You're where I go while I sleep.



Since he was a sixteen, Jong-in has had the power of traveling into the past, into the memories of those around him. Like a dream, he can only do it while he's sleeping. Anything he does in that memory, changes nothing to the reality, but he can change what happens in memory as he goes along. He can peek behind a curtain, and experience the thousand paths he could have chosen. Although, inevitably, he wakes up, and returns to the path he chose, the path he is on. It's not an easy task, it can't be done without an anchor; a piece of the memory he wishes to visit. But like everything, time erodes at memories, and soon, its less a memory and more of a dream. 


"Every time I come back--start again--I forget the ending. I forget what's coming. Details. Pieces. The streets, the car colours, the time, the weather, what we were wearing and what we were doing. It's like a dream where I wake up and the harder I try to hold onto it, the less I remember and the more my mind fills it in with what makes sense. I know you said something to me that day, but I don't know the words or the sound of your voice as you made them. I trace my finger over your lips as you move them, but I can't remember the feeling of them moving. This is our shared memory, the more I change it, the more it becomes mine and only mine. The more I lose you. Eventually I'll reach the end and I'll hear my own words behind your lips, my own voice talking back to me.. There will be nothing of you left in that memory."

"Even if it's one more time, I need to hear it."










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voracious #1
Chapter 8: I can't even find words to comment on this amazing story. Just reading it captured all of the eloquence and beauty in my world, so I have none left over to properly describe to you how much I loved it. ^^
Chapter 8: This was heartbreakingly beautiful. //crying// I love the concept and your writing was oh so wonderful. But still. I'm crying ;__;