

A glance at his friend and Lu Han held out his fingers as he listed off objects his best friend was good at forgetting. Handphone, headphones, wallet, money in the wallet, the piece of paper with his address (in the wallet), his I.D. -- as he came to the last one, Yixing laughed at him then nodded his head, murmuring something to himself, before he turned to go back into the room he was sharing with Lu Han. There was a childish delight in Lu Han's smile as he watched his friend disappear for a few moments. It'd been too long since they'd seen each other, and he was glad to have the other around again. Although, the first night, Lu Han hadn't slept well at all.

If there had been someone he wanted to share his first kiss with, it would have been Yixing. They had made a promise when Yixing had come out. Yixing liking boys had never bothered Lu Han before, and even though Lu Han had considered himself straight, they'd made the promise that if Lu Han ever thought he liked guys, Yixing would be his test, they'd both laughed happy that their friendship had only grown stronger with the news. But Yixing had been back in China, and Lu Han had a couple drinks, and Min-seok.. he was there. There should have been no guilt, no sense of betrayal, but yet, Lu Han couldn't help but keep putting off telling his best friend the confusion that had come from a kiss. Maybe he wasn't as straight as he thought. Min-seok had apologized after, and they said they wouldn't let it change their friendship. But Lu Han knew he had at least three messages he had purposely ignored from the other, and now Yixing had been living with him for three days already. It only led to more confusion. 

"Lulu, I have everything now," Yixing's voice made Lu Han look up to see the others focus on fiddling with his wallet. He watched the other drop it, before he picked it up himself and stuck his hand out for the identification. Yixing passed it over with a relieved sigh that he had Lu Han there to look after him.

"We'll be late," Lu Han said as he began walking towards the door. He was very thankful that his dongsaeng, Sehun had his Chinese exchange boy issues; it'd be a break from his own for a night.

Yixing paused when Lu Han did when they reached the sidewalk, and he was soon passed his wallet back with the identification tucked neatly in it's place. A grateful smile came to his lips as he thanked his friend and tucked the wallet into the safety of his pocket. Another thank you came from his lips out of habit, before he felt Lu Han's arm sling over his shoulder loosely. The skinship with Lu Han made heat flush through Yixing's body and he felt suddenly dazed with this realization. Not once before had this happened. Lu Han had always slung his arm around his shoulders, and around his waist for years. Yixing had quite proudly stated more than once that Lu Han's good looks had no effect on him, which always caused Lu Han to haughtily and immaturely attempt to prove this wrong. Had time apart washed away his immunity?

"Xing Xing," the older male's perked voice broke Yixing's wandering thoughts, "I thought I'd lost you."

An exaggerated sigh of relief followed by a bright grin.

"It's not that bad!" Yixing protested in a shallow manner; he was caught daydreaming more than he was not.

Lu Han only seemed to nod in agreement, before he began to start leading Yixing down the path. Every time they paused to cross a street, Yixing had to squirm away from his friends fingers, pinching at his side in a teasing manner until they started walking again. The doe-eyed male was clearly in a good mood, something Yixing was sure had to do with getting out of the house for some food and company. Lu Han was good with people, although the other would always insist that Yixing was still liked more by others.

"Stop it," Yixing whined a little when Lu Han's fingers dug a little deeper than before.

There was no response from Lu Han who was suddenly leaning into Yixing, looking over their shoulders and then back in front of them; then another turn of his head to look again. A huff of air brushed over Yixing's sensitive neck and he violently squirmed away from his friend, almost pulling them both over. Lu Han mustn't have noticed as he soon dropped his arm from Xing's shoulders and hooked his arm with the other boys instead. Their shoulders bumping a little when Yixing quickened his pace for a moment to catch up to his friends side.

"We walked too far, it's back this way," Lu Han's voice came with hesitation as he began to tug the other back the direction they came.

At a corner, Lu Han stopped again to pull out his phone and tapped away at the screen while Yixing kept his arm hooped together watching the lights flick over to tell them they could cross the street.

The two arms remained together until Lu Han diverted sharply off the path and towards the bright glow of a restaurant. Yixing stumbled a little at the sudden change in their direction, and his attention soon focused on the loud chatter that was coming from the door Lu Han pulled open in a manner that seemed like he owned the place. Bellowed singing over the buzz of constant talking was the only distinguishable voice. Lu Han kept his arm tightly with Xing's as they stepped around the tables and towards the back where he caught a flicker of blonde hair. A couple people's eyes raised to glance up at the person walking behind them and both Chinese males bowed their heads with apologetic smiles. 

"Lu Han hyung!" A voice broke through the chatter and Lu Han's focus fell to the two boys seated at the table to his right.

"Hyung?" Lu Han didn't trust that word from the younger boy at all.

It must have showed on his face since Sehun's exuberance declined rapidly.

Sehun and Lu Han had a strange friendship according to those who had seen the two together. One that meant Sehun rarely called Lu Han, Hyung. In fact, he often grabbed the other behind the neck and called him, 'ahdul'. Son. It came with a playful grin as he continued to walk past, leaving Lu Han to continue to be called ahdul  at the amusement of the younger boy. But Lu Han got his revenge. The look on Sehun's face when his own mother started to graciously place food in containers and pet Lu Han's face with her hands, gushing about how sweet a boy he was and how if he were every lonely, he should come over for food. Since that day, Lu Han had firmly become a part of Sehun's family and Sehun's mothers favourite son. 

"Hyung, this is Zitao," Sehun used the strange word again.

Lu Han's gaze fell to the darker haired boy who sat next to Sehun, and he smiled in a happy manner until the Chinese student gathered onto his feet. It was an oddly stiff and awkward greeting that ricocheted through the group who continued to give bows back and forth until they all managed to be seated in a silence that Lu Han and Yixing were not accustom to. But it the was the owners daughter who eased away the silence by asking if they were ready to order yet and Lu Han smiled up at her with a 'yes'.

It took a little longer than usual to get the orders sorted, especially since Yixing and Zitao both seemed to be struggling with the idea of who was going to pay and what they could afford with the money they had. Lu Han was the one who abruptly decided the youngest should pay, which turned the discussion to age.

"So Zitao-ssi is older than me?" Sehun's voice showed honest surprise and Lu Han nodded.

"He was born 1993," Lu Han translated what he had learned from the dark haired boy to the Korean.

The Chinese language had been something Lu Han had missed when he started attending the Korean university a couple years ago. It brought a sense of home watching Yixing and Zitao converse over what they'd both found interesting since coming to Seoul. Someone's foot colliding with his shin made Lu Han's attention focus back on Sehun who seemed to be struggling to keep up with what was being said between the other two. 

"What are they talking about?" Sehun asked curiously.

"Seoul, the plane ride here. Now they're talking about home," Lu Han grazed over the details of the conversation but still managed to sound sincere.

When the food arrived, Yixing and Zitao barely stopped talking to eat, and even Lu Han sometimes paused to add comments to the conversation. It brightened up the dark haired boy's expression. At first, Zitao mood had seemed sour, but now he was often showing a smile as he talked about his home and the things he liked. Even Yixing showed a focus on what the other was talking about; although, he still seemed to gaze off a little when the conversation faltered. 

It was when Lu Han had finished his food that he glanced over the other bowls. Sehun's was as empty as his, while Yixing's and Zitao's remained half full. Once more Lu Han's fingers found his best friends side, and he dug them into the weak spot just below the ribs. Eye-contact for a second but Xing remained focused on the story the boy across from the was explaining. Another wiggle of his fingers, and he was ignored completely this time. A second to consider his next plan of attack, before he leaned towards the other, hand grabbing the back of Yixing's neck as he ruthlessly (and childishly) picked on his friends weak spot; his neck. As soon as the wind Lu Han exhaled from his cheeks hit Yixing's skin, the other violently squirmed. 

Immediately Yixing's concentration was lost as he began to whine and raise his shoulders to defend his neck. "Ah, stop~ S-Stop it," the pleads broke over laughter.

The more Xing wiggled and writhed away from Lu Han, the more the older boy leaned over to keep finding a spot to attack. The longer the attack went, the more laughter and begs to be saved came from Yixing's lips.

"Lulu ah-" followed by laughter growing in pitch and cracking.

It was only when Lu Han felt himself begin to lose balance that his other hand roughly clasped onto the front of his friends shirt and pulled him back from the edge of the chair. The chair rattled back onto it's four legs and Lu Han leaned all the way in his own, the hand dropping from his friends neck to the collar of his shirt for better grip. Yixing's plead had stopped as abruptly as the attack on him had, but his shoulders still rubbed against his neck as if trying to remove the feeling still. Lu Han slowly released his grip on his friend when the other seemed stable, but his eyes remained studying the others face.

Red flushed cheeks, pink's against the lighter skin on his neck and the movement as he tried to catch his breath.

Stifled laughter drew Lu Han's gaze to Sehun who had his head hung under the table, his shoulders shaking and his feet stamping a little as he tried to control himself. Zitao seemed stunned, but the amusement was still there in his eyes. He almost seemed embarrassed that the scene had been funny to him. 

"Are you okay?" Lu Han asked Yixing as he turned his attention to his friend.

Yixing nodded slowly, still with his shoulders in defensive mode and his face still flushed red. 

It was strange how Yixing returned to eating his food quietly, no complaints or return attacks. It was why Lu Han suddenly felt bad for using his friends weak spot against him. He lightly hugged his best friend, patting the others shoulder before he pulled away a little, straightening his friends clothes as he did. As he eased back into his seat, he was faced with Sehun who wore a look of childlike joy at watching someone else suffer a little. Sehun was like that. The blonde boy even shot a smile at Zitao who seemed taken aback by the gesture but attempted to remain composed.

- - -

They played a very complicated game of rock, paper, scissors before Yixing was determined the loser, and had to pay for the meal. But it was Lu Han who ended up standing up to pay in his friends place. As he stepped into the cooler air of the sidewalk, he was greeted to the odd scene of Zitao trying to help Yixing take a selca and Sehun watching the two foreigners trying to find the best angle. Lu Han felt a sense of relief in the air. The group merely looked like some friends hanging out, and the stifled awkwardness that he'd met at the beginning was gone.

"Sehunnie, Xing Xing and I need to head home. We should do this again," Lu Han said as he approached the younger boy who he suddenly realized was talking to himself.

"Ah, yea," Sehun nodded.

They both glanced at Yixing and Zitao who were both focused on their little conversation and the phone in Yixing's hands.

The memory of the flushed skin of Yixing's neck and collarbone trying to catch his breath flooded through Lu Han's mind suddenly, and he shook his head. He needed someone to talk to. But he's usual confidant was his current problem. Yixing. And he couldn't exactly go to Min-seok either. Why did he suddenly feel like he lacked friends?

Sehun clearing his throat snapped Lu Han's attention back. 

"Call me if you need anymore help," Lu Han paused for a second as he faced Sehun, "or bubble tea."

Sehun nodded, a smile on his lips which was the signal for Lu Han that the other was in a brighter mood. No matter how much they messed with one another, they were close. A couple steps backwards and he cut in to the conversation that Zitao and Yixing were having, which seemed to be about dramas. Zitao was gladly leading the conversation.

"We need to go," Lu Han said to his friend, before turning his attention to the younger Chinese boy, "it was nice to meet you, Tao."

Tao seemed flustered for a moment before he managed a quieter response, "it was nice, for me, too. To meet, you. Both."

Yixing laughed a little. "He's cute."

An innocent compliment that Zitao didn't know if he should be happy or annoyed by, as the two emotions ran through his expression. But Lu Han was quick to change the subject to goodbyes. Although there weren't as many, the presence of Zitao and Yixing together seemed to lead everyone to bow more than once at least. They seemed to want to out-do one another with politeness.

The two friends arms were soon looped again and Lu Han tried to peer into his Yixings' hand as the walked. The other was playing with his phone whenever he had a chance and it was peculiar. Yixing struggled with things that required him to make tiny and fussy movements.

"What are you doing?" Lu Han questioned to which he heard his friend sigh.

"I forgot how he changed the camera," Yixing answered in naive tone, which brought an amused laugh from Lu Han.

"What did you want to do?" He asked his friend as he stopped, so he could satisfy what was bothering the other.

"A picture with you. I promised my parents to have a picture of us," Yixing answered sincerely.

It was true. Yixing had promised his family. But another part of him also wanted it for himself. Lu Han was his best friend, and they rarely got to see one another since Lu Han moved to Korea. It'd be nice to have a memory.

"Okay, let me have a look." Lu Han didn't hesitate to take the phone from Yixing's hands.

It was two people arguing who made Yixing and Lu Han take their attention from the phone to across the street.

"Baek! Hyunnie! Wait up! I really did like what you did! It was cute!"

It was hard not to miss the tall man running down the street, shouting almost too loudly.

And second chapter done, this was a bit long, but I planned to get it to this point, and so forgive me. And a thank you to those who subscribed and are reading this. <3 

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Chapter 22 was done before I went to sleep. :3 Hope you guys like it~


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leinati95 #1
Chapter 22: wow, they all are connected in some way aren't they! please update soon, want to know more about what happened in the past! loving all krisho's moments even though there is not that many.
Chapter 20: I'm guessing the young Joonmyeon was kidnapped together with one of childhood friends? Either Jongdae or Kyungsoo? I really want to know what exactly transpired between the latter and Joonmyeon to cause such enmity between them. So many questions... I started reading this to check out your other fics -after liking that kaisoo one which left me in tears and a broken heart-, and also in part because of the (chen)kaisoo tag. And I am, once again, impressed with your writing. However, I am left with frustration over Kaisoo. My heart goes to Kyungsoo //ok I'm partial to adorable freaky-eyed Kyungsoo if you don't already know// and I want to scream at him to get out of the toxic 'relationship' *if they could call it that* but I realize they're both using each other. I secretly hope though that despite Jong-In's commitment phobe tendencies and the hot-and-cold attitude, he does have feelings *however minute* for dear Kyungsoo. I like the way you tease (torture?) your readers by leaving tidbits and clues so we could form our own conjectures...until the next chapter, or the next, reveal itself. I wish I could drill a hole in your creative mind right now though to satiate this burning curiosity of mind. But violence do not become me. So I shall let you live. For now. Bruhahahaha. Ok. I fail at making fake threats. Anyway. Can't wait to read more soon!
Chapter 20: Yay!!! I love the junmyeon chapters and this one was awesome as always. I wonder what the specific incident in the past was and who was there with him?
I also wish yi fan would sop being so passive. He wants to reach out to junmyeon...
Nice job!
epiblema #4
Chapter 18: i love the intensity of this chapter, but especially this: "Slowly. Slowly. Pushing its sharp edge against the weaker skin, growing with pressure until it stuck through unexpectedly. Slowly. Slowly. Through every layer at speed that Chanyeol found he could never define as anything more than excruciating. It was almost a relief when it finally broke through, as if he could let himself inhale after holding his breath for too long." great stuff!!

this chapter explains a lot abt their relationship, although there are a few lingering questions still: i'm kind of confused why they don't TALK about their feelings esp when they seem to be mutual (although tbf if people communicated relationship problems wouldn't exist/95% of fic would be angst-less), and i don't get why baekhyun keeps pushing girls onto chanyeol when he knows chanyeol is gay... but hopefully these questions will be answered soon ;; keep writing!! i love the stuff you write (and ik i seem to have a one-track mind with the baekyeol but god i'm so into your kaichen, and the other stories too ;;)
Chapter 18: Waaaah so sad :( so many misunderstandings between these too...it makes it so painful but so good and so real. Nice work so far!
Chapter 11: they don't understand each other, but their ways of communicating is so cute ><
Chapter 9: awww. what's happening to jongdae ;A; poor him.

i like your writing style for this story ^u^

keep up the good work~
Wow this is a great story with a well line story I wondering why no one live comment yet for this, keep going Author-nim :)