

The amusement park entrance was filled with a varied crowd of people; from couples to families to tourists to groups of friends. Lu Han listened to Zitao on the other end of the phone, before his eyes flickered to Yixing who was a couple steps away and looking around at the rides and bright colours. There were screams and childish laughter. It was reasonably loud already, and Lu Han held the phone tightly to his ear as he shook his head. Apparently Zitao didn't trust Sehun, and this required a mediator in the form of Lu Han, and usually he would have been glad to have someone elses problems to deal with -- but of all days, Yixing was meeting Min-seok and Min-seok was meeting Yixing, and by default, it meant boy kiss one was meeting boy kiss two. It was complicated and it only became more apparent to Lu Han that the truth would be far easier, if he could only work out how to tell it.

"Sehunnie's like that. But he'd never do anything to put you in danger or get you in trouble," Lu Han noticed Yixing move further out of sight while he was speaking and he closed the space between them, his hand wrapping around Yixing's wrist and he quickly scolded Yixing for walking too far.

The younger boy wore a confused expression before he nodded, and Lu Han focused back on the phone call.

"But Zitao, Sehunnie and you are going to babysit the kittens. Sehunnie loves kittens. He named on Tao, after you. So don't badly of him too much. He's only rough on the outside," Lu Han felt Yixing's wrist get pulled from his grip. "I have to go. Ya, Yixing, wait a second." 

Lu Han tried to follow his friend, but he was losing him easily and he spoke hurried into the phone. "We'll be home later. Have fun."

He lowered the phone from his ear, and stumbled over something.

"Ya, Xing Xing! We have to wait for Min-seok!"

Min-seok heard his name, his feet moving faster as he caught up to Lu Han who seemed like he had lost something. The Korean could see the worry on Lu Han's face as he looked around, and then the surprise when he realized Min-seok stood with him while he was distracted. A smile came to Min-seok's lips as he followed Lu Han's gaze for a moment, before he focused back on the Chinese male. What ever Lu Han was looking for was blocked when a group of teenagers bounced past in excitement.

"What's wrong?" Min-seok asked as he watched Lu Han sigh heavily.

"Yixing walked off. I told him to wait, but he just.." Lu Han sounded exhausted before they even started. "I better call him, or he'll realize I'm not following and wander further away."

Lu Han lifted up his hand, and Min-seok watched his friend dial in a number. From what Min-seok knew about Lu Han's best friend, his name was Zhang Yixing, he was 22 years old, he and Lu Han met at school and have been close friends since, and he was gay. The only other notes Min-seok could make was that Yixing and Lu Han were closer than Min-seok could say he was with Lu Han, and that Lu Han tended to look after Yixing more, as if the slightly younger male was a child. Min-seok had overheard the phone conversations, although he didn't understand Chinese, Min-seok could understand the tone and the way his friends expression shifted. Lu Han would show that side of himself whenever Sehun was seriously hurt or in lots of trouble.

"Xing Xing, where are you?" Lu Han spoke in Korean first, before he switched to Chinese without hesitation.

The conversation between Lu Han and Yixing came with Lu Han pointing towards various rides around the amusement park, before he seemed to settle on one, and Min-seok found Lu Han's eyes on him suddenly. There was a glimmer of something in Lu Han's gaze before he nodded his head again, and Min-seok soon found they were holding hands; Lu Han's wrapped around his before he started to lead them towards the direction he'd pointed last.

"Sorry, Min-seok, Yixing found something," Lu Han apologized as he lowered the phone a little, but still remained in call.

"That's okay," Min-seok said with a shake of the head, he didn't know what he was supposed to feel about it besides okay. 

As Lu Han led him through the crowd, Min-seok felt the hold on his hand tighten, and he wondered whether he was supposed to feel something like sparks. How was he meant to know his feelings if they didn't explode and crackle? The more he thought about Lu Han and himself, the more Min-seok started to believe that he liked Lu Han as more than a friend, but there was also room for him to be wrong, for his decision to be wrong. Min-seok wanted concrete proof, he wanted certainty -- especially after the kiss and the half-confession about liking other boys. He had to be sure.

When the came upon a small sideshow, Min-seok looked over the stuffed animal prizes and the strange game with water. He never understood the appeal of them, they were usually cheap toys that required more money and effort to win than they were worth. Especially when the toys appeal would be lost in a couple days.

"Xing Xing!" Lu Han's voice made Min-seok turn his head to watch the boy leading him meet another.

Min-seok felt Lu Han's hand let go of his, and he watched the other boys hand immediately move to the new boys waist. They curled on the fabric of the jacket and Lu Han's expression brightened when the new boy turned his head and smiled happily. A pang of emotions struck Min-seok's chest, and he heard them share words before Lu Han motioned towards Min-seok.

"This is Kim Min-seok, Xing Xing," Lu Han introduced, and he glanced between them before he pulled lightly at Yixing's jacket. "And this is Zhang Yixing, Min-seok. My two best friends."

"I'm Yixing. Lulu said you looked after him. Thank you for doing that," Yixing spoke confidently in Korean, but Min-seok could see him glance to Lu Han, who nodded his head slowly.

"He practiced saying that all morning, and he wants us to speak in Korean, so he can get better," Lu Han explained, and Min-seok nodded his head, his eyes flickering over the grip Lu Han still hand on Yixing's jacket before he smiled.

"Lu Han is a great friend. And are you sure you want to speak Korean?" Min-seok furrowed his brow, wondering if he was speaking too fast or used hard words; he wasn't sure how good Yixing was at Korean.

There was an odd pause, Yixing's eyes rose as he wore an expression of thought, before he nodded and smiled. "I want to be as good as Lulu." 

The cute pet names were the first thing that Min-seok noticed about Lu Han and Yixing's friendship, and the grip that Lu Han constantly had on Yixing, who showed no sign that it even registered to him. Min-seok knew they were close, but there was a different feel to seeing them in front of him. It also made Min-seok feel less attractive standing next to Lu Han and Yixing; not that Min-seok often thought about that kind of thing, but with Lu Han and Yixing, he felt like the odd one out.

Still, Min-seok laughed lightly and nodded his head. "Lu Hannie is very good with Korean. Why is that?"

The groups eyes landed on Lu Han who seem dazed by the question before he laughed.

"I always planned to come to Korea one day, so I started to learn it before I even met Yixing."

"Lulu had big dreams of an idol," Yixing stated, to which Lu Han's expression dropped and he showed embarrassment.

The rattled Chinese from Lu Han as he started to attack Yixing with tickles to the waist, made Min-seok feel even more left out. He didn't know that Lu Han had had such a dream, or that that was why he learned Korean. He didn't have a cute pet name, and he didn't understand what Lu Han was hissing in teased breaths as Yixing tried to catch the hands that were winning the battle that came with his laughter.

"He has the looks for it," Min-seok felt himself blurt it out, and the two other males paused, before they shook their heads.

"I'm..." Yixing trailed off, before he glanced at Lu Han and seemed to ask a question in a hurried manner.

"Immune," Lu Han gave the word that Yixing must have been looking for, and Min-seok saw the two relax from their attack and defense stances. "Xing Xing has always said he was immune to my good looks, and I don't think I'm especially good looking."

"Liar. You got upset when I said I wasn't attracted to you," Yixing cut in before Min-seok, and the Korean male slowly closed his lips; he couldn't seem to get a work in.

"You told your best friend you were gay, and I was curious," Lu Han defended himself before his expression suddenly contorted and Min-seok noticed the odd look he received. "Why did you come over here, Xing Xing?"

The sudden change of subject didn't seem to be noticed by Yixing, but Min-seok felt it. He felt as if Lu Han did it for him.

"I want that toy, the..." Yixing seemed to be at a loss for the word again, as he said something in Chinese, and looked to Lu Han again; confusion as he tried to recall it.

"Rabbit," Lu Han gave easily, and Min-seok found his own confusion grow.

What grown male admits to wanting a rabbit plush? 

"Rabbit?" Min-seok questioned the other two in an uncertain tone, and Lu Han shot a happy grin.

"He's Bunny and I'm Deer. It's just our thing," Lu Han explained, although Min-seok still found himself unable to understand. "Did you want to have a play? I think we have to get so many points with the water guns."

Min-seok nodded his head despite his growing hesitation. "Sure."

- - -

The connection of Yixing's lips on Lu Han's, surprised the older Chinese male, and he felt his fingers curl on the plush that he had planned to hand over to the waiting Yixing. It's not that Yixing didn't kiss him often, in fact, Yixing was quite often kissing Lu Han on the cheeks, on the head, on the back of his neck and shoulder. But the lips was one place Yixing tended to avoid. They were innocent, barely noticeable, and if Lu Han could compare it to anything, it would be like a girl kissing her friend; a sign of affection. But as Yixing took the rabbit plush from Lu Han's hands, Lu Han felt his eyes flicker as he watched Yixing show no sign that he was affected by it, and held the rabbit plush in front of himself, squeezing the stomach with delight.

"Thanks Lulu! He's going to go with Deer at home," Yixing spoke brightly, and tucked the rabbit plush in his arms. "He sleeps with me."

Lu Han nodded as he lowered his head a little, and remembered Min-seok. He didn't want Min-seok to see the kiss, or misunderstand--although, Lu Han didn't know why he felt that way. There was just anxiety and fear as his eyes found Min-seok.

"Min-seok, I won it. We can go do something you want to now."

Another change of the subject, and Min-seok didn't know the mix of emotions that filled him. When Yixing and Lu Han kissed, Min-seok hadn't expected it, and he hadn't prepared himself. It was short, sweet kiss, and the way Yixing seemed to act like it was normal bothered Min-seok. Did they kiss a lot? Was their relationship more than just friends? Is that why Lu Han kept bringing him up? The questions made Min-seok feel nauseous, and restless. He wanted to do anything but stand there any longer and feel more foolish.

"Let's go find a ride?" Min-seok suggested as he fixed the hem of his shirt with his fingers.

"Sure. Xing Xing, Min-seok wants to go on a ride, lets go find one," Lu Han said as he once more took hold of Yixing's clothing, this time his sleeve and looked in a direction. "We'll go that way first?"

Min-seok and Yixing nodded their heads.

- - -

The decision on rides was easy, while the seating was much harder; especially when it came with a choice of one person sitting on their own or with a stranger. Who was Lu Han supposed to chose? Min-seok? The Korean boy who was clearly struggling with some internal decisions that had to do with Lu Han. Or Yixing? The Chinese boy who was visiting Lu Han in a foreign country, and was likely to get himself hurt if he was left alone. Each decision had ripple effects. If he chose one over the other, would they get upset? If he sat with Yixing, would Min-seok misunderstand? If he chose Min-seok, would Yixing figure it out? 

Or was Lu Han thoroughly over-thinking everything? He could barely enjoy the rides, and as the three of them wandered towards the next ones line, the phone call made Lu Han exhale in relief. His fingers uncurling from Yixing's jacket, as he stopped the two others so he could answer it.

"It's Sehunnie, just a second," Lu Han gave an answer to their questioning looks.

Yixing nodded as he ran his hand over the soft fabric of the rabbit plushes head, and glanced towards Min-seok who wore an odd look. Despite coming to meet Min-seok, Yixing felt like he had barely got to speak to him and he offered the other a warm smile.

"Does Lulu do good in class?" Yixing posed the question as he nestled the rabbit plush to his stomach and chest, and glanced at Lu Han who had wandered a couple steps away.

Min-seok's brow rose before he nodded his head. "He's one of the smartest in the class. Everyone likes him."

"That's how he was back home," Yixing commented, as he tried to keep the conversation going. "He says you work a lot, and that he admires you because you come to classes even when you haven't slept."

"He works just as hard," Min-seok protested, and Yixing noticed the other boy look towards Lu Han's back. "He's never said anything about that."

"But he did. He worries whether you sleep enough all the time, you're his friend," Yixing stood by his words, because they were true, and he nodded his head in a stronger manner. "He worries about Sehunnie getting sick again too. He loves you both."

Min-seok's expression seemed to change, and Yixing felt as if he'd said something wrong. Had he used the wrong words? Had he been misunderstood? An uneasy breath was exhaled as he wished Lu Han was not looking the other way and on the phone, so Yixing could fix what he had done wrong. When Min-seok fell silent, Yixing felt more restlessness grow as he shifted his weight and opened his mouth a couple times with words that he soon swallowed back down.

"Did I say something wrong?" Yixing asked slowly, suddenly growing unsure.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be back," Min-seok evaded the question, and left before Yixing could say a word.


Lu Han raised his hand, cutting Yixing off, and there was an uneasy few moments.

"Min-seok, he--"

There were a couple steps taken to separate them more, and Yixing chewed his bottom lip. Min-seok seemed upset about something, and Yixing was certain it was his fault. He needed to fix it. He moved closer to Lu Han, and tried once again.

"Something is wrong with Min-seok, Lulu, we need to find him. I'll be back," Yixing said before he took a couple steps back, turned and tried to follow the direction Min-seok went; he'd find him eventually.

As Lu Han turned, he saw the back of Yixing's head disappear and he glanced around. Min-seok was gone too. What had Yixing wanted to tell him? Where had they gone too? Panic rose in Lu Han's chest as he stared at the empty spots that his friends had left, and there was a slight nagging feeling that they'd told one another the truth. Yixing was never one for secrets, and Min-seok didn't like talking much with strangers. To fill the silence, Yixing hadn't given everything away, had he?

"Send me a message with what you want to say, and I'll translate it and send it back. Okay? Okay. I really have to go. Or I'm going to lose Yixing. Okay Sehunnie?"

- - -

When Lu Han saw Yixing wander into a bathroom, he exhaled deeply. Why couldn't Yixing have told him that? Lu Han's pace slowed, as he realized that Yixing couldn't go any further and it was safe to relax for a moment. As he passed a father and son, and entered the bathroom, he saw both Min-seok and Yixing together. They seemed to be talking in a low tone, and Lu Han watched as Yixing stretched his hand out to rest it on Min-seok's shoulder. Why was Yixing comforting Min-seok? It made Lu Han more nervous, and when Yixing's eyes rose from Min-seok to Lu Han, he showed a weak smile.

"Lulu, Min-seok won't tell me what I did wrong," Yixing stated across the bathroom, and Lu Han nodded his head.

"What happened? What do you think went wrong?" Lu Han questioned once he got closer to them, and he saw the look Min-seok wore. He didn't want to talk about it, and Yixing clearly couldn't read that. "Let's just leave him alone, he'll tell us when he wants to."

"But I want to fix," Yixing protested, and Lu Han lowered his gaze; he wanted to save Min-seok.

"Min-seok is the boy I kissed, Xing Xing," Lu Han felt the truth come from his lips in a pressure manner and as soon as he said it, he realized that it would not help Min-seok at all. "He's dealing with his own things. So just let it go, okay?"

Yixing's lips parted a little, and Lu Han mouthed, 'don't'. He had most assuredly made Min-seok's situation worse, and Yixing trying to comfort Min-seok would not make it better. 

"I'm sorry Min-seok, let's get some food, okay?"

Lu Han for the third time changed the subject. And Min-seok finally caught his breath. He didn't understand Lu Han's logic, or why the kiss was brought up. All Min-seok knew was he wasn't having fun like he had wanted to.

"I came to go to the bathroom," Min-seok stated, still trying to hold up the facade. "Can I do that first?"

That gave Lu Han an excuse to pull Yixing out the bathroom, even though Yixing still seemed hesitant to do that, and Min-seok tried to give a reassuring smile, but he was sure he failed miserably. He didn't know what was wrong with him, so much as he didn't want to admit the truth to himself in an amusement park bathroom while Lu Han stood outside with Yixing waiting to take him to get food. It was neither the time or the place, and Min-seok dug out his phone from his pocket.

He had text messages and missed calls.

His father, who wanted to know where he'd put the money he'd taken out, since he was going to go shopping. His younger sister, whose voice mail complained that it wasn't fair that their younger brother got away with something without getting in trouble. The last message was from said youngest siblings, telling Min-seok to ignore their only sister, because she was a girl and the boys had to stick together. The last was a missed call from a number Min-seok didn't know, and he gave it an apprehensive look before he called them back. 

When the other end answered, Min-seok didn't recognize the voice.


"Hello, you called my number earlier today," Min-seok said curiously. It wasn't particularly odd. He often applied for jobs and he got calls back after he'd forgotten he did. "I was calling back."

"Just a second," there was noises over the phone for a while, and then Min-seok could hear the person breathing again. "That wasn't me, it was my boss. He called you."

"Your boss?" Min-seok questioned, hoping to get a name or company before he had to admit he couldn't remember anything.

"Kim Joonmyeon. I'm Byun Baekhyun. I work as his personal security," the voice on the other end gave with an uneven breath. "I just dropped him off at home, did you need his number?"

Min-seok shook his head, he never liked calling numbers he didn't know, but it was a part of life. Still, the regret bubbled in his throat and he realized he was standing silent for too long. That he was being strange.

"I have it," Min-seok answered after a long pause.

"I'll tell him you--"

"I'll contact him."

There was another uneven breath from the other end. "I don't think you should contact him personally. It's better if I--"

"I won't. I have to go."

After Min-seok hung up, he realized he was being short with the voice on the other end, Baekhyun. But he didn't know whether Joonmyeon trusted him, or whether he didn't. And the last thing Min-seok wanted was to get Joonmyeon in trouble while everything was going on; he'd seen the news and he'd heard through friends of friends. If Joonmyeon had called him, something must have been wrong, and Min-seok scrolled through his contacts before he messaged his link to Joonmyeon, Jongdae. 

Nine year old Min-seok wrapped his arm around his younger best friends body. Joonmyeon was crying and begging, and he was making the men mad. It was a bad idea to do that, and Min-seok knew the only way to help his friend was calm him down; soothe him. They would be okay as long as they did what they were told, and the men got what they wanted. Even though he didn't know how long it had been, Min-seok kept himself calm; he wanted to look after Joonie.

"Shh, Joonie. It's okay," Min-seok carefully rubbed his friends chest, and hoped that would help him breathe. "We'll be okay." 

He didn't know for sure, but Min-seok couldn't say that. He couldn't tell the younger boy that he didn't know what would happen, or where they were. He couldn't say he was scared too. He couldn't. He had promised that he would walk Joonie home fine from school, and that they didn't need their parents drivers to pick them up. Joonie never broke the rules, he did what he was told, but Min-seok wanted to go to the arcade, and he convinced Joonmyeon.

"I'll keep you safe."

The boy didn't know how long it took for exhaustion to take over Joonmyeon, but when he felt the younger boys chest rise and fall in steady breaths, he realized the other had fallen asleep there. That's when Min-seok, himself, curled closer and held the other tighter, burying his face in the back of Joon's school jacket and finally let himself cry quietly; neither wanting to wake Joonmyeon or make a noise.

"We'll be okay. We will," he tried to comfort himself in whispers. "We just have to be quiet and wait."

Nineteen year old Min-seok's eyes ran over the room, Jongdae's mothers picture smiled back a him, surrounded from flowers and the sleeping form of Jongdae's grandmother was on the floor. When Min-seok had heard, he'd been at work, and he had to finish, he was the only one there. And then the drive there had been long, he didn't think he would make it, there was urgency. But once there, he was hesitant. He felt like he shouldn't have come, that he wasn't allowed, that it was a bad idea. He kept his distance from them when the mud was thrown, and hoped they wouldn't get messy too.

As he felt eyes on him, he looked down and met Joonie's. Of course, he was still up. He was looking after them. That was his job. And it was Min-seok's job to look after him. 

"Is Jongie awake?" Min-seok asked softly, and his eyes shifted to the sleeping younger boy next to Joonmyeon.

"He just went to sleep, I can wake him--" 

Min-seok shook his head. He didn't want to wake Jongdae. "Don't."

Joonmyeon slowly nodded, and relaxed back where he was. "He hasn't slept much in the last few days. She was really sick."

That made Min-seok feel guilty. No matter the reasons, he should have been there for his friend. When his eyes ran over the sleeping form of Kyungsoo on the other side of Jongdae, he noticed the cuts down his face and the bandages. He didn't know what happened. No one had told him yet. Jongdae usually told him. Slowly Min-seok straightened out the suit he wore, it was one of his fathers old ones, and he had to fold up the sleeves and the legs. He was sure he looked cheap compared to Joonmyeon and Kyungsoo.  

"How about you? Have you slept much?" Min-seok asked quietly, unconsciously keeping the physical distance between him and the others. 

"I've slept enough," Joon gave the weighted answer with a nod and smile, before his eyes refocused. "Sit down with us."

"I should go, before anyone we know see's me here," Min-seok shifted as he stepped back a little.

"If I say I'm tired and need you to stay, will you?" 

Min-seok's gaze locked on the younger boys, and he exhaled. "I'll stay. But if someone comes--"

"Who will come, Min-seokie hyung? She was a maid. My parents replaced her when she got sick, and they had flowers sent," Joonmyeon spoke with a kind of bitter tone. "Just stay. For Jongdae. For Kyungsoo. For me."

It took a few moments of thought before Min-seok slowly sat himself in front of the other boys, and gave in. Joonmyeon was right, and Min-seok didn't want to leave without seeing Jongdae, without passing on the words. He owed more than that, but he need to give it at least. His eyes once more ran over Jongdae and then Kyungsoo.

"What happened to Kyungie?" The question came out before Min-seok realized, and he opened his mouth to take it back; he knew Joon wasn't speaking to Kyungsoo and he knew what happened. "I--"

"He and his father were in a car accident. His father hasn't woken up yet, from what I heard. They're keeping it out of the news for now, waiting," Joonmyeon answered in an even lower voice than what he'd used before, and Min-seok leaned forward a little to hear.

All his friends were suffering in some way, and he felt helpless; he should have done better. Protected them more. 

"Hows your family been?" Joon asked, and Min-seok found his eyes lock with the others again.

"People are forgetting and moving on. But there's still some people. I think there will always be someone. What my father's company did, it wasn't right. I--"

"I mean, how's your dongsaengs? How's school? Is your mother still good at cooking? Does your father still follow soccer? Hows your home?" Joonmyeon cut through, making Min-seok falter and lose his train of thought; no one usually asked him that.

"Min-seokie hyung?" The cracked voice of Jongdae made both Joonmyeon and Min-seok look at the waking boy.

"Yea, Jongie. I'm here. I came as soon as I could."

"That's good. Eomma asked how you were doing, she was worried... She'll be glad.." Jongdae yawned loudly as he tried to continue the words, before he repeated what was lost. "To see you're okay..."


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Chapter 22 was done before I went to sleep. :3 Hope you guys like it~


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leinati95 #1
Chapter 22: wow, they all are connected in some way aren't they! please update soon, want to know more about what happened in the past! loving all krisho's moments even though there is not that many.
Chapter 20: I'm guessing the young Joonmyeon was kidnapped together with one of childhood friends? Either Jongdae or Kyungsoo? I really want to know what exactly transpired between the latter and Joonmyeon to cause such enmity between them. So many questions... I started reading this to check out your other fics -after liking that kaisoo one which left me in tears and a broken heart-, and also in part because of the (chen)kaisoo tag. And I am, once again, impressed with your writing. However, I am left with frustration over Kaisoo. My heart goes to Kyungsoo //ok I'm partial to adorable freaky-eyed Kyungsoo if you don't already know// and I want to scream at him to get out of the toxic 'relationship' *if they could call it that* but I realize they're both using each other. I secretly hope though that despite Jong-In's commitment phobe tendencies and the hot-and-cold attitude, he does have feelings *however minute* for dear Kyungsoo. I like the way you tease (torture?) your readers by leaving tidbits and clues so we could form our own conjectures...until the next chapter, or the next, reveal itself. I wish I could drill a hole in your creative mind right now though to satiate this burning curiosity of mind. But violence do not become me. So I shall let you live. For now. Bruhahahaha. Ok. I fail at making fake threats. Anyway. Can't wait to read more soon!
Chapter 20: Yay!!! I love the junmyeon chapters and this one was awesome as always. I wonder what the specific incident in the past was and who was there with him?
I also wish yi fan would sop being so passive. He wants to reach out to junmyeon...
Nice job!
epiblema #4
Chapter 18: i love the intensity of this chapter, but especially this: "Slowly. Slowly. Pushing its sharp edge against the weaker skin, growing with pressure until it stuck through unexpectedly. Slowly. Slowly. Through every layer at speed that Chanyeol found he could never define as anything more than excruciating. It was almost a relief when it finally broke through, as if he could let himself inhale after holding his breath for too long." great stuff!!

this chapter explains a lot abt their relationship, although there are a few lingering questions still: i'm kind of confused why they don't TALK about their feelings esp when they seem to be mutual (although tbf if people communicated relationship problems wouldn't exist/95% of fic would be angst-less), and i don't get why baekhyun keeps pushing girls onto chanyeol when he knows chanyeol is gay... but hopefully these questions will be answered soon ;; keep writing!! i love the stuff you write (and ik i seem to have a one-track mind with the baekyeol but god i'm so into your kaichen, and the other stories too ;;)
Chapter 18: Waaaah so sad :( so many misunderstandings between these makes it so painful but so good and so real. Nice work so far!
Chapter 11: they don't understand each other, but their ways of communicating is so cute ><
Chapter 9: awww. what's happening to jongdae ;A; poor him.

i like your writing style for this story ^u^

keep up the good work~
Wow this is a great story with a well line story I wondering why no one live comment yet for this, keep going Author-nim :)