

The restaurant was dimly lit, it would have closed for a couple hours after lunch to get ready for the dinner. It's name was written in the usual golden paint and swirled English lettering. Everything was how it was when Chanyeol left for holidays, the seating plans remained how they were and the table settings still looked too expensive for Chanyeol to even touch. It was described as modern elegance. That;s the words they'd used in the reviews, but Chanyeol only understood the kitchen. They never let him be a waiter after one misguided night of trying something new. No one still quite understand how he could cook as well as he did and yet not be able to wait a table without thoroughly upsetting all the patrons.

"Yeol-ah!" A boyish voice greeted Chanyeol as soon as he stepped through the front door of his work.

Cheol Yong waved Chanyeol over to the bar where he was standing around with the girls. That had not changed once since Chanyeol had been hired. The girls waited on the tables and greeted the customers, and the males sweated it out in the kitchen. Jung Ji-Hoon was a young entrepreneur, but he'd made a name for himself with the right people and Chanyeol could only say he was a nice enough boss. 

A smile greeted the girls faces as Chanyeol stepped around the table and met the group by the bar. "Channie!"

"Why are you girls happy to see him but not me?" Cheol Yong's immature objection made Chanyeol feel more embarrassed.

"Because he remembers all our names and you still can't remember mine," a new male voice came abruptly from the kitchen door and Chanyeol waved a shortly at Chang Seon, the sous chef. 

He was right. Chanyeol had learned all their names an positions on the first week. Only because Cheol Yong had said it would be on the test the week after. A test that neither existed or would happen. But Chanyeol hadn't forgotten. 

"Chang-sook, Eun-mi, Min-joo, Surin and Eun-young," Chanyeol listed off the girls names, and then their positions in order. "Hostess, waitress, waitress, waitress and waitress."

"Of course he'd remember the girls," Cheol Yong persisted.

It didn't take much for Chang Seon to come up behind the stubborn boy, covering Cheol Yong's mouth with a hand. "You talk too much."

Two second later and Chang Seon was wiping his hand on his shirt after a loud 'gross, don't bite me', and kicked Cheol Yong's leg in an annoyed manner. Chanyeol smiled sheepishly, all the fuss was over him. 

"Boys, Seung Ho needs his troops assembled," Byung Hee, the chef de partie, called out from the kitchen.

Chanyeol followed Cheol Yong and Chang Seon into the kitchen, both of them still nudging and play fighting with one another in front of him. It wasn't anything new. The two boys were the bad luck duo. Every time they pulled the short straw and had to stay behind together while the everyone else went out for drinks to celebrate. They were even the perpetrators if the 'good chef, bad food' plan to get themselves out of cooking dinner for the staff.

"Channie! I forgot our kitchen maknae was coming back today," Seung Ho, the head chef's warm, affectionate voice snapped Chanyeol's head up.

"Ah, yea," Chanyeol smiled, bobbing his head to see four new faces in the kitchen. That was a lot of people to replace at once.

"I greeted him first!" Cheol Yong's need for attention caused the weirdest declarations to spurt from his lips. But he must have noticed Chanyeol looking at the new faces. "We lost half a star and Ji-Hoon.." Cheol Yong drew a line across his neck, before he laughed. "We all saved you."

"Chang Seon and Seung Ho saved him," the sauté chef, Sang Hyun's softer voice came from behind Chanyeol before he made his way past to stand to the far side like he always did.

The chatter and noise in the kitchen was a lot, especially before the restaurant opened. But it was always a place Chanyeol felt happy to be at. They stuck by the 'work hard, play hard' rule and more than not they'd find some reason to celebrate at least once a week. Loud clapping echoed overhead, and almost everyone drew quiet to see Byung Hee slowly lowering his hands. Seung Ho stood awkwardly next to him, but still a warm expression on his face. Although Seung Ho was the head chef, Byung Hee could control the kitchen better, and while Chang Seon was the second-in-command, he never seemed to show that side of him unless someone messed up. 

"Now everyone, Ji-Hoon will be in the restaurant tonight, with important people. I don't know who, but he said we'd better not mess up. As always, cook your best," Seung Ho gave the announcement with his hands clasped.

Suddenly Chanyeol felt hands begin to push him forward, and he only caught sight of Cheol Yong over his shoulder.

"And we're having a drink to celebrate Chanyeol making it back to us, right?" Cheol Yong seemed to seek other people to agree with him. "Right?"

Chanyeol watched Seung Ho hesitate, before he nodded. "So Chang Seon and Cheol Yong will be on clean-up duty then?"

Two disgruntled 'Ya!'s came from those named, and laughter filled the room for a moment. But it didn't last long, with the time passing and work to be done, Chanyeol soon ducked into the back room to change into his kitchen uniform, tying the apron around his waist and tucking his things away in the locker. He stepped backwards out of the room, the door pressed to his back as he folded up his white sleeves and was met face to face with Sang Hyun.

"You're over with me to start with," the sauté chef stated, short and directly.

Chanyeol nodded, Sang Hyun wasn't much of a talker, but he was good with his job and he had taught Chanyeol a lot in the short time they spent together. But he probably wouldn't remain with Sang Hyun for the whole night. Chanyeol often moved from place to place. Wherever they need him in the kitchen, he was to be there. It meant he never had much time to stop once he started.

"Let's start with the prep work," Sang Hyun said as the stood in his corner of the kitchen.

"Ne," Chanyeol agreed, moving to gather the first things they would need. 

The boy was hoping to have more time before they started, the whole bus ride he'd lacked any ideas for how to sway Baekhyun. They all felt false and cliche in his head, and he thought he'd get advice from his co-workers. If he'd been placed with one of the others, he might have got to chat during the prep work, but not with Sang Hyun. All Chanyeol could do was focus on his work, he'd have to do his research after. No matter how hard it was to do that.

- - -

The stinging sensation made Chanyeol cringe, the blood mixing with the running water as he tugged at the next Band-Aid. Three defined cuts, two burns on his arm and a slap on the back of his head from Chang Seon for burning some food. It was not like Chanyeol at all to mess up that much in one shift. 

"First night back jitters?" Chang-sook's voice came over Chanyeol's shoulder and the boy nodded.

"I was distracted," Chanyeol looked up to see the hostess leaning in the staff bathroom doorway. "What are the others up to?"

"Pulling straws. Chang Seon, Jong Suk and Eun-young are so far in charge of cooking food. Now they're doing the clean up crew," she spoke as she came up next to Chanyeol and lifted his hand up to inspect the damage. "Aigoo, you made a mess."

Chanyeol bit his lip, watching the blood begin the bubble from the wounds again in deep reds and Chang-sook lifted his arm up further, examining the burns that ran in a line under his right forearm. He didn't want her to be looking at the wounds. He wanted Baekhyun to be scolding him for being useless and shaking his head when whines broke his lips. But Baekhyun was at home, and he wanted Chanyeol to see someone else. 

"Let me go get the medical kit," Chang-sook said, as she let go and Chanyeol nodded his head reluctantly.

"Hey, Chang-sook," Chanyeol called after her, causing her to to stop and look back at him, questioningly. "If someone wanted to confess to you, how would you want them to do it? A way you could never say no to them."

Chang-sook wore a thoughtful look for a moment. "I'd want it to be something sweet and fun. I'd want it to be personal. If they know I like reading romance novels, I'd want them to use that when the confess."

That didn't help Chanyeol at all. He needed a plan. A devise and worked out plan that he could follow. Or he was going to mess it up. He was never good at remembering lines or being smooth. People assumed he was, but everything he'd succeeded at in the dating department came with him fumbling over his words, apologizing and that being cute enough to win the other over. He'd never actually managed to do it as he planned it in his head. And Baekhyun? He didn't seem like he would fall for a cute, haphazard confession. Chanyeol wanted something he could be sure would work and he couldn't mess up.

"Are you having girl troubles, Channie?" Her question made Chanyeol focus on her before he nodded.

"Something like that."

"Just tell her how you feel and I'm sure that will be enough," Chang-sook spoke wisely before she jumped a little. "Hold your hand over the sink, I better get that kit."

Chanyeol's eyes fell to the blood he had dripped over the tiled floor, and he sighed, turning his body back towards the sink. His hand returning to the stinging feeling of water and he considered what Chang-sook had said. 'It'll be enough'. Enough didn't feel like a few words. Chanyeol wanted Baekhyun to.. 

"This is hard," Chanyeol muttered to himself. He didn't even know what he wanted Baekhyun to do beside say yes.

- - -

The staff finished their dinner around half-past ten, those in charge of cooking happily taking their time, while those in charge of cleaning ate hastily. Cheol Yong, Sang Hyun, Woo Bin, Eun-Mi and Min-joo on their feet so they could get the work done as soon as possible. Chanyeol had been excluded due to the fact that the celebration drinks they were to have were for his return. He was still nursing his wounds as they sat around the two tables closest to the bar, his plate was emptied fast due to his hungry stomach and he soon felt a hand nudge him on his left.

"I overheard your problem. You should take them out to a restaurant," one of the bartenders, Soryong patted Chanyeol's shoulder as he leaned over and stole a piece of food from the table. "Wine and dine."

"Don't say it like that," Daeryong, older twin of Soryong and second bartender, chastised and Chanyeol shifted a little to see the older twin cleaning behind the bar. 

"But that's what you do," Soryong returned with a cheeky smile before he put another piece of food in his mouth.

"What you do when?" Byung Hee's voice came from the across the table and Chanyeol tried to lower his head; he didn't want this conversation to be happening.

"When you confess to a girl, Chanyeol here was asking Chang-sook how to confess in the bathroom," Soryong gave up the information freely and Chanyeol shook his head.

He had asked Chang-sook cause he knew the older girl was dependable. It's also why he had planned to speak with Seung Ho and Byung Hee. They were about the only other two who wouldn't tell everyone else. But now everyone would know, and Chanyeol felt like he was in high school again. When he first had a girlfriend, and the other boys had jealously insisted on the details.

"It was just a question, I don't need help at all," Chanyeol denied helplessly, pushing his chair out a little as he stood up and collected his plate. "I'm going to go help Cheol Yong in the kitchen."

"No need! Which girl is it? She isn't anyone here, right?" Cheol Yong's voice piped up as he came out of the kitchen. "Eun-young? Surin? Min-joo?"

Chanyeol felt the panic grow in his chest, as well as the knots. It wasn't a girl. It was Baekhyun. Why did everyone assume it was a girl? Why did it bother him so much? He just wanted it to be known and out in the open. Chanyeol had been hiding himself for so long. 

"Let's change and go to the club down the street for these drinks," Seung Ho spoke up for the first time since they sat down, and Chanyeol's eyes fell to the head chef who was gathering himself to his feet. The older male was saving him. "Or I won't buy the first round."

"Seung Ho," Ji-Hoon's voice came over the sound of chatter and everyone cleaning up their plates to leave.

Chanyeol's eyes moved over towards the open front door where their boss stood, ushering two other people inside. A woman and man. When the plate in Chanyeol's hand was tugged at, his gaze fell to the hand and then Byung Hee who was collecting plates. The others were straightening out the tables, and Soryong was stacking glasses in his hands. It was always peaceful two seconds before everyone turned to do their jobs and the rush began. Inside the kitchen was the same, heads down, orders given, and everyone doing what they were supposed to do. The restaurant didn't work any other way.

"Channie, come here."

A quick turn of the head and Chanyeol saw Seung Ho waving him over. 

"Yea, Chef?" 

"Here's the--"

"This is the kitchen's maknae, Park Chanyeol. He's been with us while he learns, we're expecting good things," Ji-Hoon's abrupt introduction startled Chanyeol who didn't think anyone paid much mind to him.

Chanyeol turned a little, Seung Ho pressed his back a little to encourage him to bow to the two strangers who stood next to the owner of the restaurant. There was chatter in a language Chanyeol didn't understand as he felt Seung Ho tug at the back of his shirt, which instructed him to stand up straight. He smiled at the woman and man, suddenly realizing he met someone who was taller than even him. 

"Miss. Li would like to pass on the message that the food here was beyond compare," the male stranger spoke, and Chanyeol didn't know if he was supposed to be listening or not. 

"It's because we encourage teamwork and natural talent, don't we, head chef?" Ji-Hoon spoke with the tone he always used when he was attempting win favour. Not that he didn't mean what he said, Chanyeol had just noticed he was more professional.

"Yes, Ji-Hoon even works behind the bar some nights, and even eats meals with us. We are all very close here," Seung Ho agreed with a wide smile and Chanyeol nodded too, even though he wasn't sure if he was supposed to.

He watched the man speak in whispers to the womans' ear, who nodded as her eyes moved from Ji-Hoon, to Seung Ho, and finally on Chanyeol. He didn't like her. It was just a feeling he got from her, but he was glad when Seung Ho excused the both of them from the conversation and Ji-Hoon asked that the head chef meet them in the office as soon as he could. 

"Here's the money for the first round of drinks," Seung Ho help out the money to Chanyeol who took it in both his hands and nodded his head. "And don't let the others bully you around. Tell me if they do anything inappropriate."

"Seung Ho gave Yeol-ah the money!" Chang Seon's voice was suddenly very loud and excitable.

"I trust you guys to turn up to work tomorrow," Seung Ho gave the final warning, before Chanyeol watched him turn and head in the direction Ji-Hoon had led his guests.

An arm was slung over Chanyeol's shoulder and he was greeted with Chang Seon's face on his left. The other was clearly glad not to have pulled cleaning duty again, and was eager to leave, which was made more apparent by the way he shouted. Chanyeol was hoping to get one drink and make it home before anyone realized he'd left. He wasn't in the mood to drink; he needed to figure out his situation with Baekhyun.

"First round is on Seung Ho-hyung! Everybody who wants in better hurry up, because last one ready will be paying for second round."

- - - 

Chanyeol was leaning against the bar as he tried to list off the drink order from his co-workers. Daeryong and Soryong had got them in with a friendly handshake with the employees at the club. There was a rumour that the twins worked as DJ's from time to time, and their job in bartending had let them make friends with a lot of the clubs. Or any that were worth making friends in, according to Soryong. The bartender across from Chanyeol seemed to be new, they grew flustered with the long list and Chanyeol kept smiling at them as reassuringly as he could. He wasn't in a rush.

His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he pulled it out expecting it to either be Baekhyun, asking where he was, or one of his co-workers with the same question. But it was Baekhyun's older sister. It wasn't that unusual, if she couldn't contact Baekhyun, she'd contact Chanyeol. He held the money in one hand and his phone in the other, opening the text message.

 Baekhyun's Noona~~

Yeol-ah, you've met my friend, Bo-Na right?
You said she was pretty~
It was at my surprise party for my last birthday.
She wore that really, really cute pink dress.
You helped her light the cake and bring it out.

I remember her. 
She was pretty and sweet, why?

Hyun-ah said to set you up on a blind date.
And I remembered seeing you two together~

Baekhyun wasn't just ending it, he was pushing him away. How long had it taken him to call and set up a blind date?

"Don't, I said let go," a voice Chanyeol felt he recognize hit his ears and he glanced around, leaning more over the bar to see down it.

Chanyeol rocked on his feet, his knee hitting the bar roughly as he dropped his phone onto the counter and shook his head. He felt angry, and hurt. Couldn't Baekhyun have hesitated for a day? Changed his mind. Waited. Thought about it. Regretted it. Baekhyun just decided it. He probably didn't even want to give Chanyeol a chance. A breath was exhaled heavily from his lungs and he rubbed his eyebrow with the heel of his palm. His head hurt suddenly, and he didn't want to stand still. He needed to do something.

"Yeol-ah, where are the drinks?" Chang Seon came up beside him, and Chanyeol forced the money into the others hands. "Yeol-ah, where are you going?"

The voice he recognized was still bothering him, he knew it and he couldn't place it. 

But he felt he needed to find it. 

"Yeol-ah?" He heard Chang Seon call after him still.

A day in the life of Chanyeol.

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Chapter 22 was done before I went to sleep. :3 Hope you guys like it~


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leinati95 #1
Chapter 22: wow, they all are connected in some way aren't they! please update soon, want to know more about what happened in the past! loving all krisho's moments even though there is not that many.
Chapter 20: I'm guessing the young Joonmyeon was kidnapped together with one of childhood friends? Either Jongdae or Kyungsoo? I really want to know what exactly transpired between the latter and Joonmyeon to cause such enmity between them. So many questions... I started reading this to check out your other fics -after liking that kaisoo one which left me in tears and a broken heart-, and also in part because of the (chen)kaisoo tag. And I am, once again, impressed with your writing. However, I am left with frustration over Kaisoo. My heart goes to Kyungsoo //ok I'm partial to adorable freaky-eyed Kyungsoo if you don't already know// and I want to scream at him to get out of the toxic 'relationship' *if they could call it that* but I realize they're both using each other. I secretly hope though that despite Jong-In's commitment phobe tendencies and the hot-and-cold attitude, he does have feelings *however minute* for dear Kyungsoo. I like the way you tease (torture?) your readers by leaving tidbits and clues so we could form our own conjectures...until the next chapter, or the next, reveal itself. I wish I could drill a hole in your creative mind right now though to satiate this burning curiosity of mind. But violence do not become me. So I shall let you live. For now. Bruhahahaha. Ok. I fail at making fake threats. Anyway. Can't wait to read more soon!
Chapter 20: Yay!!! I love the junmyeon chapters and this one was awesome as always. I wonder what the specific incident in the past was and who was there with him?
I also wish yi fan would sop being so passive. He wants to reach out to junmyeon...
Nice job!
epiblema #4
Chapter 18: i love the intensity of this chapter, but especially this: "Slowly. Slowly. Pushing its sharp edge against the weaker skin, growing with pressure until it stuck through unexpectedly. Slowly. Slowly. Through every layer at speed that Chanyeol found he could never define as anything more than excruciating. It was almost a relief when it finally broke through, as if he could let himself inhale after holding his breath for too long." great stuff!!

this chapter explains a lot abt their relationship, although there are a few lingering questions still: i'm kind of confused why they don't TALK about their feelings esp when they seem to be mutual (although tbf if people communicated relationship problems wouldn't exist/95% of fic would be angst-less), and i don't get why baekhyun keeps pushing girls onto chanyeol when he knows chanyeol is gay... but hopefully these questions will be answered soon ;; keep writing!! i love the stuff you write (and ik i seem to have a one-track mind with the baekyeol but god i'm so into your kaichen, and the other stories too ;;)
Chapter 18: Waaaah so sad :( so many misunderstandings between these makes it so painful but so good and so real. Nice work so far!
Chapter 11: they don't understand each other, but their ways of communicating is so cute ><
Chapter 9: awww. what's happening to jongdae ;A; poor him.

i like your writing style for this story ^u^

keep up the good work~
Wow this is a great story with a well line story I wondering why no one live comment yet for this, keep going Author-nim :)