-Popular Kids (Zelo POV)-

Stupid! I LOVE YOU!

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-Zelo's POV-

After I left Daehyun and Youngjae, I went to the toilet. Now where is the toilet again? Oh yeah, it's right there! I quickly speed my steps. But then I stop! Eahhh??? This is the boys' toilet, right? Why is there so much girl infront of the door? 

"I'm sorry, but where is the boy's toilet?" I ask one of them.

I don't know why, maybe because my question sound stupid to them that the girls start to scream like fans on concert.

"Here!Here! This is the boys' toilet!"

"Owhh.. So, why are there so many girls here?"


She didn't finish her answer but started to laugh with her friends. Okay, they creep me out.. why are they here infront of the boys' toilet? Now my mind is playing dirty things. I understand boys around girls' toilet but girls infront of boys' toilet? Doesn't make any sense.. Weird school.. Oh, sorry, my mistake.. Weird students.. That's right..

"Because we want to see you!"

She shout and her friends start to laugh with each other.

"Okay........? " I quickly run into the toilet to avoid those scary girls. When I'm done with my business, I step outside of the toilet, only to find that the girls were still hanging around there. So I quickly walk away to go to the cafeteria and meet Youngjae so that I can ask him what is wrong with these girls. But they caught with me fast.

"Hi, my name is Gina, what's your name?"


"Hi, Junhong. Nice to meet you, and by the way, you're cute. Way too cute."


Okay, what is wrong with this girls? They are following me wherever I go right now.

"And you must be wondering, what we are doing infront of the boys' toilet and then we said that we were there to meet you right?You wanna know the story? Okay, it started like this. I was on my way to the cafetria when I saw Youngjae with you guys. And I heard you said that you are going to the toilet. So i quickly gather up all my friends .." Then she point me to her friends that still follow me from behind and started waving me.

"Why do you want to meet me?"

"Because you're cute... The four of you are. I thought maybe I'll follow that other guy, you know, the one that leave your group after the one who said he want to meet someone. But then you said you were going to the toilet. And you are alone that time, so I think that the others will be at the cafeteria and there are so many people there so it may be hard for us to know each other. So I follow you instead. I wanna know you. Everything about you, please."

"You were so close with us that time you were able to hear that?"

"Yeah... And I almost bumped into the guy that was left with Youngjae that time. And you know how excited I am to be able to meet you hot guys!"


I didn't reply much and I'm trying to quicken up my pace so I can run from them buy they are also very fast, and this girl name Gina is starting to annoy me with her attitude.

I'm happy the time I saw the cafeteria,so I quickly run to it but they were still chasing me saying

"Junghong wait! Wait!"

And they manage to keep up with me in no time. I can't think much, all I know is I want to run from these girls. I go to that table, and they were still following me, I go to that table and there they were, by my side. I saw the others, J-Hope, and Cap, but they were alone so I'm afraid that these girls will start to attack them to, and I can't find Youngjae and Daehyun anywhere. So what do I do now?

I look around, and most girls were like staring at me and then I saw someone.

Her! She can help me! She doesn't look like she's interested in me, maybe she can help me get rid of these girls.

I change my destination and go towards her, when I saw she stands up, maybe she saw me going towards her so she want to run. Oh no, wait, you must help me!

So I quickly run to her, grab her hand and hug her shoulder.

Just what the hell am I doing right now?

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Chapter 2: A good start for a new beginner.. :)

keep up the good work...
*As soon as possible ehen ny laotop got repaired
Rite now im having a problem with my laptop :( so im sorry for not updating because the only things working here is my phone .. i'll try to update as sson as my la
Guys, please comment and tell me whats im doing wrong plss :)