.

"Did you give permission to anyone to invite others to come here?"

He answered, "Yes."

"Okay then, that’s all I needed to hear." I replied.

I went out the room and saw the girl with her friend inside talking to HangIn. I gave them another look and went back to the room to take a shower while Yang and Kio were still sleeping on the bed together.


                                                                                      (Kio P.O.V.)

After Air went into the shower I woke up. I heard a girl's voice that sounded familiar downstairs. I went down to the kitchen and saw that the girl I heard was my arch enemy and crunched my hand into a fist. She and her friend gave me a dirty look and tried to be seductive to HangIn when I was there. HangIn told them to sit down for awhile until he gets done doing whatever he needed to do. I was going to go upstairs with two Hot Chocolates, but suddenly I heard "Lonely ."

I was like "Oh, Hellna~."

"Oh hell yeah you Lonely. . ." Melenie repeated. "Yeah~. Lone-" Melenie cut her off while raising her hand. “Shut up Katie"

", Shut the Up! You don't even belong here, !" I replied.

Melenie walked over and slapped me in my face so I splashed her with the hot chocolate. "Don't slap me, ! If you do it again, this *fist* will break your face! Even though your face is already broken."

We just started arguing loudly(Me, Melenie, and Katie).


                                                                              (Boo P.O.V.)

I jump right up from bed hearing yelling downstairs. It sounded like Kio. I went running down tripping on the last step down.

"!" I said as I fell on the ground.

"Stupid , probably got ed last night." Both Katie and Melenie said.

"Shut the Up! How would you know? ing  stalker!" I exclaimed.

All 4 of us started yelling at each other cursing and then Katie threw the first punch. Then we started to fight.

Then everybody came running down from hearing all the loud yelling.

Air literally kicked all 4 of our butts on the floor, "Why the Hell are you guys fighting and yelling, Huh~!!! Disturbing people, !"

"Chesonghamida~ Unnie~ and Oppa~." I sorrowfully apologized.

I got up and ran upstairs to go clean up. Eunhyuk followed me into the bathroom.

"I'm okay, all I need to do is take shower." I told Eunhyuk.

"No, let me see i-f, you have a bruise on your face and shoulder! I'll come back and get an ice-pack, hold on." Eunhyuk said.I went into the shower for 40minutes.


                                                                                           (Air P.O.V.)

"All of you sit down on the couch! NOW! Tell me who hit first and who started it!" I ordered as Key and HangIn nursed them.

"It all started when Kio poured hot chocolate on me!" replied Melenie.

“Huh I wonder why she did it, oh I know maybe because you called her a ‘Lonely ’! Don’t think I’m stupid, I got my ways.” Air paced back and forth.

“You both know each other then?" I asked.

"Yeah, we know each other because she is my arch enemy!" Kio answered.

"You know what? First thing first, how did you gu-. HANGIN GET OVER HERE!!"

I yelled at him, “Do you know who they are and what their name is?!"

"No, but they seemed nice so I invited them over." He said in a sympathetic voice. "Stupid! You should have at least learned their names before inviting them over! Did Eunhyuk even invite them to his birthday?" I yelled. The girls were just staring at me. "The party was invitation only so how did you guys get in? Eunhyuk doesn't even seem to know who you are." 



 "Hey look, It's Eunhyuk's house! They're having a party too; Let's crash it since Kio might be there." Melenie pointed. "I don't know, she said there was someone who was over protective and could break almost every bone in your body in under a minute." Katie said. "Brrr, even thinking about it gives me the chills." Melanie smacked Katie's forehead. "Come on you little wimp,  all we need to do is sneak in from the back and blend in as one of the  workers."                                                                                                             End of flash back                                                                                                                      

 Ummm...., well,....We snuck in from the back, but you're not gonna hurt us right unnie?" Tch, how pathetic, I can smell 'FAKE' from a girl a mile away. And these girls reek, giving me those innocent puppy eyes and pleading. "i only hurt people if they hit me first so, just get off of this property and never come back or I will hurt you even though you didn't hit me." And they ran like the wind. "And as for you HangIn, have you learned your lesson." I pointed at him and he cowered in fear. "Yeah, so stop pointing at me." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Air may look like this at times giving you the 'I'll kill you look' like when she was questioning the girls. XD She can be lady like but only when needed.






Boo will look at Eunhyuk and Air like this. It's funny cuz to me hey're Boo's parents instead of oppa and unnie.


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Grapelolly #2
Why do you have to do it secretyly?! O.O hAHAHAHAH!
looks interesting. UPDATE!