-"Miss me baby?" (CAP's POV)

Stupid! I LOVE YOU!

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I leave the others behind and walk straight with no definite destination on where to go. All I know is I want to find this girl, this girl who I miss so much. There's so much thing I want to tell her. About my days these past two years, and then we will talk about our memories together. The thought alone have made me smile.

So now where do I search for her?? Her class? No, I don't think so. It's recess time. She must be at the cafeteria, Well, it's worth a try. So I walk alone to the cafeteria with my mind keep playing my memories with her. The first we met, I saw her crying in a shopping mall and she was so cute so I came to her. The next day was another coincidence that brings our fate together . Well, who expect her to be my new neighbour, right? My dad moved a lot that time because of work and that was the sixth time we moved to a new place since I was born. And I was four that time. After that, things started to settle down but then when I'm in my first year of high school I have to move again and leave her for a while.

We have been real close since we've met each other at the playground and started hangout a lot together that people started to think that we are in a relationship. Yeah, maybe I fall in love with her like,, a bit? Maybe, I don't know. All I know is I like hanging around her a lot, and even when we are home, she's the first girl I look for when I open my laptop to chat. And when I can't see her I got really upset like she's my vitamins for my day. That's why I got real upset when I know that we will move to the America.

I still remember that day, it's her last day of school for that year and I'm moving the next week,so I have decided to spend my time with her the whole week that I bought both of us tickets for our holiday. Right after her school time is over  I go to her class to fetch her. She was busy with her friends and I did ask her to speed up.At first I was okay, she was hugging her girlfriends. But I don't know why I got a little jealous when she started hugging with the boys crowd. I know it was just friend matters but my heart is aching that time so I accidently rise my tone to her asking her to get faster.

"What's wrong with you? This is my last day and I won't be able to see them for two month.I just need a little time with them."

"Owh, you can't see them for two month? Guess what, you won't be seeing me for two years and maybe more.Why can't you understand me?!" I don't know why I scolded her that time, and it was my first time rising my tone to her. I walk away after that, but luckily she grab my hands afterward. She smile at me cutely and said "Mianhae,oppa."

 Too over,huh? But whatever it is, we are just bestfriend. Not more than that.  And now I'm back, well I didn't tell her I'm coming back because I want it to be a suprise. She got into a different school from me, so I think i'm going to suprise her by coming to her house. But the day after I got here, I come to my school to look for my friends here and they told me about this exchange students programme and one of the student will be going to Maplecleak high school, her school. So I applied for the role and when they look at my good result they agreed to give the role to me. And here I am, in Maplecleak, searching for her.

When I got to the entrance door of the cafeteria, I poke my head around to look for her. Hmmmhh,, I didn't see her here. Where is she? Library maybe? I remember that she always go to the library if she doesn't have her appetite. I was on my way to the cafeteria's door when I saw her with another girl. I was so happy when I saw that face that I have only saw in the laptop screen for the past two years. 

I quickly speed my paced walk to her when her friend is running crazily towards her to. She must be giving some sign or something that make my girl want to turn back, and I quickly hug her from behind and  I whisper softly to her ear saying Jung Yongjoon ahhh~~ "Miss me,baby?" 

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Chapter 2: A good start for a new beginner.. :)

keep up the good work...
*As soon as possible ehen ny laotop got repaired
Rite now im having a problem with my laptop :( so im sorry for not updating because the only things working here is my phone .. i'll try to update as sson as my la
Guys, please comment and tell me whats im doing wrong plss :)