The party

Complicated Love



--next day-- (after school XD) 
Seungho pov- 
"Hae Yoon-ah, do you want to change before shopping or just going like this?" I asked her.. 
"Lets just go like this.. It wouldn't be good if any of the shops were closed at night.." She stated.. 
I nodded and we walked around the streets.. We passed by one shop but nothing interesting caught my eye.. 
It was the same for the second and third shop but for the fourth shop, a beautiful and y black dress caught my eye.. I quickly dragged Hae Yoon in.. 


I awed.. It looks fantastic! Hae Yoon would definitely rock this outfit.. After all, she matches really well with it.. 
Your pov- 
When he handed me the dress, my jaw dropped.. Its.. Its.. Sooooo revealing... 
O_O ... He chuckled at my expression.. 
"Its fantastic isn't it!?" He exclaimed.. 
"Yes but.. Its so revealing!" I said.. 
"No worries! You'll rock it! You match this dress.. " he said.. 
Well, its not that i don't have a good body or whatsoever i just don't like showing off my body.. I have a S-Line and a C-Cup but i don't like showing them off.. I mean like, its my body right? 
"... If you say so.." I mumbled.. 
I took the dress in my hand and went to the dressing room..
Once i put it on, i looked at myself in the mirror.. I still feel its too showwy.. I went out of the dressing room with a nervous heart and an anxious mind.. 
What would Seungho's reaction be? 
Once he saw me, he stared at me and scanned me from head to toe.. He had surprise in his eyes.. 
"Its too revealing.." I said.. 
"No no, it looks perfect on you! You look just.. Stunning!" He smiled.. 
I nodded and hurried back to the dressing room.. Its revealing but if Seungho says its nice that it has to be nice right? I think.. 
I changed back to my uniform and went out.. 
I saw a pair of heels in Seungho's hands.. 
"Hae Yoon-ah, try this on!" 
It fitted perfectly.. It matched with the dress i wore earlier.. 
"Are you able to walk with it?" He asked with concern.. 
I stood up and tried walking.. It was a little unstable at first but Seungho held onto me and walked with me.. After a few more steps, i was able to walk in heels! 
"Alright, then lets but these two.. I already have a suit.. I'll pay.." He offered. 
"Thanks.. I'll pay you back.. How much is it?" I asked.. 
"No, consider it a present for being there for me when i felt alone.. No buts and no arguments!" 
I couldn't fight back and gave the -.- look.. He smiled and paid the bill.. 
"Wahh.. You guys look good together.. You would make a perfect couple!" The cashier praised.. 
"No, we're not dating.." I said.. 
"Ahh.. My bad.. Thats a pity though.. Although you're not a couple, here's a couple keychain.. Thanks for shopping with us!" 
We both bowed and went out of the shop.. I looked at the keychains.. They were sweet.. One was a lock while the other was a key.. It was like saying: The Key to My Heart.. 
"Do you want to put it on that bad?" Seungho teased when he caught me smiling at the couple keychain.. 
"Well, its sweet but.." 
I got interrupted when Seungho took the key.. He keychained it to his wallet.. 
"Well, we're sorta always together so it makes sense.." He avoided my confused gaze.. 
After a while, we had reached my house.. 
"I'll pick you up at 7pm tomorrow so that i can bring you to the stylist to style your hair and then it would be the complete look! And we can reach there at 8pm.. " he said.. 
"Ok sure.. See you tomorrow.." I waved to him.. He waved back at me and went into his car.. I went inside of my house and watched as his car drove off.. 
I don't know why but i'm becoming so attached to Seungho.. And a part of me has already changed into my old self without me knowing.. I took a shower and ironed the dress.. I sighed.. Would i be able to 'rock the dress' like Seungho said? It revealed my C-Cup and body curves and not to mention its really short too! Its my first time i've been to a party and not to say a grand party such as that.. I didn't want to be a burden to Seungho.. I hanged the dress on the chair with my shoes underneath.. I ate my dinner and did some homework and stretches before sleeping.. 
--next day-- 
Seungho pov-
I was in my car and i had reached Hae Yoon's house.. I was dressed in my tuxedo and my hair was all done.. Slowly, Hae Yoon came out from her house and into my car.. She looked dazzling! 
"Se-Seungho, don't you think the dress is too short?" She asked.. 
I looked at her legs.. (That sounded wrong! XD) The dress was indeed really short.. It covered only less than mid-thigh! But i have to say, it makes her look really y.. 
"Don't worry, its ok to show it to me since i'm not some but i'll protect you at the party.." 
She flashed a thankful smile.. We then drove off to my stylist.. After about 30 minutes of styling, Hae Yoon just looked so.. Perfect! 
I paid my stylist and we drove off to the party.. 
When we had reached the party, i could feel everybody staring at us.. We walked to where my parents were.. "Father, Mother, meet Hae Yoon.. She's the one i said i'd bring.." I introduced.. 
My parents had satisfied and pleasant smiles.. 
"This is great.. You didn't let me down.. " my father chuckled.. 
"Alright, you can mingle around if you want oh and please greet the Jung's family.. They wanted to meet you!" He smiled. 
Me and Hae Yoon both nodded and went our way.. I then spotted G.O, the son of the Jung's.. He waved to me.. 
"Where are your parents?" I asked.. 
"Their at the table there.." He pointed for me.. 
"And who is she?" He whispered and winked at Hae Yoon.. 
"Don't even think about it!" I smacked his shoulder and went to the table he had pointed to with Hae Yoon.. 
"Good evening, I am Seungho and this is Hae Yoon.." I bowed.. 
"Ahh.. So this is the famous Seungho.. You look very handsome and your partner just looks stunning! You make the perfect pair!" They complimented.. 
"Thank you." 
"Alright, the party is about to begin.. Come sit with us!" 
We sat at empty seats but all of a sudden, G.O sat beside Hae Yoon.. I could see she felt uncomfortable immediately.. 
He chatted with her and kept looking at her legs and chest.. 
"Need help?" I whispered.. 
She nodded..
I took out my black jacket and placed it over her so that it was covering her chest since it was the area which was the most exposing.. 
"Move your chair in.." I whispered again and she did as she was told.. Now the table cloth was helping her cover the rest of her legs.. 
She heaved a sigh of relief once G.O stopped looking at her.. 
"Thanks.." She smiled to me.. 
G.O looked at me with innocent eyes pretending he didn't do anything.. I shot him a glare before looking back at the table.. The food had arrived.. 
"To the success of Jung's, CHEERS!" Everyone cheered and clanged their cocktails togethers.. 
We then ate and drank heartily.. 
After awhile of chatting, it was time for the dancing.. 
"Excuse me, i'll make a short run to the Mens' " i bowed and excused myself.. 
After i came back, i was horrified by what i saw! G.O was asking Hae Yoon to be his partner for the dance! I rushed over and placed an arm over Hae Yoon's shoulder.. 
"She's mine tonight G.O.." I glared at him.. 
He smirked and backed away.. I didn't know what his smirk meant but i turned and looked at Hae Yoon.. She passed me back my jacket.. "Thanks.. It was really uncomfortable.." She thanked me again.. 
The music started.. At first it was something like club music but it slowly changed to a slow music.. I could feel several pairs of eyes staring at us as we moved to the slow beat.. 
"They're staring at us.." Hae Yoon said.. 
"Both guys and girls.." 
I chuckled and said,"Then we must really be such a dazzling pair.." 
She gave an awkward smile.. 
"Are you uncomfortable with this? Do you want them to stop looking?" I asked.. 
She nodded,"Yes.." 
"Ok, don't regret what you just said.." I said.. 
I placed my forehead against hers.. I stared into her beautiful eyes.. I slowly closed my eyes and leaned in until our lips were touching.. 
Your pov- 
I was so shocked when he leaned in.. He.. He's kissing me! I was too shocked to even respond.. I just widened my eyes.. I could feel electric in my body.. It was a nice sensation..
When he pulled back, i just stared at him in shock.. He looked around.. "Look, nobody's looking at us now.." He smiled.. 
After a moment of silence, he asked,"Are you ok?" 
Heat rised up to my cheeks rapidly as i snapped out of it.. I looked down to hide the blush and nodded.. 
"I'm sorry if it shocked you.." He apologised.. 
I shook my head.. "Alright then look at me.." He lifted up my chin to make me look at him in the eye.. There was a slight blush on his cheeks too.. I kept averting his gaze as we danced to the slow rythm.. I was too shy to do so.. 
Seungho pov- 
I didn't know why i kissed her but i just did and it felt so right.. Her soft lips matched with my plump lips.. She was shy to look back at me in the eye.. 
After the party ended, we headed back to the car.. 
Halfway while driving, she asked me,"Why did you do that?" 
"I'm not sure myself.. But my insides burned when G.O kept staring at you from head to toe so i decided to kiss you so that they would all go,"Ahh.. Their taken..""
She chuckled and said,"Thanks.. For saving me from the awkwardness with G.O.." 
"Its fine.. You have thanked me so many times already.. " 
I was glad she understood and didn't shy away from me.. When we had reached back to her house, she looked at me and said,"Even though youmve heard this many times, i still want to say thanks.. For everything.." 
Just then, she gave me a slight peck on my lips.. I was surprised by her action.. But it was like fireworks sparking! 
She then left the car and went back into her house.. I was so joyful that she kissed me back even though i'm not sure why.. 
That night, i kept tossing and turning in bed.. I touched my lips.. The sensation was still there.. I smiled to myself and slept.. 
Your pov- 
I had a nice shower and went to bed.. When i kissed him, it felt.. Nice.. His soft and plump lips.. It was an electric shock! I don't know why but i was just really happy.. Does that mean that i... 
No way!! No, don't think about it! I slapped myself and forced myself to sleep.. 

Dear readers, 



Ok, i know i said I'd have a triple update but i emm.. Fell asleep while writing this.. -.-"... But! How do you guys like this chapter? I liked it.. And emm, i haven't thought about what to write for the next chapter but i'll try my best! 


Thank you for reading! Bye~ 


Author Hyunmin

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2027 streak #1
Chapter 7: A nice story author-nim :) i enjoyed reading it...
BabySsul_13 #2
Chapter 5: UpDate Author nim PLSSSSSS